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Everything posted by BeachBlond1319

  1. I really don't know what to do about my friendship with my friend Khayla. We met each other last year our freshman year, and we've been "Friends" ever since. But now since we're both sophemores, we've grown apart a ton. I went away fro teh summer and so did she, and when we both came back, we were a little diffrent then we had have been before. Now, she's always getting mad at me for no apparent reason, and whenever I would talk to my other friends, she would tell me that there trying to take me away from her, and that I don't like her anymore...which is so not true! She gets jelous whenever I talk to another guy too...She says I act like a twit when i'm around them. I mean shes seriously not letting me do anything w/o getting yelled at! We have this little love/hate releationship going on, where we would be in a stupid fight over something she said I would do, then the next week we would be friends again. People always ask me why we are friends, and honestly I really don't know why. I love her to death, but the crap she keeps putting me through is starting to drive me insane!! Ugh... And just recently she went ot Florida and her mom is making her stay down there...I told her not to go cuz I knew her mom didn't treat her very well, and I also know that her dad loves her to death, but she can't get that message accross her mind...It sometimes makes me so mad that shes so oblivious to whats going on around her. I want her ot understand that I mean well, but if she is going ot treat me like this I want out... I dunno what to do really..SHould I even bother trying ot be friends with her? Or should I just give up....I'm so confused...
  2. I'm going out with this guy named Devon. I LOVE HIM to death! But the way I met him wasn't as natural as our love for each other. You see, we met through my friend Khayla, who met him through her cuz. Khaylas cuz Courtny dated him for like 8 months before he broke up with her. Then Devon and khayla went out for like a day then she broke up with him. SOOOOO then one day he IM's khayla and asked him if she knew anyone he might like. Well, khayla goes what are you looking for?. He goes, well someone whos got a good personality, blonde, athletic, and she screams out EMILY, EMILY!!...So he IM's me and we get to talking, and after about 3 weeks I think?..well he asked me out. we went out for like 3 more when I dumped him cuz KHAYLA didn't want me dating him... gay I know...But yea. Then Devon waited for me I found out for like a week to c if i'd come back..but stupid me I didn't...So he strted datijng this other girl named sam. WELL NOW SHE WAS A S**T head!! She was really rude to me and all that. I still talked to devon but sam prevented him from ever calling me again so I felt like she was jelous that she'd lose him...gay shiznat again I know...well after awhile sam broke up with him, and he asked me out...Knowing I still loved him I said yes. Well now its been like 3-4 weeks and I feel like I wanna spend the rest of my life with him! He's coming up New Years to see me!..YAY!! But I feel like, until I meet him that I can't really connect phycially with him. I dunno what to do.I wanna see him, yet I'm afraid of what the outcome might be....I have been told i'm a stupid bnitznatch for doing this but I do'nt know about that...CAN SOMEONE HELP M E PLEASE????????!!!!!!!!??????????
  3. Omg...I LOVE tall, lanky guys!! I myself am about 5'8 and a half...considering i'm only 15, and I'm the same way you are...I can eat non-stop, but I don't gain weight!! I think its all in the genes...lol But don't even go thinking that no one will ever like you!! Its not true! The muscular guys are most jerks n e way, they tend to think that their *ALL THAT* when really...there not. Plus i wouldn't even consider even goin out with someone shorter than I am...(I'm just like that, no disses to people verticlly challenged...lol)...But yea, don't worry about a thing...ur just fine the way ur built!!
