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Its been almost 2 months of NC. Not sure of number of days.

I was hoping by now to feel a lot better. But I still miss her, I think I miss her more than ever.


Really sucks, but I just don't have the feelings of closure I've had with other girls. I realize too, that I have never been with someone so long. 5 years is a lot to get over in 2 months. It literally only feels like a couple of weeks.

Days go by, weeks go by, some days ok, some not so ok.


I'd do anything just to give her a hug. Although I know she does not even deserve that.


But there is nothing I can do. Just hope for better days.

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Well I think Nc has helped me to grow stronger. Yes I do think about him from time to time, but am not wondering what he's doing, and if he's thinking of me, and do not feel vengeful anymore. Yes, I cannot forgive him for what he did. But it doesn't seem to be my concern anymore.


My Lady, you do have a point there, I was having a debate within myself whether to unblock him. And I did, and he messaged and it didn't affect me.

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It won't happen soon unless you allow it.

My first week was bad enough. The second week I felt better. The third week was bad and it was Valentine's. And my ex tried to contact my sis before then. And has been trying to 3 times within the past two weeks. I was feeling much much better.


It is only natural to expect some relapses. But you will find that in time you will relapse less. And with time the hurt will slowly ebb away into nothingness. I'm still waiting for that time. Allow yourself to let go complete and to accept that what you had is over. It is easier for you to be in NC with no expectations of reconciliation.


Good luck.

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SAMT...I am in my third week of NC and it has been tough....1st week I don't even remember..I was either in shock or angry.....I know that I did cry but ..I also know that I am my own worst enemy....at times I convince myslef..well the committee in my head does that if I hold onto things that it will make it all better...I know that is not true and in fact is the total opposite of what you should do. Everyday I have intense feelings amix of anger/sadness/pain...like my heart has been ripped out...but when I get busy the pain starts to ese..especailly when I start taking care of myself...taht si really how you let go and move on and become healthy!

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Day 7


Well I have reached Day 7 of NC. I have gained so much strength in a week and started to see that this is totally his loss. I will work hard every day to reach thirty and heal myself.


Its his loss because I know that I am a great girl with a lot to offer and he honestly is too selfish at this point in his life to treat me the way I deserve. I never complained and always let him be himself because I feel that is important. I also treated him like gold. He was stupid enough to walk away when our relationship reached a real-life crisis and he was too immature to handle it.


All in all, I would have to say that despite my strong feelings for him, I am better off in the long run.



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I think my stubborness has helped me with NC. I have no desire to contact my ex. Reason is b/c he has been texting me all this week about some thing (not about us) and he won't pick up the phone and call me. I'm so pissed that he won't call me. Earlier this week he text me about something...I didn't respond back...he text me the next day asking if I was pissed. Ok...if you think I'm pissed about something...pick up the damn phone and ask me...enough with the texts. I think I'm on day 3 or 4 since he last contact me. But like I said, until he can pick up the phone and actually call me...I'm not contacting him.

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Day 10.


My last record was 16 days broken by her. This time I don't think it will be broken. I can concievably see this going for months maybe even ever.


I feel good. I went out lat night with my good buddy, we drank some beer and i fell asleep on the bus and misse dmy stop by about half an hour and I ended up in the suburbs! haha! The bus driver dorve me all the wya home though! What a guy!

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Day 5, new record-mixed feelings about that though since I want her to contact me. Weekend can go by faster than the weekdays for me but also think about her going out getting drunk.


Watched Swingers last night for the first time lol. Hoping my ex is thinking about me daily as well w/ some good thoughts. Her lil girl would ask about me every day, but that was 2 weeks ago, not sure if she still does

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Day 3...again


Havent done much today just a bit of work... but now starting to feel a bit weaker all of a sudden...just 20 mins earlier i was feeling better, and was thinking ...its for the best, maybe i deserve someone better out there..


But i know now that shes blocked me on msn..and i know it sounds pretty childish and silly...but i dont know..kindof got to me! I wonder if she feels relieved or something

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Day 10 i believe...


doing fine with the ex situation.. but the girl im interested in and was flirting with alot last night and I think she may have itnerest in me.. well the bum she went on 3 dates with doesn't contact her much, and he jus ttexted her.. ugh.. she's gonna get reeled back in. That guy seems like such a bum.

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NC for 16 days........


ok even tho i didnt contact him, i checked his facebook today... ahhhh!


In response to Crows.. does "blocking" someone show a sign of not being over them? My ex has blocked me on MSN for over 1.5 months now. He clearly isnt ready to talk to me.. but he talks and msgs all my friends!

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oh how i miss the days of having somebody next to me at night.

i cant sleep worth crap anymore and i struggle to fall a sleep.

most nights its between 2-3am when i finally just crash.

some nights i get anxiety as it gets later and dont fall a sleep at all,

just kinda rest with my heart beating and my brain running like crazy!


i hate that she still has this much control almost 3 months later.


being alone sucks!

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