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  1. I know what you mean and I have felt that way in past. That being petty feeling. However,I will say in hindsight that was mostly because I didn't want to block them. I had hope that maybe they would try to contact me and I wanted to know. When I don't care anymore, I can easily block and delete...
  2. She did you a favor by blocking you. If things are going to end, the sooner the better. It does hurt and I am really sorry. Someone who respects you does not play with your feelings. You deserve a clean break. She is helping you. It's hard to break up with someone. She is being strong and a decent person. At least in this aspect. Time tells all but I hope she doesn't contact you any time soon because that would mean she's not respecting you or herself. It sounds like she has a lot to deal with divorce kids etc.... She in not a good spot to be a partner you deserve. Respect & block her back. You'll meet someone else.
  3. Learn how to excuse yourself from a conversation. I don't have time to chat right now.... I was just about to get on a call. I am heading out for a walk. I need to run an errand I am on a deadline Don't sit and listen, if you don't want to. Learn to distance yourself from other people's bs.
  4. My point is- if your husband is treating you poorly and refuses to change, why would you stay married to him?
  5. I think if you can stand up to his bad attitude and let him know he's an adult that is responsible for how he treats his wife, you really need to ask yourself why are you in this?
  6. Hi @nattz4512 I'm so sorry you are going through this. I have been heart broken like you explained. Ugh. Keep hope alive by having patience with your feelings. You keep telling yourself that you will get through this. No matter how long it takes. For me, it was a long time. But I do think there was a shift when I decided heck with it. I am going to get better and it's ok to feel how I feel until I get thru this. I think there was something to accepting I was feeling bad and committed to seeing it through to the other side. You didn't deserve this. It's very common for people to use others. They may not intend to that, but it happens. That's what happened to me also more than once. I went all in on a guy that was on the rebound. He didn't let on that he was, but in hindsight, he was and I just happened to be the lucky road kill he left behind as he moved on to a new relationship in weeks. Now, it's years later and I have had relationships since and I don't really think of him too much- actually hardly at all. But for a long time he was consuming my thoughts. I felt a lot of shame and was embarrassed by how I was treated. He basically dumped me flat after we just had sex the day before. talk about being used. When I do think of him, it's no longer sadness... more like what a d-bag. I did nothing but love him and trust him. He didn't deserve it. And neither does your ex. One day at a time. Try to be a better self parent. Don't allow yourself to watch his house. Turn away! ❤️
  7. I am so sorry you are feeling this way. My cousin committed suicide two years ago almost to the day. It has hurt all of us so much. The guilt, concern and sadness knowing they chose to do this is something I know I will never get over. Even as I write to you, I am tearing up and I'm getting chills. to face the cruel hard truth that he chose this and he is no longer with us, is something that truly haunts me and I just carry that with me. They didn't end the pain. They passed the pain on to all of us who knew them. I so much wish he would have had not done this. Please seek help. I would give anything to have the chance to help my cuz.
  8. Your rose colored glasses are ON! His behavior is not mature nor is it kind. You're short changing yourself putting him above YOURSELF. I know I've done this. Some how putting aside the fact you can find better and feel better! he is not a great guy.
  9. It's a raw deal in that, it feels bad to be rejected for any reason. I would respect her feelings and not contact her again. One date. One kiss. It didn't work for her. it's not that uncommon. you've probably had a similar experience from her side of the experience. And it really sucks to let someone down. To have them keep trying only proves the point. It's more clear on their end of things and it more than likely has everything to do with them and nothing with you. I've been on both sides. You'll meet someone else. Hang in there, don't chase dead weight. You deserve a healthy and happy situation where both people reciprocate the feelings and excitement to see more of each other.
  10. I agree with this. Accept that she has a problem. you know it. you don't need other people's approval. vent to a friend or keep posting here. write it out telling her off. You can't control her. only yourself. sure it hurts but people can and will hurt each other. hope she grows up but until then keep your distance
  11. Sounds like not the best relationship and you're misplacing your feelings as the reason you're upset. Reading what you wrote, you have a lot to be upset about and should get out of this relationship and it's completely separate from the death of an ex.
  12. Of course it is. Just like it might not be for some men and women. everything in life has nuances. There is no one way everybody is. but obviously in an anonymous advice forum, there is going to be generalizations. my point was and maybe I should lead with this- don't complain about lack of sex or make it like the other person owes it. look at yourself. what are you doing to attract your mate to want to have sex with you. man or woman.
  13. I agree, especially with the feeding appreciated. it's emotional for women. when feeling cared for, safe works much better than begging for sex (not saying you are doing that.)
  14. Aww. no. There was nothing you could have done "right" with this guy. I was like you. I'd keep walking on egg shells or quiet myself to keep the peace... no. that's not love. that's not life. It's not enough to just survive, to keep the peace. You deserve to thrive, love and celebrate through life. Reject the idea that getting away from this dud is a loss. It's a win! YOU WIN In my case, there were good times, at times but as time went on, the good times were few and far between. That's what I remember. How glad I am to be free. Hang in there, girlfriend. You can get through this, save yourself and come out the other side- BETTER! STRONGER! HAPPIER! I feel this so strongly, I wish i could like my own post lol
  15. This is the part you need to work on. It's messed up that you're beating yourself up over this dynamic with your mom. Family dynamics are tough. We get into these roles and resentment can set in. I have gone through that myself. It's hard work and I work on it everyday to remind myself, I can't change them, but I can change me. I can say no. I can have boundaries. I can decide my family member is nuts and they don't handle things the way I do. Work on yourself to improve your own self image. you don't need your mom's approval. and I say that in kindness with the knowledge it's not easy and it won't happen over night. As adults we all realize at some point our parents are flawed, just like all of us. You're not perfect and you don't have to be. You're dying for mom's approval, she's dying for the gf's. You see how unnecessary her acts are, transfer that to your view of yourself.
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