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Many of you are very familiar with my story. My ex fiance packed and left 2 months ago. It was bound to happen; I tried breaking up with him twice, I guess it was more of a shock that he finally ended it for me. Depression lingered for over a month - you all know that feeling so I dont have to express the hurt.


I am 38 years old and I have been through this path so much more than many of you. Here's what I say to you all. Realize that you are LIFE. Recognize that your soul continues to breath for air, whether you cry in sadness or scream in anger. You may have lost the person you love but you did not lose your soul. It will always be there because you are alive.


So we lost our ex's; it hurts doesnt it? But have you really lost much? By all means, grieve. However give up only when you no longer have any source for love - your family, friends, the bill collector (kidding).


I grew up in a third-world country in Asia and I have seen poverty and so much tragedy. Be thankful for your pain for it is nothing but temporary. Growing up I've seen people who've lost so much more - a house, a child, an entire family. What mind-blowing, gut-wrenching sort of pain did they experience? It's unimaginable. Unike ours, their scars will remain unhealed forever. Yet while I saw in their eyes the weight of their pain, they kept their faith strong and live on because there is life beating inside them.


Please take a moment to inhale deep and exhale slow. Do not forget to breathe. Think about your ex, about the good and bad times you've spent together, then softly whisper "thank you," because no matter how much or how little, they gave us happiness to keep living and sadness to keep learning.


Get excited my young friends and celebrate your existence. Be wise, be content. Get ready and fasten your seatbelts because marvelous things are about to happen. I guarantee you. Love you all!



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Please take a moment to inhale deep and exhale slow. Do not forget to breathe. Think about your ex, about the good and bad times you've spent together, then softly whisper "thank you," because no matter how much or how little, they gave us happiness to keep living and sadness to keep learning.


This is so true. When we're blinded by pain, we will do anything to make it stop. But each of our experiences and failed relationships have actually given us the precious and rare gift of insight.


I've always felt very blessed by those in my past who've left the deepest scars - they have also served as my greatest teachers and became a catalyst to my becoming a better person.

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Chibby that was indeed very touching....we keep moving on in life & pain too shall pass some day. Chibby I'm feeling very down as well these days...very lost. My family is back in India but i guess life has to be lived in all its phases...

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Well, let me see. I lost my ex. And due to her, I lost my friends, my family and even my job. As far as my financial state, I am currently unemployed but I have enough money to continue this "flamboyant" lifestyle until the end of the year. But everything around me has turned dark. The home that I put my blood, sweat and tears into has become my prison as she is living with someone else. My surroundings have my ex's presense etched upon them.


I too originated from a third world country. But their way of life is different from ours. Despite living in extremely harsh conditions, they fight to survive and have the will to continue doing so. Me, I lost all my will and I couldn't care less if I was killed. It's difficult to compare our situations to the situations of those who grew up in a different environment.


Some people move on and some don't. Some people learn to deal with their issues and some don't. Some people live and some people don't. All we can do is hope for the best, regardless of whether we'll make it or not.

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