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Day 26. Having alot more good moments then bad lately. I think I'm really starting to accept that it's finally over and she's never coming back. I have to admit though I want her to see me. All of this running I've been doing lately has really toned me up. I want her to see what she threw away! Things are really turning around for me. I knew that I had alot to be thankful for but now I'm actually starting to really feel it. There's a difference. Thank God for nc!

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Accidentally saw a facebook page last night with the dude talking to other chicks and telling them how much fun they had partying together (apparently, he has lots of "girl friends he doesn't sleep with") so that kind of upset me. But overall, am making fun plans for tonight/the weekend, not really concerned too much about him.

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Day 6


Missing her a little more since she "sorta" contacted me. I'm hoping to just forget about her again over the holidays with all the destractions. Thought about sending a happy thanksgiving message but I decided her tiny little reach out wasnt worth a response. Decision is made, I will not contact her. I will continue moving on, nothing significant has changed thereforee she will recive nothing from me.

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finding it so hard. Really want to call him, have even considered it tonight. He has treat me terrible and hes a really bad person but part of me misses the companionship. I just feel broken tonight.


fiffy!! don't call him!!!!!!!!!!!!!! don't!! you are better than that. call me or PM me... or so something... go cry... do not call the man who shut the door in your face and said "i don't want you anymore"


don't call him... this feeling will pass... just go cry like I do, ugggh

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Day 27. It's still been hard but I care less and less about her. My love is fading. I'm finding that I care less about posting. I think after day 30 it's time for me to leave ena and start putting myself out there again. The holidays are here. I look and feel great. The women I work with definitely notice. For anyone going through this I recommend a work out plan right away! I already was weight training before the break-up but I quit smoking and started running since then and it has boosted my self confidence which I really, really needed after being rejected. I even got one of those juicers and started drinking every day and I'm telling you my skin is looking great.


The bottom line is that this is an oppurtunity for us to become better, stronger people. I believe in my heart that we are all put here to learn and sometimes life is going to * * * * all over us. It's what we do about it that matters. When we are ready we will be a little more wiser than we were with our exe's. I can't wait to see what's next!!! Hang in there people. It get's easier I promise you. A month ago before I came her and learned about nc I fantasized about suicide. Now I'm getting excited about what else is next in my life. I gave up. It wasn't until then that I started to sleep normal again and start smiling. Let them go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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finding it so hard. Really want to call him, have even considered it tonight. He has treat me terrible and hes a really bad person but part of me misses the companionship. I just feel broken tonight.


Noooo! I know it's hard when you're missing that companionship, but it will only make you feel worse in the end if you do call him. *hug*

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Hi de hi.


Day whatever. 8, 9, something like that. She sent an email y'day. It was sort of cute and flirty. I replied, eventually. It's bumping into her around the office that's tough. Trying to be all blaise, but I think it ends up looking like I'm blanking her.


Anyway, I'm getting a better perspective on it now. If she wants anything to happen, she's going to have to chase it. Otherwise, it's her loss.


So there.


Keep at it, chicos & chicas. I'm beginning to think it might just work...

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Day 11 today


Had a bit of a stepback lastnight. Started missing her like crazy and was really down. I didnt contact her though. I knew it wouldnt do any good.


I feel better this morning. Ive been playing alot of hockey as Ive joined a few additional teams that my friends play on. So I feel energized and in shape and good about myself. I know I will think about her for a while still. But Im learning to deal with the thoughts. Lastnight was a slip up. It hurt. But I got through it and today is a brand new day.


Hello Day 11 of NC!

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I am embarrassed to admit this but I am starting at day 1 again...


I fell off the wagon at day 9. I initiated contact because when we broke up the it involved some anger exchanges and hurt feelings for both, but mainly for me. I wanted to end it on a better note.


We talked and discussed some things I thought might help me in the long run. We discussed and got to hear there was no chance for hope, which helps for "closure" aspects. I also wanted to know and found out there was no cheating involved. I told her there was no way we could contact each other for awhile. For me that may mean forever, i don't know yet.


