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  1. at least the girl was honest, not all this "its not you, its me" crap. its just awkward because you've just broke up, give it a few weeks and try attempting friendship again. if it falls through, at least you tried - and now your a free agent! the world is your oyster, sweetie!
  2. just tell him, privately, that its not funny and its getting on your nerves. if he's a proper friend, he'll understand and try and stop. if he doesn't, clearly he has issues about confidence and uses making a joke out of you to take the focus of himself. don't stand for it if it annoys you.
  3. you can never really be sure, but you should know some of the best relationships eventually come out of a friendship. never go into a friendship thinking ''one day i want to nail/go out with/marry (etc) this person, but go into it with an open mind and just learn things about one another that you appreciate and enjoy, hopefully in the future you won't NEED to know the signals - you'll just know.
  4. you need to talk. sit him down and explain that a fw months ago you weren't ready for a relationship, but you've been thinking about him and you know there is something there that you want to persue. maybe he is "ready" for marriage etc but that shouldn't be the reason he is with this othe girl. just let him know how you feel bu let him know that marriage, for now, is not on the cards for you. but in the future it probably will be. then the ball is in his court and it is up to him to decide. all you can do is be honest with him, and whatever decision he comes to, you will stand by and still be there for him whatever happens.
  5. just go with the flow. the girl sounds as though she's not sure what she wants and its perfectly understandable - if you've been friends for so long it can take time to adapt to becoming more than that. but its obviously happening and all you need is patience - she will realise what you have is worth risking a relationship with any day now.
  6. just explain to her that the point of you joining this place was to make new friends and have a good time, and you'd appreciate it if she gave you some time to do so. you don't need to be joined at the hip, and she needs to be told this. if she starts being funny with you, don't back down and let her win - she can't just expect you to follow her around like a dog. but be calm and try not to argue - don't let her manipulate who and when you can talk to people. its your life and you are entitled to speak to who you want.
  7. sounds as though you are a little jealous, which is perfectly normal - been there! before you set your friends up, your boy mate was "yours" and it can be hard to let go, even if you don't fancy him. i think its a good idea you don't hang around with them as a couple, its not really great being the third wheel and it can make feelings like you are having even worse. see them separately, and let your girlmate know that if she wants her boyfriend to do things, its up to her to sort it out not you - its their relationship and you don't want to be involved that closely! if you jut explain to them that being the odd one out is making you uncomfortable, they should understand and make time for you separately. you sound as though you've been a good friend - they'd be mad to let u go!
  8. i know exactly how you feel, i had male friends who became jealous over anyone who displayed an interest in me - so far as to go telling people that i was their girlfriend and they should leave me alone. eventually i sat them down and told them that i didn't like them like that, we were friends and that was how it was going to stay. i let them know how much i valued their friendships and that they were in a better position than any boyfriend because in a way, i loved them more. you just have to be firm and direct otherwise they'll become obbsessed, and thats bordering on the very worrying.
  9. the best thing to do is try and talk to one of your closest friends, find out what the problem is. tell them that you feel a bit neglected and want to know if you have said or done something to upset them - you may have done and not realised. if they don't give you a good reason, they aren't worth the hassle. i know its hard to make new friends - trust me, i've been there - but its worth it. i moved to a different high school from my friends and had to start again, and while i made loads of new friends they all fought amongst themselves and my old group fell apart. try talking to your parents again, or get your brother to mention something to them, they may not realise that you are in so much pain. parents can be just as dense as teenagers sometimes! good luck, you'll be fine - keep your head high and ignore any crap anyone gives you because if they do that, they are beneath you.
  10. sounds as though she isn't ready for a new relationship. she was vunerable and wanted someone to look after her and unfortunately, you got used. the best thing you can do is step back and just be a friend as i don't think she wants anything from anyone at the moment. don't let her some to you when she wants some TLC, you have to let her know you'll support her but only as a friend, nothing more - otherwise you will get walked all over. i hope i've been some use! good luck xx
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