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Hey guys, thanks for the replies.


I asked her to dinner and she kind of blushed and said, "sure!". So yeah... I'm relieved. I'm pretty confident at this point that she's interested in me and sees the dinner as an actual date.


I really hope this works out though, I'm in a sort of transitional state right now, trying to get out of the rut that I've been in for several years. My opportunity with this girl practically fell into my lap, and if I lose her I'm going to be hurting bad. She gives me a reason to live, to thrive even. But with summer coming up, all that I'm going to have to look forward to is months of working in a half-deserted college town.


don't make her your trophy for living.

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This may or maynot help. I found this site, link removed it's from some guy. It has some real good tips on how to talk to girls and actually get what you want out of it without coming accross as sleezy. It's more tword a scientific method on how to stack the odds in your favor as far as meeting girls.

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