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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    How can a couple rebuild trust after one partner has cheated?

    After one partner has strayed from the sacred bonds of marriage, trust can often be lost. It becomes a Herculean task for both partners to reestablish that trust once more. Even if the relationship remains intact, the feelings of uneasiness, anger, despair and betrayal can fester painfully in their hearts.

    Rebuilding trust is a laborious process and it often takes a lot of hard work, dedication and understanding for both individuals. A spouse that decides to remain in the marriage must be aware that the process won’t happen overnight, and that time and effort need to be committed in restoring and rebuilding the relationship. The most important thing you can do is to have open conversations and to try to reignite the spark that led you to enter and continue in said relationship.

    It is also important to maintain communication. Maintaining “transparency” between one another is paramount and both partners should understand that boundaries should be respected while, at the same time, both parties should feel safe discussing any issues that may arise. If the dishonesty happened due to temptation, consider stimulating activities, such as traveling or couples therapy, which can rekindle the deep connection between two people and help restore trust.

    Both individuals should keep in mind that being honest with oneself and each other is essential to eventually regain the trust from before. Understanding why the acts of infidelity occurred gives an outlook on how to handle the situation. Knowing the answers could help build back the trust together and give both a better understanding of how to resolve their issues.

    It’s also helpful to try to stay positive. Positivity plays an important role in repairing any kind of damage, whether it’s physical, emotional or psychological. Both partners need to express their feelings in a positive way and use language that shows support, empathy, love and respect to each other. This can be a difficult challenge to take on, but invest your time and energy into learning and exploring the positives in your relationship and actively avoid speaking negatively.

    Another key component in rebuilding trust is finding out what is and isn’t acceptable. Genuinely asking yourself and your partner if certain behaviors are excusable, can bring clarity to the situation. This can be especially effective if both individuals present code of conducts to one another and then negotiate and agree to these boundaries.

    Finally, consider seeking professional help. Marriage counselors are specially trained to assist couples through troubling times. They can offer strategic advice and help you both develop guidelines and a roadmap for reducing the stress and being able to speak concisely.

    Rebuilding trust after a cheating incident takes patience and understanding from both partners. Try not to rush, as this complex process of healing requires both individuals to make sure the actioned steps are followed over time, forming a stronger bond in the relationship and renewing the trust between one another. However difficult, the result of reclaiming that trust can truly be beautiful and lead to a lifelong marriage.

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