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Jibralta last won the day on March 17 2023

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  1. Awesome. People really hate him since he bought twitter. That says a lot. Nope. A million dollars is not what it used to be here.
  2. Watch out. You can seriously injure someone with those.
  3. I agree. I know it sucks, but this is your way out. This means the relationship is not important to him. Bottom line. Translation: He feels better because he got some sex. Now that he knows he can still have sex with you outside of the relationship, he'll stop by when he wants more. You have to protect your heart because he's not going to. He is all about him. I am sorry that you feel hurt, but he is not a good partner. You will just feel even more hurt if you let this go on.
  4. I manifested two free drinks at a club the other night. Then I almost got bounced out of the club for accidentally busting into the VIP area while attempting to exit the building. That part was a little stressful. So was the free drink part, actually. A bunch of us were out that night celebrating my friend's 50th birthday. I don't usually frequent clubs--none of us do these days lol--but her birthday coincided with a freestyle show at a well-known local venue. Freestyle music seems to be nostalgic for everyone around here, no matter what walk of life, no matter what kind(s) of music people usually listen to. So we dragged our old asses out for a late night. I had three drinks while I was there. The first time I went to the bar to get a drink, I noticed that the bartenders were expert at avoided eye contact. They also seemed to notice men before they noticed women, so I asked Arnold to stand there with me. Sure enough, the girl ‘noticed’ him and took his order, which was actually my order. Arnold was holding cash in his hand, but the bartender swiftly brought over the credit card machine. He tapped his card rather than prolong the issue. When I went for my second drink, I decided to try my chances without Arnold. I brought his card, since that was how the bartender had us pay the first time. As I stood watching the bartender avoid eye contact with literally everyone waiting at the bar, a guy sidled up behind me on my left, and waived a folded $5 bill over my shoulder. My first thought was, “He’s never buying a drink for $5.” My second was, “I hope he doesn’t think he’s getting served before me.” I turned to him and made it clear that I was still waiting to be served (yo, buddy. I was here first). He was apologetic and polite. He seemed drunk but had very minty breath (probably proof he was drunk!). Mr. Minty and I commiserated a bit over waiting, and how there’s a fine line between getting someone’s attention and being rude. He then asked me what I was drinking, and I that moment of oh no, this is awkward. I could see my friend's possessive husband looking right at us from the mezzanine and I felt annoyed. I turned to Mr. Minty and said, “I’m actually getting two drinks.” I actually was planning to get two drinks, mainly because of the awful wait. But it turned out to be an excellent way to sidestep the Let Me Buy You a Drink situation without actually turning the guy down. We could continue to stand there together without any awkwardness. Finally, the bartender came to take Mr. Minty's order (unsurprisingly!) and he directed her to me (thank you, good sir). I ordered my two drinks. She served them up and rang up my order on the credit card machine. But she didn’t bring the machine over so that I could tap my card. Mr. Minty urged me to take my drinks and leave, but I didn’t want to create that situation. So, I continued to wait. Suddenly, I saw that the bartender had taken the card reader to someone that was standing on the other side of Mr. Minty. I didn’t see the person, I just saw the card swipe on my $30 charge. I started to say something, but before anything could come out, the bartender typed a grey goose drink into the machine and a new charge for $39 popped up. She slid the machine towards me and I said, “I’m not paying that. It’s not my drink.” I don’t know if she heard me or what, but—once again—a person that was standing on the other side of Mr. Minty took care of the bill. I don’t know if it was the same person or not. All I saw was a hand with cash stick out. The bartender took the cash and I gave up trying to pay. The next day, I ran across this video on YouTube. That's when I realized that I'd somehow manifested those two free drinks. 😂
  5. I wouldn't be surprised if they've gotten that down to a science by now.
  6. Shocking! I can't believe it.
  7. I know a lady like this. She's from China and lives here in the US, working as an aesthetician. I've known her for a couple of years. She only recently told me that she has a 17 year old daughter back in China. She works here to support her. I did get the impression that the arrangement was not unusual to her. When I first read this, I was like, what? But actually, knowing more, I can how someone in her circumstance can become that distracted. You know, sometimes people think marriage will solve the issues in their relationship. Nothing solves 'issues' but working them out.
  8. Why not always swing for the fences? I agree for everything, not just OLD. Sometimes simply making the gesture is extremely powerful.
  9. Lovely. I never watch that crap. News travels fast whether or not I keep pace with the broadcast (TV or otherwise). Best that it be filtered through others before it reaches me. That gets rid of a lot of the slag. Awesome 🙂🙂🙂
  10. It is nice to get to know different people, and to have them in your life.
  11. I'm not sure how it works there, but over here the gap isn't as big as it looks. There are a couple of hidden costs that create that seeming pay disparity. One is the fringe benefits, like insurance, retirement plan, vacation/sick time, etc. Full time, 'payrolled' employees don't see the cost of these in their gross take-home wages, because employers typically pay these directly. When you sit down and do the math, it adds another $15 - $20K to our salaries. Maybe more--I haven't looked in a while. Another reason for the gap is taxes, which I learned the hard way. You have to manage your own withholdings as an independent contractor, and your taxes are significantly higher due to 'self-employment' tax. So, it's not all free and clear profit for the independent contractor. But good research and planning can definitely lower the costs.
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