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smackie9 last won the day on August 19 2023

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Community Answers

  1. You live with your parents? a group home? with regular roommates?
  2. You need to boot this immature brat to the curb. In no way is he stable enough to take on the roll of a husband and father. Porn addiction? oh dear run for the frickin hills!
  3. IMO your husband has to really step up more about it. I have a feeling you are not being all that supported and that's why you are here seeking some answers or just to be heard.
  4. Your gut is telling you something here...you can't trust him for a reason. Cut him loose....you will feel better about it later.
  5. She has to get a job or two, quit school temporarily and stop travelling. She will have to save up for school and take affordable online courses. You are not her husband, she's just a GF...so stop supporting her...she's an adult, she has to find a way to stand on her own two feet and figure it out.
  6. This is an old thread but we all here would be interested in an update OP.
  7. Dumping patients out into the street is a common practice...not just women but the elderly too. You may have witnessed, etc, but there are day to day subtleties us women experience in a safe environments like a grocery store, or our own workplace or a restaurant. True story: I was waiting for a table and a group came in and waited around us. One of them church goers literally came up behind me a rubbed himself into me...my husband was standing right there! He didn't see it, but I dodged out of the way and moved to the other side. I was in shock, I didn't know what to do, I just got myself out of that situation. TBH I didn't want to ruin 20 other peoples Sunday brunch by making a scene. And who would believe me besides my husband? no one.
  8. And that's why you should stop seeing him. He's blocking you from actually finding someone else because you are too focused on him. He's only in it for the sex...him complimenting other women is him setting a boundary with you that this isn't going any further than what it is.
  9. And this is what women have to put up with almost everyday. Some guy being a total creep, leering, pushing boundaries, touching, groping, etc. We have to always just be aware...and guys just don't get that. They label us as "feminists" ruining their dating lives/chances to get a date, when we are just protecting ourselves. They need to blame the jerks that treat women disrespectfully.
  10. He didn't "use you" . No... it turned out he's just a jerk and you ignored the red flags. Just walk away.
  11. I warned you didn't I. Don't worry about it...she's just trying to get a reaction because of her butt hurt ego....play it kool, ignore her, act like it's nothing. If I were you I would park my car somewhere else for awhile.
  12. A-saying you don't get out much, makes you look like you have no life, have nothing to offer socially, a recluse, something must be wrong with you...don't do that. Make sure your life is full of hobbies, passions, activities and a few friends. No one wants to date someone that becomes their soul focus/life. That's unhealthy. Having a solid fulfilling life outside the relationship keeps things fresh and alive. B-keep things light and positive, use some humour, stop over thinking. C-looking for an activity for a date is a good thing. This is how they gauge compatibility which is very important for any future relationship. D-she's not on the same page as you feelings wise. Carrying a torch...you will have to put the breaks on this and start at square one. Yes you are friends atm....you have a hill to climb...that's why we date. Spend time together and see if feelings grow. Her feelings need to grow, give her a break. Just the way things are, so slow your roll.
  13. I get it her looks are keeping you there, but something doesn't feel right. You are a grown a$$ man, just tell her you are not interested in going to these events, you already have attended a few. If that scares her away then you just found out her motivation.
  14. Kids are happier in an environment of two happy separated parents rather than two miserable parents/partners that choose to stay together. You don't have to fight in front of them for them to know something is off. Kids are very perceptive to the negativity that is going on between you two. You are good to go.
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