  4. Theres this guy I have THE BIGGEST CRUSH on!!!!!! We both go to the same school, but the only diffrence is that i'm a sophemore, and hes a freshman. I really don't care about that tho...My friend told him that I really thought he was cute and now he wants to meet me! So, my friend told him that were gonna meet monday, and i'm really nurvous!!!!!! I tend to get a lil shy around guys ...And I want to make a lasting impression!! I really like him...I don't want to screw this up, I tend to screw myself over at times... ...I need help!!! Can SOMEONE give me some advise at what to do?....Thankx
  5. Well I was over at my friends house, and she invited 2 of her guy friends over. Well we were out by her pool and it was kinda late, and one of the guys pushed me into the pool...He ran into the house thinkin I wouldn't come after him...well he was wrong!!...lol I found him and I sat on him since I was all wet...lol We went back outside. and then out of the blue he announced..."Me and Em JUST got married!!" Well late-late that night, we went over to his house and we hung out. Well I was goin along with the whole married *Thing* cuz I would call him husband..and he would call me *Honey*..lol Sounds stupid yes...lol but I was lying down and he crawled up next to me and snuggled with me!!..I was kinda shocked...but the next couple nights were the same...either he was over at my friends house...or we were at his house...and we were ALWAYS together. I statred to like him more then a friend by that time.. Well one night we were at his house, another girl that liked him was there...she was drunk and stoned off her ass...and my *Husband* sent her home...Well he told me he didn't like her. But the next day all of a sudden he said they were going out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was like WOAH!!!!!! I was really pissed off!! But then I asked his older brother if it was true, and it wasn't!!....His older brother told me he was sayin that to get me pissed off!!!!!!...Boy I was NOT HAPPY when I found that out!! But idk y he said that...I guess i'm just confused......
  6. Well if you all read my posts before...I was having SOME issues with Jermey. But N e who, Saturdays meet at UNH was the best!!...Even tho I didn't compete in it, I got some insight on how I can do better...lol Back on subject, He told me as well as other..he made it VERY clear, that he was gonna ONLY flirt with Freshman and Sophemores...Since he is a senior...he OFICALLY graduates on the 10th....*GO CLASS OF '04!!!!!!* and i'm ONLY a freshman. But N e how, it was saturday and I was bein a lazy bumb, since I was all done helping out and stuff, and I laid on a blanket someone put on the ground. I was listening to my CD-player, when he came over and laid next to me. I was thinking to myself...OH GOD ....DON'T get ur self attached to him... And after awhile we started talkin about the meet and stuff, when he started to tickle me. *He does that to EVERYONE!* and I tickled him back... Skipping ahead...When we were on the bus I got off cuz my coach asked me to go look for 3 people that wern't on the bus yet. Well, when I found them, I got back onto the bus and he put his legs up and wouldn't let me by...I was like "Ok, this DOEN'T mean anything." Well the bus driver wanted to leave so I just sat with him...and after awhile he pulled me back to lie on him. Well since I had a really long day that day I fell right asleep, and so did he... .........Skipping over the resteraunt part....We were on the bus again, and I was STILL lieing on him...and one window on the bus was open...and my hair blew into my face...and he brushed my hair outta my face...I was like aaawwwwwwwww!!! THAT'S SOOOO SWEET!!!!!!.....And he was rubbing my arms cuz he and I were both cold...he did stuff like wrapped his arms around me...I thought that was sooooooooo adorable.....but I PROMISED myself I wouldn't get attached..and i'm trying NOT to...buts its hard.... ........ I'm confused....and lost.......I'm falling either in love...or into a trap.....
  7. Uh-oh...As I wrote before...Jermey my *Crush* is talking to me again. I THINK this MIGHT spell T-R-O-U-B-L-E!! Yea today at practice I was hangin with my friend danielle, and she also pole-vaults with him....when me and danielle were walkin towards the garadge to get her pole, when he walked out....after I walked by him he said hey....I was like WOAH!!!!...The kids acually talkin to ME again!!!!!! And I asked him what was goin on.....between us, and if he was mad at me...He said he wasn't so I was like ok....and I think we're all good again I think I MIGHT be fallin for the kid again.....and my friend well she found out the HARD way, that she should NEVER get attached to a guy....ESPICALLY a senior that JUST graduated!!....Me and Jermey and the track team have a meet tomorrow at UNH...Seriously I ACUALLY HAVE FEELINGS for the guy now!!....Before I thought he was a complete and totall jerk..but now I WANNA be more than friends....YEA I think i'm a totall idiot too....but idk what to do!!!...I need some advice!!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!!
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