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Is suicide a sin?


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Maybe i don't know. As i said just what i think. I guess not then. If you don't know what you're doing why are you punished. I know its not right or fair to the family but come on its not exactly fair to the person either. They don't understand and they wouldn't even know what they had done wrong. Imagine being in the circumstance.


Hope i didn't offend anyone i did kind of get carried away.

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I would like to think that I have the right to dispose of my own body...you never know in what desperate circumstances you might find yourself and find suicide as the only way out.

I find it funny how so many so-called "christians" who praise inconditional love are the same ones who will judge others so harshly when they dont follow the Bible's principles.

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Who really cares, once your dead your dead. I am just so sick of this sin crap tho, dont mean to be rude or anything, but everything is a sin, and well i am just getting sick to death of all this sin stuf lately.

No one is perfect in this world so everyone does something that is sinfull so hey whats the big deal?

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I find it funny how so many so-called "christians" who praise inconditional love are the same ones who will judge others so harshly when they dont follow the Bible's principles.


That is so true i agree with ya completely

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^ Do you think God takes mental illness into consideration when somone goes crazy and kills other people?


I dont think that God looks at each particularized incident. I believe that he/she is only concerned with if the person believes. Of course a person should act in accordance with that belief but I do not believe that it is necessary. I think that God only sees sin and he/she does not care what the particularlize sin is. It would make more sense that God has a macro perspective. I do believe that God knows what sins a person has committed but is not concerned with the detials.

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funny how all the 'believers' are quick to jump in on this one with their unique brand of righteousness. it's almost like they enjoy it when other people 'sin' and attract the wrath of the great man. it must make them feel so much better about themselves.


hypocritical also, because unless you have faced that choice for real, you don't know what you're talking about. it is an act of extreme desperation, not malice, or evil. at the end of the day the perpetrator is also the victim.


i have failed suicide about 7 yrs ago, with shattering results for me physically and mentally. my family have never discussed it with me and a large part of me now wants to die because my life is a train-wreck and my relationship with my family is zero. i didn't feel like i was doing anything 'wrong' when i made my attempt, it just felt like the ONLYpath open to me - i couldn't envisage my future at all.


i do not believe in god, christ or the great beyond, so i guess whether or not it is a sin is rather irrelevant.

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suicide is a choice. a choice everyone is entitled to regardless of religion or lack thereof.


Suicide is not the cowards way out. It is the least cowardly thing you can do. Neither you or I know what death holds. Making a voluntary commitment to death is the bravest thing anyone can do.


totally agree with all of the above

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suicide is a choice. a choice everyone is entitled to regardless of religion or lack thereof.


Suicide is not the cowards way out. It is the least cowardly thing you can do. Neither you or I know what death holds. Making a voluntary commitment to death is the bravest thing anyone can do.


I don't mean to be disrespectful here, but can you explain how making the choice to not confront a problem is brave?


I agree that completing the actual task is not easy and thereforeeee can't be called "the easy" way out, but the bravest thing you can do?


How so?

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funny how all the 'believers' are quick to jump in on this one with their unique brand of righteousness. it's almost like they enjoy it when other people 'sin' and attract the wrath of the great man. it must make them feel so much better about themselves.


hypocritical also, because unless you have faced that choice for real, you don't know what you're talking about. it is an act of extreme desperation, not malice, or evil. at the end of the day the perpetrator is also the victim.


The believers I know are more concerned with doing the right things in their own lives than by worrying about the people who don't possess the sense of gratitude to think to say 'thank you' if something happens in their favor. Personally, I think that when someone's belief system includes telling people that killing themselves is of no consequence, something is desperately wrong.


For the record, I've slashed my wrists twice, taken a handful of Darvon, run a tube from my car's exhaust pipe to my driver's door, and twisted a wire coat hanger around my neck in the dark times when I had no faith. Yet here I sit, able to function well enough to monitor ENA's Suicide Forum for cries of desperation from others who have nothing to grab on to and are considering throwing their lives away - a list, if I recall correctly, that recently included a guy who calls himself 'timboo'. Just random chance that I survived all those episodes to be able to do this work, I guess...


