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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    Why did my relationship fall apart, and how can I move on?

    It can be hard to come to terms with the end of a relationship. You may feel like there's no way to go on. No matter the length or depth of the relationship, it can be tough to go from that intense connection to a state of being alone. Suddenly, you're left reevaluating everything – your identity, your purpose, your path in life. But even though it may seem like the end of the world, it doesn't have to be. There are many strategies for dealing with a relationship breakup, and emerging stronger in the aftermath.

    First, try to take the time to process what happened. Of course, the loss of an important relationship is painful, and it's natural to experience a period of grief afterward. Give yourself some time to really feel the pain – and express that pain. Crying or writing down your thoughts can be cathartic and help you begin to heal.

    In addition, remember that relationships require two people, so don't place all the blame on yourself. It's normal to want to search for any scrap of evidence that blamed you for what went wrong. It's supposed to be easy to stay in an "If only…" cycle and keep blaming yourself, but questioning why certain events took place won't bring your beloved back or help you gain closure. Focusing on analyzing every move you and your ex made will only lead to more pain and frustration.

    When you're ready to move on, focus on taking care of yourself. Eat nutritious meals, get plenty of rest, and exercise to maintain your physical health. Spend some time in nature, or call up friends for moral support. Most importantly, make sure you're taking steps to care for your mental health, too. Talk to someone about your feelings, join a support group, or do something creative to channel your emotions. This goes beyond just feeling better – self-care can actually help you build the resilience you need to process a difficult experience.

    You can also work on developing a new identity after the breakup. When a relationship comes to an end, it can be difficult to envision yourself as an individual. People often identify as much with their partner as they do with themselves, and the loss of that union can be devastating. Reconnect with your hobbies and passions to remind yourself who you were before meeting your significant other. Be open to new experiences that help you grow and develop, and consider activities that give you a sense of purpose.

    Don't be afraid to explore the possibility of a new relationship later on down the line. While you're still overcoming the sadness and hurt of the previous relationship, it's important to first work on finding equilibrium within yourself. Take your time exploring and getting to know yourself. Once you've had a chance to heal, there's no reason why you can't open yourself up to dating again. And when you're ready, start opening up your heart a little bit at a time. There's a chance for you to find love and joy again, even if it's not with the same partner.

    Ending a relationship can be one of the most difficult experiences in life. While the pain can be excruciating, know that you will eventually reach a place of peace, acceptance, and strength. As you pass through the waves of grief and self-reflection, make sure to take the necessary steps to help yourself grow and heal. Remember that you have the power within you to overcome these difficult times, and to come out a stronger and happier person.

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