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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    How do you deal with conflicts with friends or social circles within a relationship?

    Friends and family form the bedrock of a strong relationship. Discord in one of those circles can have far-reaching effects on a couple’s ability to bond and stay connected.

    The first step in navigating conflicts with friends or social circles is to recognize that they exist and proactively work to resolve them. All too often, partners brush aside minor issues, telling themselves that it’s not worth the effort to address them. But when problems linger, resentment builds and can lead to larger, more difficult issues.

    It’s important to remember that there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach for resolving disputes with friends and family. Every situation has its own set of unique circumstances and should be handled accordingly. Often our emotions can influence our response, and this needs to be taken into consideration when deciding how to address the issue.

    The most effective solution is to try and establish a dialogue between all parties involved. Everyone should have a chance to voice their opinion, explain their feelings, and ultimately come to a resolution. In some cases, it might be necessary to bring in outside help. A neutral third-party, such as a therapist or couples counselor, can provide an objective perspective and facilitate productive conversations.

    When dealing with difficult people and situations, it’s important to remember to remain kind and compassionate. We often forget, the people we are encountering are hurting too, and all we can do is try our best to understand them and be supportive.

    It is also important to set boundaries and offer reassurances to yourself and others involved. Allowing yourself to take some time away from the situation may be beneficial as you process your own emotions. This can provide a space for both parties to reflect and change if need be.

    It’s important to maintain a healthy relationship with those around you. Finding common ground and investing in understanding each other’s feelings can prevent small arguments from turning into bigger disputes. Making an effort to show kindness, forgive, and build trust will not only improve your relationship but also the lives of those around you.

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