So go ahead, mock and belittle those who are willing to entertain the notion that there is something in the universe greater than their own flawed selves. The only real, objective difference between a believing man and you is that he has latched onto an icon to help him remember to try to be a humble, upstanding member of society, to do good works whenever possible and to treat his neighbors with kindness and respect. If you think that makes you superior and gives you the right to spew contempt for him in a public setting, who am I to argue?

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So go ahead, mock and belittle those who are willing to entertain the notion that there is something in the universe greater than their own flawed selves. The only real, objective difference between a believing man and you is that he has latched onto an icon to help him remember to try to be a humble, upstanding member of society, to do good works whenever possible and to treat his neighbors with kindness and respect. If you think that makes you superior and gives you the right to spew contempt for him in a public setting, who am I to argue?


i always say thankyou and consider myself a good person. the believers i am referring to are the ones who reply by saying ''yes it's a sin, you're off to hell'', and nothing more. if you are there to understand and help, like yourself, then thats different.


i guess i see things differently to everyone else anyway as i have aspergers syndrome, and have never been able to build proper relationships with anyone, let alone god.


by the way, i'm sorry you have experienced suicidal episodes in the past, i hope you get through it.

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At first I took the original post literally, and since I don't believe in sin, I couldn't equate it with suicide.


I do believe suicide exists, and have seen the aftermath as it harms others, so ethically, it's a bad thing. I also feel suicide insults those who cling to life despite grave challenges. I've gotten close to the edge many times, myself, and don't condemn others for harboring the urge. I just hope they find a different path and save their friends and family some pain.


Hi Timboo.

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I agree that's it's definatly a bad thing I'm not supporting it. I know the damage it does to ther people left behind so I definatly don't think it's a good idea in any way. I guess it does insult those who cling to life, never really thought about it that way.

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I don't mean to be disrespectful here, but can you explain how making the choice to not confront a problem is brave?


I agree that completing the actual task is not easy and thereforeeee can't be called "the easy" way out, but the bravest thing you can do?


How so?


Simple. We at least know what our problems are. We know more-or-less what life holds. Death is the final aspect of our lives that it is truly impossible to know exactly what it is comprised of, whether there is an after life, or whether we are just "switched off".


The unknown is scary. It is the scariest thing that there is, and thus plunging into it is the bravest thing... follow my logic (or lack thereof) yet?


I myself, have failed the act thrice. I have waited through periods of depression in hope that it will as every says, get better. Sure it does for a short period of time, but then youre right back where you started. Life is a cycle you always end back up there sooner or later. One day I will succeed in suicide, whether that be tomorrow or in twenty years time I do not know, and frankly do not care. The saying "Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem" is bull, the problem may be temporary but is it worth it? It never really gets 100% better.

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Knowing what life holds, and plugging along despite depression, pain and despair is brave. I don't think suicide is an embrace of oblivion, but an escape from life's struggle.


I've wrestled with it many times, and something pulls me from the brink.

After exploring those reasons here with others, love and curiosity must be what keep me going. That's enough.

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My brain is too logical - apparently - to see how this makes sense. And I really DON'T mean this in a combative or confrontational way.


Plunging into an unknown situation doesn't at all sound like the defintion of bravery to me at all. In fact, accroding to Dictionary dot com - .


Bravery is defined as "brave spirit or conduct; courage; valor"


Seems like some one who is brave knows exactly what they are getting into and are either not afraid or push thru their fear in an effort to be heroic or in a display of valor.


How is ceasing to exist brave?


Ending one's own life for the sake of exploration? huh?


Or are you saying people will look at the corpse of a suicide victim and say, "now there goes one brave soldier!"


How is it that, as you say, "delving into an unknown," completely unprepared - knowledge wise - is anything but....forgive me....stupid? Not brave.


If you are saying you're not afraid to quit trying to solve your issues here, you're not afraid to stop existing and having experiences, you're not afraid to leave behind crying loved ones, and you're not afraid to cut the very skin away from your bones or choke the air from your lungs....



then, good job. You're very brave.

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