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Online Relationships, Do They Really Last?


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I am still married to my husband of 6 years. I refuse to lie down and be defeated because of some stupid online affair. Apparently, this woman tells him EVERYTHING he wants to hear and he thinks she REALLY likes him for who he is! How the heck does she even really know him?!


I've been with this man since 1995, and he's nearly impossible to live with. I love him because I took vows and I'm used to him, but he's selfish, egotisical, has poor hygiene, lazy, doesn't really like to go to work, sleeps til' noon every chance he gets, surfs internet porn until the wee hours of the morning, swears like a sailor, and has no idea how to communicate with a LIVE person! I stayed with him because I had HOPE.


Will this online fling just go away? This woman is really starting to piss me off! She knows he's married, because when I called her she called him right back.

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I don't think you're asking the right question here. I think you should be asking "How should I get away from my husband?".

It's your husband that has the problem. You need to stop directing your anger from her and move it to where it belongs---HIM! Even if she disappears, do you think the problems with your husband will go away? I don't think so.

What you need to do is give him an ultimatum---shape up or ship out. And stick with your ultimatum. I have a feeling you've given him ultimatums and he didn't do anything---and you didn't stick with it. So, of course he won't change---he figures you're just giving him empty threats.

Becky, he won't ever change unless you take real action. You deserve better than this.

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this kind of relationship for sure will not last. there are reasons;

1. they dont know each other personally

2. they are only attracted to the words they say in the enternet

3. when it comes to chatting there are people who really doesnt tell

truth about themselves

with these reasons your husband maybe became attractwedto her because of the all these things. shall we say he was blinded by the good things he over heared from this woman. this realationship will surely not last because the knowledge between each other did not come from a very good foundation. it only came from enternet. no physical contact that they really spent before until they became close. this is one very good reason that they will not last for long.

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yeah I'm 6'9" with a muscular build and I own my own house and I am the official owner of microsoft, k-mart, and I'm the president of the world! They just like to talk dirty just find his graphics card and pull off a capasitor =D problem solved 8) I'm jk, but you do need to find a way to keep him off the internet w\ this girl maybe a little dirty talk of your own in person LoL. or maybe you can talk w\ the girl that he is seeing on the internet. or maybe it is just time for a little marrage counciling.

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Okay, you can stop him from talking to this woman on the Internet...but will this solve all the other problems you listed on your post about him? You said that "he's nearly impossible to live with", but then you also said you "refuse to lie down and be defeated because of some stupid online affair." You gotta sit down with him ASAP and have a good talk---or you're just wasting your life on trying to "rehabilitate" this man.

And I disagree with the other poster. Many relationships start off innocently on the Internet and evolve from there. Many people leave their spouses because of Internet flings. It really doesn't matter if we think they know each other well enough and if it will last. It happens.

Sounds like you're both are unhappy and really need to solve these problems together...or divorce.

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  • 11 months later...

ciao, you used "Online Relationships, Do They Really Last?" as topic question, it means that you have never thought of leaving your husband. but i think you should do something make him realize that you are the best!!!otherwise he will do it again and again. if i were you i would leave him...then see what would happen next...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hate to rain on your parade. I met my boyfriend from the net. Weve been together for two years. And I am literaly planning to wed and have kids with him. Ive met alot of losers online aswell. (Mabye the reason we got along so well is cause we chatted for a total of 2 hours before meeting in person and there werent so many false expectations). A friend of mine also married someone from the internet a few years ago. So for those of you who are so quick to judge, think again! It happens.


Anyways, im so sorry for you having to live with a jerk like that. I would not risk having any kids with such a poor example of a man. He doesn't even seem like he loves you to be having, and continuing an affair. And as for that woman I would kick her butt for messing around with a married man. well Good luck.

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