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Everything posted by L0stS0uL

  1. ok well im a guy and all but ill give you some advice. Be yourself and dont change just to try to get her to like you. You want her to like you for something you are, not something you are trying to be. i mean that you want her to like you for you, and not something you really aren't. Also if you look at a girl and your like staring at her and she looks dont just look the other way, i mean yea some girls think its cute, but just give her a nod maybe a and say hi. Also think confident about it, i mean if she looks at you its either you've been looking too long and she can notice(very doubtful) or she might have feelings for you too. If u see her around say hi to her. THen maybe gradually develop into a conversation. OR you can save yourself a lot of trouble and just get her screen-name and like talk to her online. Just be yourself and if she doesnt like you for that and wants you to be something different, dont change. You are who you are, and thats the most unique thing about u, so dont let that come to waste.
  2. I wrote this poem for my two new best friends who came into my life when i needed them most. I can never thank them for what they gave me so im writing them this poem to tell them how thankful i am to have them in my life. It first goes through what i went through and then it comes up to how they contributed in saving me!... Soo if you can just tell if its good or not because im not sure if i should give it too them or not!!!! thanks agen.. One of the greatest gifts That ever crossed my path feelings of bliss turned to sadness and wrath. You told me something I would never forget, I couldn't respond And this I'll always regret. You told me you loved me Too sad to reply Losing someone like you The only healing is to die. Saying Goodbye was hard couldn't imagine a pain this extreme, thinking we'll keep in touch but things aren't as they seem. Didn't just lose one, I lost both of my best friends, This pain I feel has worsened, And I'm sure it never ends. Losing such a treasure, as delicate as this, has now dissipated and left, forever into the abyss. There's no reason for me here Which I've known for a while I need to give up, it's the only way I can smile. I see my last sight And I breathe my last breath Knowing whats to come I'm devoted to this death. Then some one came To help me with my trouble, I was nearly gone But was pulled from beneath the rubble. Two new best friends whom I'll never forget, You saved my life Which ill never regret. You both are my sun That keeps my day bright And also the moon That I look up to at night. Without you two by my side I don't know where I would be, So I thank god every night For you being there for me. I can never thank you For what you've brought to me, You gave me a second chance And I hope we will always be. I always feel safe With just the warmth of your touch, And I promise I'll be there for you I love you girl's sooo much.
  3. Wow man you really do know how to write poems.... i've tried some but they never come out as good as your did. Keep writing them and dont do nothing stupid, you got a great talent dont let it come to waste!
  4. ok well i've had plenty of problems with girls. I can never get myself to stick with one. Right now im real close to this one girl but idk theres been this one other girl who i have been thinking of like everyday since january. She use to like me but i was just scared to start sumthin with her b.c she likes to flirt and i didnt want to get hurt. Its weird b/c all of my friends say i like her b/c shes hott and all this, but i know its more than that. B/c when i hang out with her i just feel like i can b myself and i mean if i dont see her for like 2 weeks ill begin to forget about her. But when i see her agen all my feelings come back, but even stronger than before. Neway im going to tell this new girl im close to now that i think we shoudl b friends b/c we never really do hangout or nething... she never can. So i want to start focusing on this other girl. All her friends tell me she likes me but i think she also likes this other kid. He was one of my good friends who just recently moved. She talks to him evry night and day. I barely talk to her nemore b/c shes always talkin with my friend. i guess im alittle jealous or w/e b/c i want to talk to her and all she does is talk to my old good friend. I mean he moved real far away and like theres no way they can each have a relationship b/c it wouldnt work, they know it as well as i do. I dont want to like bother her but i want to talk to her about like us having sumthing. I really do like her a lot and i cant stop thinking of her. We've had things on and off since last summer, but now i want to have sumthing for her that i havent had before and i really want to commit to this with her. But now another problem arises, im like great friends with her sister and her friend. ive been hanging out with them 2 for the past 2 weekds and now her sister is beginning to like me. She knows i like her sister but idk she dont seem too care. i talked to her for awhile and we are going to slow down as for hanging out for her not to like me nemroe. but I still really want to start sumthing with this girl no matter wat, but now i dont want to hurt her sisters feelings. another thing is that i feel weird talkin to her on the phone about it b/c ill just b shy and i wont have the courage to do it. So i think im going to tell her on the computer but then it wont mean as much. I really like this girl alot shes been all ive been thinking about lately and all i want to do is have her know b/c then i will have no regrets later about telling her. But idk if im doing the right thing. I just need to know if im doing the right thing and if so then how do i finish it off.... and also if all goes well can u give me some tips and how i can make myself stay loyal to her b/c i want a long relationship and i just want to make sure i like her for along time soo how can i keep myself feeling strongly for her..??
