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Everything posted by User203

  1. Well im not really pale. But im not sure if im light or medium. Any example of a medium person? i was born in europe and live in america but im just not THAT pale. Im just not sure what the difference between light and medium is. Light is common right. Its for people that arent really that tanned but have more lighter skin right? sry if im confusing. Any way i can compare?
  2. Im thinking of buying makeup to cover up some of my acne scars. Im just not sure what shade of color to get. The choices are : Fair, Light, Medium, Tan, Dark. Im white but im just not sure which to get. First off which is the lightest. What is fair anyways. is that like for reallllly pale people or what?? How do i determine what color i should get without going to a farmacy and asking im kind of embaraced about buying it and i would like to decide on my own, with a little help from someone
  3. i was actualy woundering kinda the same thing. I was thinkin of purchasing proactiv solution make-up. Im not sure what to get though. Should i get the foundation or a powder cover up. is liquid cover up better then powder????
  4. i got one more question. Im not sure what the exercise is called but its the one where: you hold a dumbell behind ur head and lift it up and down to workout the triceps. How should you hold the dumbell. Are you supposed to hold one of the circular ends with both hands or should you grip the actual bar between the weights with one hand and hold the end of the weight with the other? or what? i know the questions sounds confusing. so i wanted to know how to hold it correctly. I want even muscle development from this exercise.
  5. one more quick question. I bench press at home and i dont use an actual bnch to lay on while im lifting the bar. I lay on the ground. This is ok right. I will still get results if i do this. And am i supposed to hold the bar over my chest or over my face. Im thinking hold it over chest, but i have seen a show where they talk about different bench press exercises. You can hold the bar over your chest head etc. But am i supposed to hold it over chest or face or what????? I think I should hold it over chest. Plus if i accidently drop it it will hopefully cause les damage if dropped on chest then face. I hope i never drop it thought i'm always really careful not to put on too much, becasue I dont want to risk and injury. ya' gotta be careful about these things.
  6. yeah i feel that he is very insecure and thats why he focuses on his body so much. I guess there is no way to tell.
  7. Well i have a friend that I have known for about 2 years now. When we met you could tell strait off that he migh be using some type of steroid. My other friends and I have actually discussed it and have confronted him on it. He first claimed that he NEVER did them, then he admited to using and injected type of steroid( like a needle with chemical in it). he seemed ueasy and hesitant to ever talk about it. I can easiy pick up on things like that. He said he used the steroids once when he was on his 7th grade football team. Now i can understand high school athletes and college BUT NOT middle schoolers using steroids. We asked him why in the world would a bunch of 7th graders use steroids. (After he was confronted on the issue he quickly said it was " the rest of the team too" " everyone did them, the whole team) WHY would 7th graders do steroids. We all found this a little hard to believe. My friends and I really wanted to know if he sounds like the person that would sue them. Compiled a list: 1. He has TOO much muscle, when we met him he was overlly muscular for a 13 year old. He was built like he was a major athlete.( played football since he was in 6th grade) 2: He was MUCH to aggresive when we first met him, signs that steroids might be in play. We worked with him until he settled down over a few months and became les aggresiv. 3: He was OBSSESED with his body and worried only about how muscular he was and how many people he could " BEAT UP" 4: He can bench 205 pounds when he is 15(only once though) but that may mean he just works out alot. 5: He changes his story on how he used steroids, first its NO, then yes i did, then he fogets sometimes and has to quickly recover by saying : oh yeah nevermind I did use them once". 6: Behavior is much to suspicious when it comes to steroid talk and conversation of that nature. 7: Many teachers at school thought he may have some type of aggressive problem and if you read about how steroids affect ANGER and decission making abilities it becomes clear that something may be UP. Well i really wanted to know if this makes him a PERFECT cantidate for a steroid user. He may not be he may. He is my friend and we are all worried about him. I want to know if there is a problem here or not
  8. yeah thanks. Iv almost completely gotten over it. thx for all the input guys.
