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for all the people feeling bad about crappy first times


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lets share some crappy first time storys. i think most people have a pretty bad first expirience with sex and i keep seeing posts about people going through their first time and are stressed out about it.


here's mine:


a girl i was with for around 2 months, we decided to finally sleep together (i was 16, she was 17), we where both virgins. after around an hour of foreplay we tryed getting to business, but everytime it started going in she would freak and push me out, this lasted for about an hour and a half until we where both kinda tierd so decided to get dressed and go out for a walk to relax a bit. got back and went back to business. when it finally happened it lasted about 5 minuts, she was in a redicules ammount of pain and spent about 20 minuts curled up on the bed bleeding. the only posotive thing about the entire thing was we got it out of the way


P.S. feel free to share good expiriences aswell, though something tells me there will be more bad then good ones

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For me it is awkward everytime I have a first time with a new partner.


Everyone of my stories goes roughly the same with some minor variation. Something like the following.


- I have gotten to know a girl and things are going great.

- Out of the blue, she makes a split second decision and decides she is ready to have sex.

- This is more than likely the night I forget to pack any rubbers

- We go get condoms that probably wouldn't fit anyway

- This is also the week that I didn't bother with shaving b/c I think there is no way in hell she will want to do anything (every possible signal up to that point was a no go)

-I get nervous

-The clothes come off

- I looked and feel like I have been dumped in a big bath of ice for 3 hours straight

- I don't think it could possibly shrivel up any smaller

- We decide to do oral sex b/c obviously nothing else is going to happen

- Take 30 minute break to shave

- Oral sex usually goes well when I get down on her. Best case scenario she has a massive earth shattering orgasm and the night ends with her satisfied

- Worst case, she manages to pull off the worst fake orgasm I have ever seen in my life.

- Later if I do manage, by some miracle to get a condom on, she tightens up and I feel like I might have to drive a nail through a brick wall to get it in.

- If I do manage to enter, the exasperated look of fear and pain in her eyes is beyond what I can take. Any degree of hardness I had up to that point soon diminishes.

-At some point in here she probably goes down on me. Best case scenario, I manage a 2/3 erection for a few minutes. Then I get even more nervous and we go right back to the ice bath scenario. This process is facilitated if she has braces or seems to be extraordinarily skillful with her teeth.

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Mine was with a guy I'd been with for about 2 weeks, but had been as good as for a month before that. He wasn't a virgin.


I finally managed to convince him to watch Moulin Rouge, though he kept talking through it, then during the credits everything got all heated up. Can't really remember much...just that it didn't hurt as much as I'd thought it would, more uncomfortable than anything else. Didn't bleed. Better first experience than most I think! I'm thinking that because he made sure I'd had an orgasm before we did it, it meant I was a lot calmer and all that jazz.


Only thing I really miss about him. He was faaaaantastic in bed. *sigh* apart from that he was a total...you get it.

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First time sex - Me and my gf were both 15, both virgins. We were in her backyard fooling around in the grass on her mothers jacket. One thing led to another, we had sex for a GREAT 2 minutes HAHA and let's just say I "finished" on her mothers jacket. She went to school, told everyone and their mother. My phone rang off the hook the next night "Dude you had sex on her moms jacket???".


First "going down" experience - OHHH MAN. One I wish I could forget for sure. I was 13? maybe 14, and "dating" this girl. We were at her cousins house, and locked ourselves in her room, while her cousin BANGED on the door. She told me to go first...so umm, yeah I did. Let's just say I'd never seen a V before, and didn't know what they were supposed to look like. All I remember seeing was a big afro that smelled funny. No joke, I licked ONCE and said "my turn". It tasted of rusty nails and cheetos, and until my next experience I thought that's what it was supposed to taste like.


I dumped her the next day. haha

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The only way to save that kind of situation is with your tongue. You can either tell her it takes you a long time to be comfortable with a new partner or you can just use your tongue in other ways. The latter approach always works far more effectively.


As a side note.


Do NOT EVER believe a woman when she invites you over to her place and says not to expect anything. More often than not she is lying through her teeth. I am saying this tongue in cheek, but I still think I have a point.

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We we're at my apartment playing some drinking game with straight tequila. I was 18 she was 16, a hostess who I worked with. A lot of people hung out at that apartment, guy friends mostly and they were older so they were rootin for me, a little too much i guess. Dont get the wrong idea, we had been messing around a lot for the past two months so she was comfortable drinking with me. We finally went upstairs to my room, got naked, I put my drunken semi in for about 20 seconds and couldnt get it up enough again. She proceeds to start throwing up about the room and a good bit got all in her hair. I was horrified at the though of her waking up with dried vomit in her hair so I gave her a shower while she was nearly passed out. That was actually oddly romantic - no taking advantage or anything but I had to get her hair clean. The next morning she wakes me up and says 'make love to me' so this time it was a good 15 minutes and we go back to sleep. Finally when we wake for good, on the ride home she says 'Nothing happened right' and im like 'uh.. no'. She makes me pinky swear to this. Omg right, I have just sworn that my first time didnt actually take place. A couple days later she gave me a teddy bear and a note saying she was glad she was my first.

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I met this guy at a mates place and made out with him

The next week I stayed at him place, we fooled around for HOURS before just going "meh, why not" and doing it...

I was in shock, I was probably completely starfished... not that I can remember. We did it again in the morning, I foudn out he had never even gotten up a chicks top before that night.


Then I never heard from him again, and when I tried to get in touch he went mental at me. -shrug- I think he was miffed because he wanted to go out with me and I said no becuase I was off to boarding school, where I met Macca.


I wish I had held off a few months and had my first with Macca instead, but you cant change the past.


EDIT: I got pregnant and had a miscarriage too... that condom had been in my wallet through the vans warped tour... oops...

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Mine was really awkward... I was 15, he was 18, and I was (still am) completely in love with him. We'd been dating a couple months, I realized that I wouldn't regret losing it to him... and I don't know, it was kind of disappointing. He couldn't get it in, when he finally did it hurt so badly I thought I'd break in half, he didn't even come. I felt like a failure, because I just wanted to be good for him. I definitely don't see it as one of the best experiences I had with him, but I'm so glad he was my first.

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