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Crush afraid of commitment


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My crush is afraid of commitment because of her previous relationships. Both my and her friends see us together and I really like her, but she's put up a rule for herself not to have a boyfriend till she's x years old, which is in 2 years. I don't want to lose her, but I feel as if we'll not be able to be more than friends if we have to wait so long. It's really flirty whenever we two are talking either in private or in groups. I've thought about kissing her, but I really don't want to hurt her, although she feels comfortable around me. Should I wait or should I just kiss her?

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It doesn't matter why -that's for her to decide -she is choosing fear over being with you. And she's been honest about it. I'd move on and if she changes her mind in the future and you're still interested and available you can consider it then. What friends think is well-meaning and irrelevant.

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How old is she when she made such a childish rule??


You can't talk her into anything. All you can do is decide if you want to try and see how it goes, or move on completely. If you try, be patient, nice, caring, show her she can trust you with her heart, that rule might break. I always said Ill never be with a guy younger than me, and here I am heart broken by a guy younger than me. So... I am not saying she will be with you, but if you think she is honest about being hurt and scared, and not just playing you - decide if you wanna give it a try. Win her heart over.


If not, go out and find another girl who is ready to commit. ;)

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If she is 14-16, then i believe you should believe her. She doesnt' want to go on dates with boys one on one and you should honor that and not try to date her. do NOT try to kiss her. She was very clear that she does not want a boyfriend. She also may have parents that don't want her to date.


If she is 28, then she is feeding you a line because she doesn't want to date YOU.

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Don't ever wait around for anyone.


She has said she is incapable of a commitment. Listen.


Find another girl.


Hit the nail on the head! Do not wait for her and don't feel sorry for her. She is making excuses to reject you w/out coming out and rejecting you. I have had guys pull this on me when they weren't super interested, best thing I learned is to move on and find someone who wants to be w/you.

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