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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    The Three Key Strategies for Helping Your Partner Feel Better

    When your partner is feeling down, it can be hard to know how to best help them. This is especially true when it feels like the problem is too big or complex for you to fix. However, recent research suggests that by using three simple strategies, partners that have high levels of relationship satisfaction are able to be reassuring and helpful to their significant others regardless of the cause of their woes.

    The first strategy is valuing. It is important to show your partner that they are valuable, special and important to you. This can be done through words, small gestures or cuddles. Making sure to show your partner that you appreciate them and that they are not alone can make a world of difference.

    Humor is another useful strategy. While it won't cure all the problems, finding ways to make your partner laugh can be a great way to draw attention away from their sadness and provide some measure of relief. Whether it is telling jokes, doing funny impressions, or even just acting foolish, humorous activities can often be effective in cheering up a partner.

    The last strategy is receptive listening. Often when someone is down, they just need someone to listen. You don't need to have big solutions or advice, but just being present and engaged as your partner shares their emotions can help give a feeling of comfort and support. Be patient, maintain eye contact, and make sure not explain away any of their emotions with good intentions. As Dale Carnegie said, “When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotion.”

    By demonstrating that they matter, helping them laugh and providing a listening ear, you are doing your part to make your partner feel better, regardless of the circumstance. So the next time your partner is feeling down, remember these three simple strategies and you will be able to encourage them and make them feel loved, supported and understood.

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