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Everything posted by User203

  1. OK SO i should do the following. pull ups on my bench bar, lay face down and lift weights above my back, kneel on my knee and lift one arm at a time, and is that all? What were you telling me to do kyle? these 3 back exercises should sculpt the back.?
  2. Ok hold up. If i do this bench press thing where i pull myself up on it will it give me CORRECT results and Good results? How much for a door pull-up doorframe thing? pull-ups are aimed mostly at back? Or what?
  3. and this is DEFINATLY the CORRECT way to do it? The site i was at showed how to do the work out by an animated avatar type pic and it just looked like the person was holding their hands starit ALL the time. And this exercise and combination of the other one i was talking about will give me the saem results i would get from lat??
  4. i think i saw that one too. Now when i do this one should i keep my arms strait? Becasue its kinda hard to always keep them strait.
  5. im not really sure wat bent over rolls are. I looked some stuff up and it showed me one where u kneel 1 knee on the bench and lift a weight up just alittle above your back. I tried it and i could feel the burn, but what are bent over rolls? Im just worried im gonna be training all my muscles and leave out my back leaving me muscualr in front and having a non sculpted back. You think even if i DIDNT specifically focus on my back it would sculpt it self as time went on or what? Since im working out arent i using my back muscles too? ( even if im not doing exercises that focus on the back)
  6. i just purchased a new bench, and it has pretty much everything but a lat tower. So since i cant use the lat i cant really work out my back. Any exercises i can do to work my back, and actaully get GOOD results. prefererbly same results you would get from a lat.
  7. Just kind of want to hear peoples high school careers, and whats going on with people that are still in high school. Where you a jock, goth, punk, geek Just talk about overall high school. First question i wanted to know is, if football is really worth it? You think that you HAVE to join the team in order to be cool? Any thoughts?
  8. you think becuz it doesnt work after 4 weeks it wont work well at all?? im using proactiv and differn at same time, u think maybe both the medications are somehow cancelling eachother out?? or maybe im just being paranoid. If i go to derm i should try to get on acutain or ROaccutain, any differenance between the 2?? fortnight, thas night right? 8)
  9. i actauly have an appointment with the dermotoligist on september 8th, my first one for that matter. If Diff. doesnt work they will most likely put me on accutane. How long does it take acuutane to work anyways? And is differen gell worth the wait or what?????? You guys think i should go for another 4 weeks or what. It seems when i put it on, my skin looks better but in the afternoon and later it looks a little worse and you can see more blemishes. So, should i stick to it?
  10. I was previously on proactiv and it did alot of good for me. But about 4 weeks ago i was put on Differen GELL, and doxycycline. Well i started using Differen on entire face, but it seemed to not work at all. The doctor told me to use it for 8 weeks, and if it didn't work i should see him again. Well i waited about 3 weeks and decided to use proactiv again on my forehead and chin, meanwhile using differenin on my cheek area. WELL, the the chin and forehead cleared up. But the cheek area is stil red and is barely getting better. Im not sure if i should wait for the full 8 weeks or just use proactiv again. I used proactiv and after a week it cleared up the stuff differen couldn't, so you think i should just use proactiv and drop differen. I think the doxycycline takes like months to work so im gonna use that for a while as a combination therapy. BUT what should i do. ITS only been 4 weeks but it seems like DIFF. gel JUST isnt working at all. What should i do guys?? HELP
  11. thx, i was thinking it wa smost likely hives. ill try to talk to doctor or something. Anything i can buy over the counter?
  12. Its weird and i have no idea what it is. If i get embarrassed or uncomfortable alot of times i will start to itch REALLY bad and i start to blotch up in red. My face starts blotching with red circles and so does my upper body. Is this hives or what?? It hasen't affected me mutch but it seems like when i start my workouts or start anything physical i blotch up for at least 5-8 minutes in beggining. Can anyone tell me what this is, maybe i should buy meds.
  13. Yeah, im only 16 and i develpoed about 5-6 long stretch marks on my back as well. Im thinking it's beacuse i started working out last summer and it stretched my skin. I really dont like it becasue its been a year and they haven't faded AT ALL Is there any cream i can purchase from a store like fred meyers..etc, that can help me out( THAT WILL ACTUALLY WORK!)????
  14. Well my 6-pack isn't EXTREMELY cut becuase im 16, But im working night and day on it lately for about a month now for the BIG 6, Thx for the jump rope stuff, i guess no need for it then. CHIPENDALES here i come 8)
  15. one last quick queston. I was thinking of using differen on lower face and using proactiv on forhead. Do you think this might cause more acne because multiple medications are being absorbed into the skin? You think this might cause the differen not to work?? The thing i my forhead does really have new acne on it. It has a little bit of scarring and it gets really dry if i dont use proactive on it. Im kinda stuck because it might ge tdrier if i use gell on it. But i dont know if its wise to use proactiv at same time, might have negative results.
