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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    When a Wife Reaches the Point of Leaving: Is There Anything a Husband Can Do to Change Her Mind?

    At some point in any marriage, one or both partners may come to the realization that things have changes and it may be time to part ways. The husband may feel blindsided, powerless, and be desperate to understand why his wife has reached a point of no return. He may be overcome with the thought of her leaving and want to know if there is anything he can do to convince her to stay.

    The urge to turn the clock back or right a wrong can be an overwhelming one. However, if your wife has come to the point that she's no longer in love, it can be hard to change her mind. It's hard, but not impossible.

    First and foremost, put yourself in check. You must become aware of any negative behavior you've been engaging in. This could include manipulation, controlling behavior, blaming, or verbal aggression. If your wife has been feeling judged, emotional cut-off, misunderstood, or unheard, identify and address this. Commit to taking full responsibility for any hurt you have caused throughout the course of your relationship.

    Humility and understanding are the keys to showing your wife you're interested in reconciling the marriage and being a better partner. Try to look at where she's coming from without criticizing or attacking. Express genuine sympathy for her position and truly listen to what she says. Ask questions about how you can help make the situation better and remain positive when responding. Show her that you are willing to work on the issues and put effort into making the marriage work again.

    Some relationships can be saved by seeing a marriage counselor. Offer to see one and make sure you attend all the scheduled sessions, remaining open and honest by sharing your concerns and feelings. Make her feel safe to talk and draw on the knowledge of the therapist to get insight into the sources of both yours and your wife's emotions.

    In moments where things become heated, take a moment to pause and remember the reasons you got together in the first place. What brought you two together as a couple? What do you still value in each other? Remind yourself of why it was worthwhile to make the commitment to each other and why you wanted to continue the relationship despite difficult times.

    If you have children, remember that whatever you are going through affects them as well, and fighting isn't going to benefit anyone. Learn the art of compromise and strive to practice it, even in situations that require giving in to something you don't care for. Do your best to simplify conflict resolution, so conversations and negotiations can move quickly and painlessly. See if your spouse would also be willing to join in on couples counseling which could prove beneficial in creating a platform for positive and successful communication.

    Lastly, remember to be hopeful. Although divorces are in many cases necessary, you can still find ways to save the marriage.

    If your wife is considering leaving, never lose hope. Remain committed and understand that talking constructively to try and resolve the issues comes before taking any next steps. Making efforts like these will not only show your wife that you’re willing to work on the relationship, but could help change her mind.

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