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Bad Habits That Kill Attraction

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Hey folks,


ever met someone that you thought was THE ONE? As you gazed at that person, you "thought how perfect!" You were about to signal your interest when all of a sudden he/she raised a finger and as you watched, time seemed to slow down and the finger moved slowly but surely up and up until it reached deep into the nose. It then rotated swiftly several times before it came out with an unpleasant, sticky substance. Oblivious of his/her surroundings he/she proceeded to roll that substance into a little ball and then when you thought you had seen enough to empty the contents of your stomach he/she popped the little rolled up ball into the mouth and started chewing on it...


You are dazed and with the shock you feel the attraction evaporating. What has just happened?


Other examples:

(1) changes socks once in 2 months

(2) loves to remove shows and sadistically fill the room with the horrible smell of sweaty feet.

(3) showers once ina blue moon

(4) changes clothes only when going to a job interview


Share your thoughts and experiences on ATTRACTION KILLERS!

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Interesting post Tronix


The way I see it we're all human beings, and human beings can have bad habits. Some habits are annoying, some are unsavoury and some are downright offensive. It's is up to a person's individual tolerance levels as to what they can endure and what would be a show-stopper.


Sometimes being in love with someone means accepting their little quirks and habits. These things happen in a real relationship. I am not advocating putting up with outright slobbery of course. I don't think that a little bad habit here and there will stop you loving someone, although if tensions creep into a relationship then suddenly what was once a cute little habit can become the most annoying thing in the world!

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Women who wear wind-shield sunglasses. I'm not talking about a name-brand here, I am talking about a general style that covers the womans face. Nothing annoys me more than those {Mod Edit} glasses. Not aviators, those are okay. A big, loud message to all you women (and to a much lesser extent, men), just because it is in style does NOT mean that it looks good.


That and smoking are my two. I'm sure I would have more if I thought about it more though.

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I think a big pet peeve for me has always been when people are excessively loud. This goes for dating and for friendship.


I love people who can have a good time- but I don't like those that draw excessive attention to themselves by laughing REALLY, really loud in public- so loud that a whole restaurant will turn around and look at you. -To the point that it's very rude.


Even worse- people who turn into very loud/obnoxious drunks.




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don't know if you'd call these bad habits or not, but things that got on my nerves always. some of these I've done myself, which I hate to admit


1. indecisiveness... don't say "I don't care" when asked what your opinion is on where to eat, what to do. when I hear that I feel like saying "well, I don't care if I just take you home right now and go out with friends instead, so thats what I'm going to do"


2. mumbling...


3. making direct comparisons to your ex's...in conversation... Tell me anything you want about your past relationships, but don't tell me I have better eyes or he has better skin. That's just stupid.


4. obsessively filling silence with questions of "are you ok?" and "what's wrong?"

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I think a big pet peeve for me has always been when people are excessively loud. This goes for dating and for friendship.


I love people who can have a good time- but I don't like those that draw excessive attention to themselves by laughing REALLY, really loud in public- so loud that a whole restaurant will turn around and look at you. -To the point that it's very rude.


Even worse- people who turn into very loud/obnoxious drunks.





I feel exactly like you bella! But even more than talking.. I hate the 'modern' habits like those cellphones that can play music really loud and people in public traffic sharing their relationship-life with friends on the cellphone... for everyone else to hear because somehow everyone needs to shout into the cells...


But that's more an annoyance than a turn-off for dating



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ok so for dating, I think my turn-offs are...


- bragging about how much he can drink (I don't drink at all so I am NOT impressed )

- being insensitive towards the female gender in the company of other men (when all of a sudden, girls are referred to as 'chicks')



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i love when a chick can brag about how much she drinks.


-but a chick puking....not a good look.

-too loviedovie (holding onto your arm all day; little pecks nonstop/every 5 seconds)

-texting/calling all day

-picking at arms

-saying like in like every sentence, like for sure

-a woman with a dirty place

-bad breath

-'lil girl' voice

-baby talk

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I love people who can have a good time- but I don't like those that draw excessive attention to themselves by laughing REALLY, really loud in public- so loud that a whole restaurant will turn around and look at you.


Some of us can't help it!! But hey at least I'm aware I have a ridiculously loud laugh.


My only major pet peeve is people eating really fast, shoveling their food down...my boyfriend does that...so I've joked and said "babe the meat is dead already, don't worry it's not going anywhere". I know there are alot worse habits, so I'm learning to tolerate it.

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People who are sloppy eaters really bother me. I know someone who when eating a dessert - say pudding - gets a little bitty spoonful of it and brings it to her mouth, and touches it lightly with her tongue. Then she puts the spoon back down. She'll talk some, and then bring the spoon back up for another tongue touch. Literally, she'll treat it like a lollipop. She'll spend half an hour if not longer on a small-sized portion of pudding. Sometimes she'll drive the whole spoon in her mouth and then pull it out, and there'll be the exact same amount of pudding on the spoon, but it'll have little bubbles of spit on it. It drives me crazy...!!!


I can't imagine a guy doing this, but if my date were to do this, I would need a stress ball during meals.

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*People who hum

*Stinky people

*People who eat stinky food

*Drunk talk

*People who have to talk on their phone 24/7- I don't even take mine out with me anymore

*People who take forever on the toilet because they have to read an entire magazine.


It just goes on like this...

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