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How can she already like a nother guy??


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well my gf an i broke up after about 11 months of incredible dating...and i loved her anshe "claimed" that she loved me..i dono how much of that to believe...but we broke up an iw as compelttly chattered by it an now she lieks another guya fter about a month...man this is sooo hard..no contact doesnt seem to work for me cause i havnt talk to her for bout a month an i still love her more than ever...wut cna i do?

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now as to blink guy, i know, NC is really hard... but you HAVE to try to move on.. don't think of her being with this other guy, and in any case, it's probably just a rebound and won't last anyway... but really, you can't dwell on it... it's normal to like other people.. are you honestly telling - despite your love for her- you've not been attracted to a single other woman since you broke up?

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yes i can honestly say that im not the elast bit attracted to someone else. i just love her soo dam much and when she toldme that she loved me i believed her and i know thismakes me sound liek a girl. but i just dont knwo what to do and i dont think she is on a rebound and the guy already even has a gf. liek how can she after 11 months and how i treated her so well and i loved her and i never pressured her for any sex i mean 11 months and not even a hand job right? and she was self conscious and i was always telling hewr that she was beutiful and she didnt have to be and such. i was one of the popular guys and no one even has herad of her name before i dated her and i loved her jsut the same anyways and eveyrithng. but after all taht she would rather just like some guy taht doesnt even liek her rather than me

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She might have been checked out of the relationship before you really broke up. Or maybe she wasnt as 'in love' as you... it happens.


I know I was crazy in love with my girl and we broke up... I moved on very quickly afterwards. All the fighting towards the end just sort of buried any other feelings... We ended up getting back together and things have been great since.


It happens though... so dont beat yourself up over it.

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blink, it is really hard sometimes, but you can treat someone very well and love them, and yet that person can still decide for whatever reason they want to move on, or date other people.


are you both young? sometimes, especially when people are young, they may want to date different people and commit to anyone, and they don't even know what a good thing they had with one person until they have dated enough to know what is means to be treated well (or not very nicely).


so please try to get with your friends and spend time with them, and try to move on with your healing. she may discover that she wants to return to you after she's dated a few people, but she may also decide that is not what she's wants, so please don't stop your own recovery and dating new people hoping for something that may or may not happen.


it does get better, but you need to give yourself some time to take it easy on yourself and heal.

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well my gf an i broke up after about 11 months of incredible dating...and i loved her anshe "claimed" that she loved me..i dono how much of that to believe...but we broke up an iw as compelttly chattered by it an now she lieks another guya fter about a month...man this is sooo hard..no contact doesnt seem to work for me cause i havnt talk to her for bout a month an i still love her more than ever...wut cna i do?


Blink_guy, like that happens every day. You never really know what other person is really thinking. NC is hard but I don't think you can do anything else than try to get over her and it should be easier by not seeing or talking to her. Man, it really takes a lot longer than a month if you were really in love with her. Don't stress on time limit - you will get over her when you're ready. And one more thing - from my personal experience, after few weeks of NC things really do become harder than in the early days. But as time passes it is easier every day.

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I think you need to patient with NC.

You can't expect to stop being in love after only a month.

You've been together for 11 months.

Gradually you will feel better, but give it some time, at least 5 months to be old you.


And yes, continue with NC.

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rabican...if your gf checked out before u guys broke up and you guys got back together, how did u convince her tto give u another chance??an how lnog was it b4 u gys got back togehter?


Our breakup is a much longer story than I posted... it wasnt a matter of being 'checked out' I was just proposing that possibility in regards to the original poster.


Anyways, we had some problems on and off for a few months, broke up in august/ september (year or two ago). She stayed with me for another month or so until she could get set up to move out. We ended up getting back together around christmas time. SO really we were only apart for a month or two... however we were broken up for 3. The movie breakup... with jennifer anniston... that was us. LIving together, fighting daily, talking about getting back together, and then fighting some more... and then saying horrible things to each other.

It was actually me that did the breaking up by the way... and then me that asked her back. Again huge, long story... but I think our relationship is 10x better now than then.

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