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Whats the secret on getting dates from online dating?

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That was from a chat room, that doesn't count..A chat room and online dating websites are different from each other.


I consider a chat room part of online dating - because you meet someone off the internet. But you did agree that some girls wont care about height, and can see that height itself is not the problem.


What about reaching out to those girls who dont care about height? What do you think is holding that back?

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....To me, though, everyone is entitled to expect that if they are going to put in the effort to meet in person that he or she has been honest to the best of their knowledge about the basic facts - age, marital status, height and weight. There may be other similar facts but those are some general basics...


This is so true. If you intend to get involved with a stranger's life, you owe them more than a casual represention of facts. You'll make no points if in the first minutes of meeting, anything isn't as advertised.

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One thing is the same- she said she wanted to chat with tall men and you claimed to be 5"9 which was a lie, and used that lie to deceive her into taking the time to meet you in person. It doesn't matter if it was a chat room, a web site, a phone call, etc. - what you did was inconsiderate of her time and misleading.


What? The guy should have wore high heeled boots so he would have been taller when he meet her.

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He said he was 5"9 without shoes. He is not. Wearing high heels would not have changed that basic fact. For most people, a lie like that is a dealbreaker, and it is a waste of time for both people to meet when things start off with a material lie. I was fortunate enough to catch most of the men in lies (age, marital status, educational status) before the first meet - but sometimes it was after wasting my time with several emails and phone calls. I never met them and I advised my women friends not to meet them either (and for the most part, they did not). When I met men who were 5 inches or more shorter than advertised, I was not happy about it because of the lie and it started off with a negative impression. Same with the men who posted pictures when they were 50 pounds lighter - it was the lie that concerned me, not typically the actual weight.

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He said he was 5"9 without shoes.


He did not mention 'without shoes'.


He is not. Wearing high heels would not have changed that basic fact.


So you are saying there is some implication, or people are reading into things being without shoes. You see, you agree that people have the right to WITHOLD certain information and not hang their dirty laundry in public so to speak as long as they are not oughtright lying. In this case, he may be WITHHOLDING information about shoes, but in essense he's 5'9 with them on, and rightly so.


For most people, a lie like that is a dealbreaker, and it is a waste of time for both people to meet when things start off with a material lie.


For most people....but not for all, thus for some people it may work?

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Unemployed septegenarian ectomorph, 6" 5" seeks peculiar woman for Scrabble, anal ring toss and sushi. Must have full dentures and like ikebana. No adult children in tow or internal parasites. Please, no more Presbryterians...


Maybe play the lame humor card.

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He did not mention 'without shoes'.




So you are saying there is some implication, or people are reading into things being without shoes. You see, you agree that people have the right to WITHOLD certain information and not hang their dirty laundry in public so to speak as long as they are not oughtright lying. In this case, he may be WITHHOLDING information about shoes, but in essense he's 5'9 with them on, and rightly so.




For most people....but not for all, thus for some people it may work?


I believe the reasonable understanding when someone provides height is that it is without shoes. Otherwise, I could routinely state I am 3 inches taller than I really am. No one should have to clarify "without shoes" etc - it is an outright lie and I am sure there is a dictionary or medical definition of "height" - but, please, try the experiment of telling someone your height with four inch heels and later, explain that that is what you thought was referred to by "height." See who agrees with you. Better yet, ask link removed what they mean when you are asked to put in your "height" on a profile.


For some people lies aren't dealbreakers because they do not value honesty - so they are relieved to find someone else who doesn't either or they are so desperate to be with someone that they tolerate the lies. You are right - not everyone minds dating a liar but the vast majority of the people I know would consider it a dealbreaker - typically because - hmmm if he lied about his height/age/marital status what else would he lie about, is he lying about, etc.


So, yes, it is totally fine to lie in a profile if you accept that the majority of people will find material lies to be dealbreakers as far as going on more than one date with the person (or whenever it is they learn about the lie) and that the minority who will be fine with it will have values and standards that either lying is ok or that it is better to be in a relationship with a liar than to be (gasp!) alone.

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how so......?



In my opnion online dating websites are organazied and more professional than chat rooms in looking for a date and a relationship. Online dating sites shows profiles, pics, information about a person, interests, what they are looking etc etc..Chat rooms shows nothing at all and its just typing chat and nothing but full of BOTS, fake people, majority of people on chatrooms just sells there porn and web cam sites..


Besides that I don't lie anymore about my height, I learned my lesson but its so sad and upsetting that many women judges me by my height without even giving me a chance..Everyone deserves a chance with someone.

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So, basically on a chat room when someone states she wants someone tall it is acceptable to lie but if she asked you in a chat screen on an online dating site it would be unacceptable to lie? Or is it that you believe that because many people lie in a chat room it is ok for you to lie? Many people lie on on line dating sites too . . . .


Sorry, but seems to be a distinction without a difference, much less a distinction that justified you misleading someone into meeting you in person - that took it out of the realm of chat rooms even assuming your theory holds up. I am glad you learned your lesson though!

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I think I've said it twice in this thread and I'll say it a third time. Online dating doesn't work and should be avoided in my opinion.


well, that is subjective. I know many people who are in good relationships and even some marriages from people they have met online.

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