How do I feel? Like crap. I think the conversation was helpful in some aspects, and hurtful in others. It hurt to see she was taking it very well and did not seem to be too concerned. I kinda feel like I have gone back to day one or two feelings wise. But I hope to get going again.


Anybody fall off the wagon like did and make it back through this?


I will be here every day until I feel better

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day 12... and I'm sad


it's the exbf's birthday today a friend from the train actually told me I should write him and wish him a happy birthday... I replied "are you out of your fricking mind.. why would I do that"... and I won't. Of course I'd love to, but I won't. He doesn't want me... he is off somewhere living his new life 1,000lbs lighter... that's what he said a few days after he left... that he feels a 1,000lbs lighter... I had no idea I was such a heavy weight


anyway whoa is me.. I'm sad today.


it's Thanksgiving and I shouldn't be. I have my family, my job, my health, the horses... I have lots of things to be grateful for.


I just wish someone would take this knife out of my gut...


Happy Thanksgiving to my United States friends

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Day 15


Happy thanksgiving. I am feeling a bit low today most likely because it is a holiday and she is not with me. It definatly sucks to be alone on the holiday. Thiws is the first time I have been alone on a holiday in 10 years. Family and friends are just not the same as sharing the time with a SO. I went out last night in town and saw many friends from out of town and also met some new people. I met a few girls but of course they are not from here. I hate where I live there aren't to many women that I would date. It seems as though all the good ones are taken. Small towns suck. I live in a town with only 10,000 people.


I am going to try and enjoy myself today, but she is on my mind. Today will be hard. Today I miss her. I haven't cried in a month but I am now.

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Dont beat yourself up. You broke contact. Who cares! You allowed yourself to take something from the conversation. Now today is a new day. A new beginning and a fresh chance to start NC again. Now you know for sure that there is no hope for you two.


Use that to better yourself and focus on what matters to you. You made it to Day 9 once so you can do it again. Only this time you know that breaking NC will not change the situation. Good luck to you and keep you chin up. It may be Day 1 again, but its the first day to a brand new life!

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Mhaira and crab62 Thanks for your support last night! I ended up having a cup of tea and curling up in bed. Felt a little ugh during the day but tonight I am glad I waited for the bad feelings to pass. It hurts to miss him but why should I care about someone who doesn't about me?


I am so kind and caring and I didn't deserve the way he treated me. Full stop. Thats why I will never call him, and even if he ever called me (which I know he won't) I am too mad at him to answer.


So whayyyyyyyyyyy day 11.


I am guessing it is your thanksgiving to everyone in the US? That is so hard to have that celebration and christmas all so close. I feel for you. I understand your pain Robert and hope your ok?


Tyler we both had the same feelings last night! We are mirroring each other at the moment!


Has anyone seen babes? I am a bit worried about her- I haven't seen her in a bit and she was so down last time we spoke.


Hope all is well and hang in crab62, just remember those words you helped me with yesterday. I understand how sad you feel and we are all here if you need someone to talk to xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Oh sorry awakeintx if you read back my posts I broke no contact so many times usually after 2-5 days. The longest I have ever gone is 6/7 days back in august. Now I am on day 11. I never thought I would be so strong but it was like something inside me changed x keep up and just go back to NC we all slip off the bandwagon- your doing your best and just be proud of what you have achieved already! xxxxxxxxxx

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I think it gets worse before it starts to get better right? This morning was terrible. I didn't think not being with him on Thanksgiving would affect me since I've never really shared Thanksgiving with a boyfriend.

I still feel extremely guilty about many things in our relationship. I still feel like I ruined something that could have been wonderful. Please tell me I won't feel like this on DAY 30. I'm considering moving to New Orleans. My sister lives there.

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digitaldiva you soooooo have nothing to regret.


I have spent months thinking about what I should have done different. I have gone over everyday over and over thinking what could I change. It is not us that cannot commit or work on a relationship. We have tried so hard and in the end if they continue to act that way then it is them who have not looked at what they did wrong. It takes two to make things work.

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