  9. I think its more mental for me. I really don't think im leaning, its just one of those things that gets stuck in your head. Kind of like a mental block that once you get over you totaly forget about. im doubting that im even leaning at all, the thing is i can sense the slightest difference when it comes to lifting. I get really obssesed with lifting everything evenly and i keep thinking just becasue i may lift incorectly that my muscles are going to be horribly disfigured. So its just something that i need to work on. Im just that kind of person,lol. i keep thinking that im doing something wrong, but the fact is im probebly not. it's just my nature. But yeah 20-30lbs curls per arm are nice. That tones i gotta tell ya
  10. I have been working out for a while now and for some reason whenever i do a certain exercise which includes bench press or lifting a bar above my head I feel like im leaning to one side. I dont want any muscles to develope uneavenly. I have looked in the mirror to see if im leaning more to one side but it doesn't look like it. Am i just being paraniod becasue im the kind of person that always thinks theirs something that im doing wrong when it comes to exercise. Some of my muscles are uneaven but that has nothing to do with the " leaning" its becasue of genes. But i dont want any more to develope uneavenly. Will the leaning affect any muscles. I just feel like im more paraniod about the " leaning " because i think im not really leaning at all but it just seems like it becasue I think that i am. AM i paraniod, and if i am leaning its not noticeable at all. I just keep noticing it because im SUCH a perfectionist. Anything like this ever happen to u??
  11. listen im sort of in the same boat as you. I had really bad acne about 2 years ago. i started using proactive and it REALLY helped. You should look into proactive. It does wonders. I had bad acne and it fixed it. Ofcoarse everyone has diferent skin so proactive may work for you but at a certain time stop working. Its hard to explain. The think is it worked for me for about 6 months then i guess i sopped using it regulary and started breaking out again. But my skin is reletivly clear now. Proactive may dry your skin and cause acne scars but in that case get proactive skin lightening lotion. The skin lightening lotion does wonders too. Listen all these home remedies are good and may work for people but it won't matter. Its your body your gettin acne becasue most likely hormonla fluctuation, and sad to say you may have it for a while. UNLESS you do something about it now. These home remdies may make u think its getting better but one day you wwill realize that its been 1 year and your skin is horrible. get proactive my friends I gaurentee you it will work for you. The usuall success rate is about 75-85% so even if it doesnt work 100% it will still do wonders for u! good luck.
  12. listen im sort of in the same boat as you. I had really bad acne about 2 years ago. i started using proactive and it REALLY helped. You should look into proactive. It does wonders. I had bad acne and it fixed it. Ofcoarse everyone has diferent skin so proactive may work for you but at a certain time stop working. Its hard to explain. The think is it worked for me for about 6 months then i guess i sopped using it regulary and started breaking out again. But my skin is reletivly clear now. Proactive may dry your skin and cause acne scars but in that case get proactive skin lightening lotion. The skin lightening lotion does wonders too. Listen all these home remedies are good and may work for people but it won't matter. Its your body your gettin acne becasue most likely hormonla fluctuation, and sad to say you may have it for a while. UNLESS you do something about it now. These home remdies may make u think its getting better but one day you wwill realize that its been 1 year and your skin is horrible. get proactive my friends I gaurentee you it will work for you. The usuall success rate is about 75-85% so even if it doesnt work 100% it will still do wonders for u! good luck.
  13. If i use the proactiv makeup i would only be using a bare MINIMUM. Becasue my scars arent that bad I would only use a small amount so enough to cover most of them and have normal looking skin but not enough that would make it SMUDGE or apear to others. I would make sure to use a small amount so people wouldn't really be able to tell that i have anything on at all. I could do that right. I can use just a little to even out my face just a bit? I dont have to use alot right. Just enough to cover most of the uneaven tone right?
  14. well i have had acne for some time now. I have gottten rid of alot of it using Proactiv solution but i still have acne scars. I started fading the scars using a skin lightening lotion also made by proactive. It seems to be working great but I'm still a little conscious of my skin. Im kind of shy about any scaring that i may have left. So i was woundering, im going to buy a proactive makeup product that conceals and heals. That way I can hide any present blemishes and people will see nothing but clear skin. Anyways if a boy (im 16) wears makeup is it very noticible. Since my skin in about 80% clear will make up totaly change my face? I mean if i wear it will people notice a difference. I want to look good for next school year so i wanted to know if makeup is very noticible on men or boys. Im not planing on putting alot on since my skin is reletivly clear. Im only going to put the minimum amount needed to conceal any blemishes that really stick out. Will people be able to see that im wearing makeup or will it be unoticible. Does it matter how much u put on. I just dont want people to notice that I wear makeup. I would rather not have people make fun of me. I want an even toned look for my skin becasue the tone is a little off due to scarring. So any tips or opinions? I would appreciate any helpful input.
  15. is there anyway to cover a big pimple. I just broke out on my forhead and its really annoying. Its red and i trioed poping it, but only a little puss came out. Sry for being graphic but, any make up thats cheap or something i can use. PLEASE i need help fast.
