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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    Love Across Distance: How to Make a Long-Distance Relationship Work

    “Distance never separates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the miles and in seconds we are there." Those words are so true for anyone who has experienced the difficulties of having a long-distance relationship. The passion, commitment and sacrifice it can take to make it work is often great, but the rewards of such far away love can keep the fire alive and relationships strong through thick and thin.

    The first step in making a long distance relationship work is to accept there will be challenges. During Intermittent periods of absence, loneliness and frustration may be hard to control so strategies must be formulated to cope with them. Regular communication is crucial, but both partners must also have independence. Having their own friendships, activities and hobbies with no pressure to report back can help strengthen the bond between them. These activities also keep minds active and present meaningful topics for discussion when communication does happen.

    Another important element for success is setting boundaries. It is not uncommon for someone in a long-distance relationship to feel insecure and want to know what the other person is doing all the time. Routines of checking in or sending messages can fuel this insecurity and trigger tension. Building trust and making sure conversations about expectations are had prior, can bypass misunderstandings and make for smoother oceans across the distance. Finding ways to connect emotionally through conversation, jokes, music and reminiscing can fill the room from miles away.

    Still, the lack of physical presence can put significant strains on relationships especially when it comes to intimacy. With no remedy other than patience, being creative with what can be done in communication tools such as phone calls, video calls, email., voice notes, handwritten letters and virtual date nights can make all the difference.

    Far away love is not easy, but understanding the feelings of the other person and respecting their space and emotions can be heavenly. When the time comes to reunite, the warmth of this special kind of love will remind you why it worked across the distance and bring the relationship to the next level.

    Regardless of the challenges involved, long-distance relationships can thrive with commitment and determination. Sharing values and maintaining honest, consistent communication will get it so far. Remembering to embrace your partner’s independence, setting boundaries and finding ways to remain connected will ensure a warm embrace when the two of you meet again.

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