  16. yeah im going to wait a few more weeks to see if there are any results, if not im most likely going back to proactiv. Your right proactiv gets results fast. thx. i would still greatly apreciate any input to how long it takes for doxy. to work. Im not sure if i want to continue using it, i feel like it might make my skin horrible and then i will have a horrible time getting rid of all the blemishes.
  17. Is 36 fat, because if so Im not fat at all. Im as in shape as you can get for 16. Im not really bulcky but have good muscle mass and tone. I haven't had to work out hard, i have an athletic body overall. Not fat at all. 6'0 and 160 lbs. Not to bad i'd say. Most us teenagers dont know much about working out except bench, curl, and etc. But i just dont feel like cardio is THAT important since im in good shape. I didnt know 36 waist is fat. Is that what u were saying? tredmill wise i can run like a dog, lol. I know i have spent half hour periods just running tred so its not hard at all. Im not talking slow im talking moderate-fast lvl. So i know i can do it , but i just dont feel like its that important for me right now.
  18. i have used doxycycline and differin gell for a week now. My skin looks worsethen before i started. I used proactive and that controled the acne a fair amount, even covered up a fair amount. Now i have been braking out NON STOP and it doesnt seem like this medecine and gell is working at all. Has anyone used this stuff, is it normal to breakout a little bit at beginning of use??????
  19. well iv skateboarded hardcore for about 6-7 years so my legs are very good shape. Thats why im not really worried about lower body as much, even though some time soon i will have to start working out lower body as well as upper. I know running won't bulk me up. but i was woundering if it was necessary to gain muscle just because people told me it's important. But i guess as you said its not important to bulking up, and i figured tha twas true. I have seen long distance running and etc and they are muscular but very slim. But should i purchase a jump rope and workout with that anyways? What will that mostly do? I know it will keep my healthier and get my blood and heart pumping but muscle wise will it do anything for me? Like encrease biceps, tri's, pecks, abs????? (im only 16, waist 36, and i wont be runing 4 miles anytime soooon ) I can barely run a mile without passing out man, so im not aiming to win the marathon
  20. i was just woundering if i should incorporate running/and or jump rope in my workouts? Im mostly focusing on upper body, but my friends tell me you should also run and if you can't run you should jump ropre. Should i be jump roping or does it not really matter?
  21. so it takes like 3 or so weeks to actualy start seing clearer skin? I dont notice any difference yet, its only been 2 days now so im just not sure. Im guessing its way to early to tell. I seem to have developed a pimple here and there, but thats just probebly the medication working and changing things in my body and getting by body used to it. This is normal from what iv herd.
  22. so accutain TOTALY stopped it. Im only 16 so if i use accutain it will prevent ALL pbreakouts?? And totaly clear everything? Ill never breakoutagain if im using it?? This is my last resort so im not THAT eager to get on accutain. But the doxycycline, so it works very quickly? Like it totaly stops breakouts and so on? ANd yeah i figured you would get maybe a slight or major outbreeak right when u start becuz the body is gettin used to the medication. But afterwards things clear right??? Just trying to get info.
  23. yeah the doctor said use this for 3 weeks, and total of 8 weeks, if results arent to your liking you should visit the dermotoligist and they would most likely give you acutain. The doc told me accutain is a more permenant solution but only in die-hard cases of acne. I used to have bad acne but fixed that with proactiv and now i just need a little help clearing the smaller amounts that i have left. But yeah, they said if it doesn't clear up by 8 weeks you should get accutain. But the doc also assured me that i will like what i see after 8 weeks tops. So im really hoping it works. FINGERS CROSSD
  24. yeah the doctor was telling me about how its harmfull to birth and so on. It's esier for males to obtain the medicataion because we dont have to worry about birth defects and pregnancy and so on. Anyways, so ur saying the doxycycline helped. How long did it take to start showing results??? Did you go through any real BIG outbreaks befoer everything started clearing up?
  25. I have been using proactiv solution for about 2 years and it has worked really well for me. I decided to get some new medication because it just seemed that the proactiv was controling less and less breakouts for me. It still worked but it didn't work as well as it did when i first started using it. Anyways i just got some stuff from the doctor first off some pills. I think the pills are called doxycycline and i also got some 100$ cream called DIFFERIN GELL. I know iv herd about differen gell before but is it any good? Anybody know if these medications are good at all?
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