  5. Well you never know about her, she may like u just like u like her. If i were u i would ask her who she likes one day when ur talking. If she doesnt like ne1, then u can talk to one of her close friends and see wat they think u should do. If she likes u, she would have told her best friend. But u really shouldnt hold bak to her shes ur best friend and best friends tell each other evrything. Just tell her u have to talk to her about sumthing, ask her how she feels about u, then tell her how u feel. Dun b scared to tell her how u feel. IF she doesn't feel the same way, then u have to put ur feelings aside and just be friends with her. She wont let 5 years come to waste jus b/c u like her. If u sit bak and wait too long, she might find sum1 and then ur chance will never come.
  6. Well my close friend who've i began to get to know and hang out with have now come to a problem. He likes to do stupid crap like smoke and drink and idk i use to do it with him. My other close friends heard about me doing it and i realize its time to stop b/c i can have fun w/o doing that stuff. I need to talk to him about him having to stop, and if he doesnt then we have to go our separate ways. Last tiem i hung out with him i told him that i dont wanna do that crap nemore, but still his othere friends came over and did it while i was just chillen inside by myself. They kept tryint o bug me about doing it but i wouldnt. I just dont know how to approach him with talkin to him about it. I dont want him thinkin im kidding around and i dont wanna seem like im his mom or nething. I just want to start over and get away from bad influences like him. I dont want to b like enemies with him or nething, i want to get out of it in a nice clean way. i just need someone to give me an idea of how to approach him and tell him that he has to stop or else we are done.
  7. Well you really shouldn't ask her out just yet, because you really dont know a whole lot about her and she doesnt know anything about u. If u really want something with her just start off talking to her like a friend. If u ask her out now she will think ur like crazy. I've had my experience in a similar situation. I began talkin to her friends and then i began to get to know her from what they told me. Then i asked them to introduce me to her. All went well except she didnt see me as someone she liked, just a friend. But a friends better then nothing. You cant just sit back and do nothing, because it might be too late if u wait too long. So work your way through it and try to talk to her like you wanna b friends. Get her s/n and im her or just one day say hi to her. Then when u think ur ready come out and tell her how u feel. The worst thing that can happen is her being ur friend. But no matter wat, u can sit bak b/c then u will lose your chance.
  8. Ok well my parents had a divorce and yea it broke my heart but im gettin over it. But recently my dad told me that my mom had an affair with another man. This man got me a job before i knew about him and my mom. when i heard about this i completely didnt wanna work there, but my dad said that its a good job just do it and the money will b good. Now i know about my mom and this man but i dont know how to confront her about it or even talk to her about it. Shes lied to me when i tried to bring it up she just tells me oo noooo im not bothering with guys for awhile or w/e. Now i cant trust her and im honestly losing feelings for her as my mother. But she doesnt even know i know wat she did. I went to court and now i have joint custidy with them 3 days at each house, but idk now i know about them its not really wat i want. Idk wat to do, i just need some advice of how i should talk to my mom about it. B/c whenever i think about bringing it up i just cant b/c im scared b/c i love her and i dont want her to break her heaert like she broke mine. But i need to talk to her about it and i really need to get through this. So please give me sum advice on this... thanks soo much!!!
  9. well where to begin.... first off about 4 months ago on febuary 9th, my parents decided to come out and tell me that they(mainly my mom) wanted a divorce. This struck me soo hard b/c i would have never guessed it was coming. I was struggling a lot but luckily my two best friends jett nd steve were there to help me get through it. Then about 2 months later my dad needed to talk to me. He tells me that my mom had an affair. about 2 weeks before i also got a job. and my dad awares me that the reason i got the job was b/c of the man my mom had slept with. This just makes me feel great knowing i can get a job on my own ya know. Once again my friends were there to help me out. Then i got really upset and i started to get into and smokin pot wit sum kids who i thought were also my friends. then one of my friends see my mom with a man in the movies. with his description i know it was this man, my boss. Im beginning to get a little pissed off now and i ask my mom nicely about her and maybe another guy. She totally lies to me, right to my face and promises that she didnt. Now my mom is out of my life b/c i cant trust her nemore. Then my 2 best friends let me know that they are moving at the end of the summer which is june 22. The day comes and i had a hard time letting them go. Ive known them for soo long and we were soo close and now the only two things i got left keepingme alive are moving. Soo they left and now im all alone with my dad whose always depressed about my mom b/c he stills loves her. My brother is going to college and i wont see him in a long time soo now its truly jus me on my own and i dont know wat to do... i aint goin to kill myself b/c i aint stupid.... but then agen i really dont have ne1 left im always depressed and now ive been hating myself for gettin into that and smokin crap. Ive taken all that bak and well now its just me on my own and i dont know wat to do i got 2 years of highschool left all by myself. Evrythign and evrywhere i go reminds me of my 2 friends who are now in florida and im in NJ. i just need alittle advice of wat i can do. I prolly wont get ne replys, but if u are reading this please give me alittle advice b/c my life went from the best it can be to......almost over if my life keeps headin the way it is. so nething jus a reply will make me feel better knowing that i might have sum1 to talk to!
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