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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    Start Again After a Break Up: Making a Smooth Transition and Reaching Goals

    In life, we often encounter difficult moments when our relationships come to an end. Leaving behind an experience of deep love and companionship may be one of the toughest transitions we face. The member from the post in Enotalone asked a question about being broken up with his girlfriend, and a big challenge presented itself in terms of concluding that relationship so he can move on peacefully.

    To reach the goal of regaining inner peace along with psychological contentment and confidence, steps may need to be taken that are a bit out of our comfort zone. Change is often the only thing that can help us grow our experiences and learn how to reach a higher level of understanding. Taking the project of resetting the button and allowing new knowledge, memories, awareness and enlightenment to enter our lives is quite possible.

    Taking constructive steps forward and embracing the concept of starting anew can veritably amp up life and make it sparkle. Trying to define what needs to be worked with due to the break-up is a fundamental step towards finding a new way to live with satisfaction. Taking a new route that may lead to a newfound pleasure when surrounded by people with whom you can form a strong bond could be one of the objectives. Even if that means no more boyfriend/girlfriend connection.

    Try to consider practical ways such as making a list of advantages rather than disadvantages of life after the relationship is dissolved. As break-ups should never be taken as a final stop sign on the road of life, even if it does feel like a puzzle to solve. Making a plan and executing it could potentially be a great way to start over, from setting healthy boundaries to adjusting emotionally and mentally to a life of independence, self-determination and freedom. Setting goals for yourself can also prove helpful such as seeing the journey ahead as a part of personal growth.

    One of the main benefits a breakup gives us is the chance to look at we want from life and examine where our energies are best invested. Whether we decide to dive into the world of self-care practices with yoga, meditation, cleaning or any other activity that makes us resonate with joy, or if we elect to accept offers of kindness and friendship, the ensuing positivity that can be generated will directly impact the quality of our fresh beginning.

    Reaching out to share experiences, find a listening ear, and understand that everyone goes through similar circumstances will assist in creating something philosophical and practical. Alternatively, travelling and exploring unfamiliar surroundings, absorbing new ideas and resetting the lens could surely be an interesting methodology to gain closure and start over.

    Another solution is to work with a therapist to ensure that all spiritual and emotional bases are properly covered during this transition which can help in feeling emotionally safe. Allowing oneself to be nurtured with restorative education and processes will also likely bring about a wave of feelings that may range from being able to express common emotions such as fear, anger, sadness, loss or love in a harmless manner, to generating a path to achieving goals.

    The aim of the next stage could be having faith in yourself and finding balance. Finding the middle way: establishing a healthy relationship with either your independence or companionship, whichever you may require at the moment. There is room for a variety of options such as whether the final outcome turns out to be a single life or commitment, but being honest with yourself is crucially paramount.

    Finally yet importantly, it is crucial to hold onto the assurance that hope and good days will return as the sun continues to shine every day no matter what.

    Taking initiatives towards restarting daily routines, making lists of values and expectations, going to therapy and reconnecting with friends and family can help in healing and repositioning oneself with the opportunity and confidence to open a new door to the life after the break up.

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