  16. Well it depends on the person but overall proactiv will HELP alot up to 80%, if not better. The acne will mostly, if not totaly fade. Make sure not to use too much or dryness will become a real big problem in the future. But no its not a false sign of hope. It's just that alot of people who have used the product noticed that about 6 or so months after using it alot of the acne started coming back. Same happened for me. It was working really well for about 6 months but then alot of acne started coming back. And it still is. Your skin becomes more and more used to the benzoyl poroxide and it begins developing a type of imunity and you need more and more for the same affect. So after a while you may start seing even more pimples pop up. Maybe you wont it all depends on your body. But myn have been coming back alot, probebly becuz i started high school and its kinda nerve recking. But you should see great results. If you have acne scars i recommend proactiv skin lightening lotion, it works great afte a few weeks. Iv been using it for about 2 weeks and the skin is looking a little better. Any ideas on how to cover a big pimple. I got one on my forhead and i REALLY need some help on how to cover. Any cheap concealent or makeup i really need help right away.
  17. Well i Have acne scars on my forhead from the acne I have had for the past 3 years. Proactive solution seeems to help a little but not totaly. Does anyone have any information on this. Can anyone help me with any porducts or advice? I really want to fade my scars but Im not sure what to do. Is there a medical procedure i can undergo?? Anything a dermitologist can do for me?
  18. yeah im fixing my bicep problem. Im just lifting more wight on my left arm to make biceps even. my right is a bit bigger but im already starting to see my left one get bigger. my left tricep is a little bigger then right i think but it doesnt matter its not noticeable at all unless im being PROBED. But my bicep is looking alot better its starting to even out. I guess your dominant arm will usually be bigger since u use it alot more in your life. But it's looking alot better now and im happy. damn lol 5'7 185 you gotta be chubby too. id hate being short!!!
  19. im 6'0 145lbs. and i need to gain weight. I have a quesion. Well not all my mucles are even but im worried about my byceps. My right one is a little bit bigger then left, there is a way to fix this right? all i have to do is lift more weight on my left arm to make that bicep bigger, right?? or is this unfixible, which i find hard to believe.
  20. yeha i did order it. it came 2 days ago. it says wait a few weeks to see the improvments and its only been 2 days. o i guess il wait to see if it helps. Proactive works for a while but then alot of the time it stops helping. it does keep alot of blemishes down but u sometimes get redness and have outbrakes every so often. plus dryness.
  21. well there is ALWAYS something you can do about it. Ther eare legal drugs you can order tha thelp you gain weight. Not steroids but drugs that help ALOT. You can consult with doctors and see wha tthe best thing to do would be. If your skinny you can always fix it with the miricle of drugs, these days they have ALOT of things that will help you put on 30-50 pounds in time. Dont be sad you can do it if you take the time to look into these things. But if your younger like me you can always fix the skinny problem by working out and eating alot, which what im doing this summer. Even if your 20 or older and yoru skinny, get into the gym or buy something to workout at home and eat good food. Theres always a light at the end of the tunnel. Just remember that you can make it, workout to the point of no return. 2 hours a day and more if needed you can do it, I did it. Go for 2 hours a day everyday multiple workouts with heavy weights, push yourself to ur limits. Do everything you can, then you will see improvements. Im pushing my self to the extreme this summer. Nothing but working out and eating ALOT of food. When school starts next year no ones gonna be saying im skiny anymore! Transend your limits and put all your energy into building muscle nd weights. Not meat head style but in order to gain self confidence and love yourself. Good luck everyone!
  22. hey qt, so u used proactive. didnt it dry out your skin alot???? it dried my skin alot and i have spots left over from acne. I just ordered skin lightening lotion to fade them. Do you know if lightening lotion works or not? any ideas how to fade acne marks, anything i should order from proatctive catelog that will actualy help??
  23. hold on im not sure. Ok when u workout u need to do reps and sets. Im not sure what reps and sets are. I think sets are the actual number of times u perform the lifting exercise and reps are the number of times u do that many sets. can someone clarify??? sets= total number of actual lifts per set. reps= number of sets you do in your workout regiment. 8 reps mean u do 8 reps of 20 sets each. does that sound right?
  24. i got a question. I noticed that my shoulder arent even and my abs arent even as well. Is ther eanyway to fix this, like going to doctor and they might give me something liek a back harness or something? I know its all in my genes but im trying to find a way to fix my un even shoulders because they make all my musclees unevean. My pecks arent even my abs arent and it shows if i flex. anything i can do?
  25. iv been using proactive for about 2 years now and it has helped alot but has dreid skin and left acne scars. Has anyone used proactive skin lightening lotion, im thinking of ordering it because it helps fade acne scars. Should i buy it or any other product from proactive?? please can anyone respond?? [-o
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