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  1. I think he has told you in no uncertain terms that things are over. The "maybe later" thing is very common to say during breakups to give the other person a little hope if the other person isn't handling it well. You cannot force a relationship. It's over. You should accept that, grieve the loss of the relationship, and move on. Regarding kids - having kids isn't in the cards for everyone. While we all feel that biological clock ticking down, and sometimes it doesn't work out - and that's OK. There isn't anything wrong with you if you don't have kids. Ask yourself: Do you actually want kids? Or is it social pressure? (The idealistic house with a yard, husband, kids, etc.). At this point in your life, you can make the decision for yourself. If you want kids, make it happen without a man. If you don't want kids, accept it, rid yourself of the guilt, and enjoy your life.
  2. You are right that none of us know you or your situation - we can only make assumptions based on the information you give us. Even with a long life story of both of you, my advise would be the same - you do not want to be with a man with a criminal background. While most criminals will claim innocence, false imprisonment is actually quite rare - real criminals go free all the time due to lack of evidence. Our justice system is made that way, and has had many overhauls, to avoid false convictions. If he was convicted, he did the crime. If you decide to pursue a relationship with this man, you are signing on for a lot of risks for yourself and your possible future children. You are probably only be considering this man because you have some history - and the familiar is easier. However, someone you've known for 5 minutes can have better intentions than someone you've know for 10+ years. I would encourage you to try some dating sites or apps. Just have some conversation and maybe go on a few dates. Seeing other options may make this guy less appealing.
  3. I don't think you need to worry about a crush. You might be attracted to him, but a big part of it is probably proximity. This crush should fade pretty quick once he isn't around anymore. If he doesn't ask for your contact info before he leaves, that is a clear sign he isn't interested - which is not a reflection on you. Some people have very specific tastes in body/personality type. Also, I would heed his warnings. Men are less likely to talk down about themselves in this way - and if they do, it's either the truth or a fake cry for help (ex: man says he doesn't think he can ever fall in love again because of a past relationship - he plays the victim to garner sympathy and possibly sex). Either way, not worth your time and effort.
  4. Her virginity should be a non-issue. She is a virgin by choice, which should be respected. Knowing this and dating her, no one would expect her to have sex quickly. Virginity aside, not having sex a month into a relationship is also completely normal, even for a 30+yo sexually experienced woman. Many women will set time and comfort restrictions on intimacy. You are manipulating her: You are attempting to make her believe something is wrong with her because she doesn't meet a social norm. In reality, she isn't giving you what you want. Consider whether you would really have a problem with the concept of a 21yo virgin if you weren't dating them. You are probably not like this with everyone you date - but this relationship is obviously not the right fit. You don't view her as an equal and it isn't working. Break up with her. It's only been a month, which should still be the honeymoon period. If you are experiencing these problems already, it will only get worse.
  5. My BF (33M) and I (32F) have been together about 3 years. This is my first post on this site. My BF has historically gone on vacation to a gaming convention once a year with his online friends. They had been close post covid until last year, so he was excited to go again. I trusted him so he went, communicated very little, and was hammered the entire time. This left him physically ill for 2 weeks after coming home and needed antibiotics and his throat was so raw he could barely speak. He said because he was planning on marrying me and having kids, this was his last hurrah with his friends getting crazy drunk and such. A month ago, I discovered that he broke my trust. Due to past relationships, we agreed that neither of us should ever be on dating sites/apps or things like it while we are dating. Somehow, he was on escorting site. At first he pretended that because it wasn't a dating site that it wasn't strictly off limits... but after a bit he admitted he knew it would hurt me - he just thought I would never find out. (This is its own issue.) He claims to never have used any of their services - that it was an extension of a porn addiction he is trying to kick. The convention came up again and he book tickets. I am not included in any of the plans (I am a gamer too, but he really seems to want to keep me seperate from his friends). I want to be okay with this, but I feel tightness in my chest when I think about it. I no longer trust his motives. However, my gut/chest are not a scientific proof of deceit. I just want an outsiders view if the situation for a sanity check. Facts: I have no proof that he physically cheated on me. We didn't sleep together to 2 weeks after his last trip because he was so sick. He has still not proposed, and claims one excuse or another whenever the subject comes up. Usually "there is too much going on."
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