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I'm missing him pretty badly today, but I think it's cause I'm sick and I've been laying around most of the day trying to get better for the work week. Everytime I fall asleep I dream of him


Still this gets easier every day. NC is working for me. It is giving me that time I need to heal.

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I'm missing him pretty badly today, but I think it's cause I'm sick and I've been laying around most of the day trying to get better for the work week. Everytime I fall asleep I dream of him


Still this gets easier every day. NC is working for me. It is giving me that time I need to heal.


Hope you feel better soon!!

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Day 3 NC. I am starting over again and have not heard from him in 3 days. He contacted me last. I just wonder does he still think about me. We were together 4.5 years and it has been almost 3 months since the break up and 2 weeks since we last hung out. We had such a good time and then I made a big mistake in my life and even though that mistake did not involve him I know I have ruined my chances. So I am doing NC. I know I will see him tomorrow as he needs to pick up the dog so I am baffled at how I will not be able to contact him tomorrow

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Day 3 NC. I am starting over again and have not heard from him in 3 days. He contacted me last. I just wonder does he still think about me. We were together 4.5 years and it has been almost 3 months since the break up and 2 weeks since we last hung out. We had such a good time and then I made a big mistake in my life and even though that mistake did not involve him I know I have ruined my chances. So I am doing NC. I know I will see him tomorrow as he needs to pick up the dog so I am baffled at how I will not be able to contact him tomorrow


Don't give up hope quite yet. Just a week ago I thought I had completely blown my chances and just today she called me asking to hang out. She then ended up telling me that she misses me so much and that she wants us to work out but just wants a little longer to have some space. I don't want to give you false hope, but I want you to know that not all hope is lost!

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What I love to see, and what gives me hope (in a number of ways) is the fact that veryone on here (Male / Female - Dumper / Dumpie) all say the same thing:


I miss mx ex, I wonder if they miss me?


Well, I dont see many post here saying, I left my ex, and Im not thinking about them. In other words, unless you had the most heartless partner known to man, if you are NC, then they are thinging about you, and they are wondering, and they are wanting. I hate to steal a quote from another poster here, but chances are, here is what your ex is thinking:


wondering what's going on in that stubborn head of his (hers)...is he(she) angry I haven't responded to his email? Is he curious? Has he written me off for good?? I wonder, and yes, it does matter.


As you can see, the NC creates the mystery that draws us all in. I am asking those questions in my head too.. And so is my ex. I know this! So chill, and let time work its magic

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o man....day 37. This is killing me all of a sudden lol. Last night when i got drunk, I started thinking of her and thought of schemes and and justify things to talk to her again but i know the only way anything is gonna work is if she initiates contact with me first.


-_- blegh, once i get drunk my mind goes out of control. sigh -_- and another part of me just wants to find another gf. This is so conflicting argh!!

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Day 38 ...


... I don't know why, but I have gone backwards again. I'd been avoiding my family since this whole thing kicked off but I was starting to get panicky messages from them wondering if I was ok so I phoned them a couple of days ago. As soon as I told them what happened I burst into tears even though I was feeling quite composed before I made the call. Maybe it's finally starting to sink in that it's real.


Today in the mail I got a surprise cheque from my family for a substantial amount (even though I lied and told them I was ok for money when I spoke to them) and I received an unconditional acceptance from my first choice of university. I should be over the moon, but instead I burst into tears and haven't stopped crying. I just feel so lonely and scared.

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This is my 1st post on this thread, and I'm shocked by the length of time I haven't spoken to my ex. Throughout the whole time I've known him (nearly 4 years) we have never not spoken for this length of time.


I really really really miss him. So much. But I know there is nothing I can do about how he feels, his mind has been made.


Wish he would have text me by now to see how I am, afterall, he knows he is my best friend, and probably my only true friend.



Missing the good times today

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Day 10


Such a bad night, didn't get to sleep for hours because all that was going through my head is her with other guys and I started to get really wound up.

It mainly only happens when I try to sleep, so annoying.

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Day 4. I will see him today to give him the dog back. His flight just landed He did not contact me I just know what time.... Today is hard!!!


Rohded that sounds wonderful I hope the best for you!!!! And thanks for the encouragement. He did say he misses me but not enough to ask for me back LOL!!!

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Day 28 - tough one as this is about the time last year that we started to see each other again (before the 2nd BU in early March). This week and the holiday weekend will be really hard I can tell already. I have stuff planned and am enjoying myself more, but then I can't help to think how much MORE fun and enjoyable the same activities would be with her, sheez. Plus the questions about what is she doing? who with? are popping up. this is just a hard day I suppose.

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Day 5.. Cake walk - yea right



I feel like crap, but I know its the right thing to do. Ill get over it.. The best part, is: I now have a plan, and that plan includes 30 days minimum as outlined here.


I WILL not break that even if I get a message saying "Please come back, I love you".. aint gonna happen. And after the 30 days, Ill be well on my way to being stronger. I want her, but I dont need here. I remind myself of that daily. In the future, I will neither need her, or WANT her, and that is when Ill be happy If we get together ever again, it will be on my terms..

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Day 30 will you please hurry up and get here?!?! It wouldn't change anything if it were here already, but I'm still antsy for it. I've been doing so well with all of this, but I feel like I've taken a step back today. I want to call him. But I won't I can't say anything stupid if I say nothing at all, right?!

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Some good advice I read on here: I think from Deang


If you dont talk, you cant say anything stupid!



I agree with that. If you in the least bit needy, or clingy, or upset, you are sure to send the message. You truly can not give a cr*p.. then, when you talk, it will be the new changed person that has control.

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Broke NC yesterday to call my ex and wish her a happy birthday. Her phone was off, so I just left a quick message. Been doing pretty well, although I just can't get into any of the women I've been going out with. (And they're remarkable women in their own right.) I know calling to leave the "happy birthday" message was good just because I wanted to, but from a strategic sense also. It's probably been about 6 weeks of NC, and because I broke up with her first (wasn't sure I'd want kids in time), I lost my "nice guy" status with her friends. But, I know that at least one of her friends or family members is going to ask her if she heard from me on her birthday, and it can only be good.


One interesting thing is that I'm still on her sister's newsletter e-mail list. Even though I don't want to date her sister, it's nice to know that she thinks enough of me not to delete me. She's met my ex's new guy, too. My ex was supposed to go visit him sometime around now (long distance relationship), so that might be why her phone was off. We had a great time on her birthday last year, so hopefully she's remembering that now.


My birthday is in a few days, so it will be interesting to see if she contacts me back.


Best regards to all of you!

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