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Everything posted by User203

  1. Im 17 and have been working out for about a year now. I have seen some good results, but im wondering if i should be taking supplements. NOT steriods, but things like protien powders etc.. Things like Creotine supplement powder..and whatnot. What do you guys think? Can you build up a good physique without taking powders and other legal supplements? Or do you HAVE to take supplements in order to gain more mass?
  2. Yeah but besides just feeling better about yourself because you know u trained well last night, isn't there SOME kind of positive to working out everyday? There has to be something good about training everyday, isn't there a (little) more development and muscle growth....?
  3. Yeah i knew that stuff but i keep thinking to myself that if i work out everyday i will see results much faster. Honestly though won't i see faster results if i workout everyday????? So will i actually see less results if i work out everyday or what? Im thinking i should workout monday-driday then take sat and sun off. Does that sound like a good plan?
  4. Ok a few quick question. Imstarting to work out after like 3 months of not and im woundering if im starting off right. Im 6'1, 160lbs. Im thinner since im 6'1 so im trying to BULK up. Im benching 5 sets of 5 reps of 160. Am i doing the right amount of reps on bench press in order to bulk up or not? I am also not sure if i should workout everyday or workout every other day. Which will get me the fastest results?
  5. thx boys, needed some reasurance (if thats how u spell it ) Now i just have to workout NON-STOP for ALOT of weeks. thanksgiving really made me lazy.
  6. Its going to be about a month now that i haven't worked out. I guess I have been to lazy or something. Since its been a month will the muscle i put on be eroding away or what??? Since its been a month since iv lifted weights will my present muscle be wasting away or has it already began to fade away????????? I get really worried about things like that so i reallllly need an answer...
  7. does vitamin E help at all. I have used lotion and another lotion that has vitamin E. Does E do anything?
  8. Well i got into a little fight with some punk, and let him have it without having to throw a single punch. But the guy got a "not so good hit" on my cheek. But since I have very sensative skin it made a couple small red marks. Im not talking about scars but more of a redness emiting through my pores. I have been using lotion every so often on the area and it seems to help. But is there another home product that most people have that i can use on the area. I gotta fade it by monday for school. Any tips with anything that will help?
  9. It's extremely hard to imagine what your going through. Your in my prayers man. This post really got to me i teared up just reading this. His soul will rest in peace and you will see him in your dreams and memories, he'll never leave you as long as you love him. Keep your head up, you can get past this.
  10. I just ordered this light coverup for my face beacuse for some reason a started to brake out more lately. I got fed up and just ordered the foundation. Kind of shamed that i did because im a guy and i never thoughtit would get this seriouse I ordered the foundation in "light" skin tone. Im thinking i got the right one, but then my dad thought i should get medium instead. How can i tell what tone i am? There is fair, light, meduim, tan, and dark. Im european and i think im light but im just not sure. Whats the difference between fair, light, and etc...
  11. But your wrists shoudnt be absolutly strait right? They should be bent just a little bit back. The thing is when i tried to straiten them the 1st time i bent them to far forwards and it was hard to do ANYTHING SO i should keep them strait but bent JUST a little back, but not back enough to feel kinks in wrists after im done right?
  12. When im lifting im not sure wat position my wrists should be in. Should my wrists be totally strait while lifting up and down or should they be bent backwards a little bit. It seems like i always have to crack my wrists after i do the a set. Maybe because im putting to much weight on wrists. ANYWAYS, what position should my wrists be in while lifting up and down.
  13. man i gotta learn how to do that. Moving things around, iv tried it but nothing happened.
  14. I actually have a workout question. I just bought a new bench and it has a leg developer but im not sure if im doing the LEG EXTENSIONS right. My bench has a preacher curl and im not sure if i should remove the preacher curl before i do extensions or am i supposed to leave it on? Am i getting the full range of the leg extensions, am i going all the way up and down?... or is the preacher curl stopping the bar half-way up??
  15. It's just that i looked through the site and it showed some REALLy big improvements in the marks. They completely faded from picture to picture. I might give it a try, the marks dont really affect me too much its just i try to stay away from taking off my shirt. I just wear a tank top, underneath and that doesnt look like im hiding anything Im thinking thye will fade over time, i just dont want to be with a girl and have her get all freaked out and disgusted
  16. I have NO idea why they even developed. I didnt really work out alot last summer, i used barely any weight. And i dont think i put on any weight last summer either. Usualy to have them that bad on the back you had to be fat and lose alot of weight, or be skinny and gain alot... but i didn't do either. Im puzzled why the HELL i got em and i dont want them here. That cream i saw worked really well for people im thinking it might work. You were saying creams dont work at all?
  17. I have had some stretch marks on my back for a bout a year now. First there was 1 then they seemed to erupt. I have about 6 or 7 just stretched accross my lower back. I really need help becasue i dont want to spend years and years waiting for them to fade. Anyone herd anything about this TRILASTIN cream? any creams that will give me GOOD results??? or any home remadies? I really dont want to hide my back forever.
  18. Last year was sorta lame and un-interesting, but this year is gonna be GREAT! IM SURE OF THAT! My school starts in about 2 and a half weeks. Already i found out that 1 of my close friends has 5 out of 6 classes with me so i KNOW him and i are gonna raise sum hell this year. Honestly, i think this is the first time iv EVER been happy and eager to GO BACK TO SCHOOL. The last time i felt so positive about school was in elementry, back when everyone was cool and there were no problems
  19. Honestly, i think this is the first time iv EVER been happy and eager to GO BACK TO SCHOOL. I longed to go to school like this since elementry school, back when everyone was cool and there were no problems
  20. last year was sorta lame and un-interesting, but this year is gonna be GREAT i know it! My school starts in about 2 and a half weeks. Already i found ou that 1 of my close friends has 5 out of 6 classes with me so i KNOW him and i are gonna raise sum hell this year.
  21. I dont think working out after meals is very smart though. Unless you want to spend hours on the toilet after every exercise.
  22. well if i want to BULK up i need to be maxing out and pushing my limits with the bench press. Im worried that one day i might just accidently drop it and well.... ( without the smile at the end) EBAY didnt have spotters. Do they sell individual spotters for benches or what?
  23. will these exercises work better or just as good as lats? Are these exercises a better work out for my back or is lat the only way to get quick results? ANYONE know where i can purchase saftey spotters for my bench??????
  24. so i should for SURE do te pull ups on the bench press? And this will FOR SURE work my back and sculpt it?
  25. on this one its ok to slightly bend your arms correct.? any way i should hold the bench press bar or will i focus on back no matter how i hold it. the lift on bench bar will focus on back, biceps, and tris right?
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