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Day 34!


Sorry I haven't posted in a while but i have been completely busy. 2 months after the break up and my heart feels healed. I now know what i want from a relationship, i have learned that i am stronger inside for everything i have just gone through. My heart doesn't feel like it weighs 233243 pounds and i think with help from friends, family, and a therapist i have been able to let go of all the pain i went through. I want to thank everyone on ENA for there support and positive words.


For all the people that are going through break ups and think you cannot go through the day without thinking about them, there is hope. Concentrate on yourself, don't let those negative and foolish thoughts break your spirit. Know that you are strong enough to get through this pain and that one day it will let up. I understand the pain and torture when a break up happens, know that the light at the end of the tunnel is not as far as you think, hang in there people.


I almost forgot what it was like to smile. Good luck everyone in your quest to find happiness. My inbox is still open if anyone needs to talk.

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well, I havent posted in a while...


But its been 3 and a half months since I seen him in person ( He lived an hour and a half away )..28 days since I spoke to him verbally...and 17 days since any contact at all..


I have been thinking of him less and less


But I would be lying if I said I didnt miss him because I do..


Everytime I think of him, I just feel sad.



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Day 2


After a great weekend away from the dorms and my ex dormcest lover...


the second we hit the freeway on the way back my stomach ties up in knots and i want to throw up. and im afraid because i want to see him so badly and i know i wouldnt be able to handle it if i did


of course my room has to be the last one down the hall ensuring that everytime i pass by his door my heart will beat too fast.


it was closed.


i didnt breathe until i got into my room.





i hate smoking. but its times like these when i think of taking it up. x[


i have a feeling hes decided to go NC too... of course he is. i know him. hed do something like this. even when the first time we broke up and he wanted to be together again, he never said it until i said it first. we wouldnt have had a second chance if i hadnt initiated contact.


but i hate the thought that hes doing NC because he wants to... not because he needs to... or even without a thought..


i want him to miss me as badly as i do him.

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redrocket... i actually think you shouldnt even reply at all... and even better... try to start getting yourself in the mindset that it doesnt even matter. doing so will in the long run help you start to get over her. in the future when you sense yourself going into "overthink overdrive" tell yourself to stop.


think about it... its not that serious.


when your friend forgets to text back something like that... do you even notice? i think youre overthinking it entirely way too much.

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Thanks. Glad you are starting to feel better. It's usually worse in the mornings. I'm sure I will start to feel better as the day goes on What day are you on now?


Supposed to be day 27 but remember she called me on thursday so I guess I have to start over.

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Well I am happy that I made it through the night and did not give in. And yes I was overthinking it and I would have felt worse had I written even if she replied because it have just been me pushing again.


And what do you know but she sent me an email very late last night asking how I am, what's going on and telling me about a presentation she's working on

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well yesterday was exactly 4 months she broke up with me and I left. today I woke up early because I was "dreaming" about her. in the dream it was just like old times. last few days I seem to have slipped back into a "funk" AGAIN!!! why am I still thinking/dreaming about her so much????

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Day 6


These six days have actually gone pretty quickly. I think it was broken up by her email to me on Friday and the fact that I've been so worked up about that has actually taken my mind off of contacting her.


All I can think from her point of view right now is that she's probably happy to be rid of me. She didn't seem too concerned in her email to me about me leaving her life. "I'll give you as much time as you need if/when you want to contact me." Which kind of suggests that she's not bothered either way.


Right now, I know that I will contact her one day but it won't be for a long while yet. Then again, maybe after a while I will have no reason to contact her. We shall see.


Am I trying to make her miss me? Yes. But as time goes by, I will probably start to think less about whether she misses me or not and just get on with things.


The only thing that really bothers me right now is that the urge to respond to her email is really killing me. I spent about four hours constructing her an email in response to hers last night. Obviously I didn't send it. I kept rewriting it, changing bits, rephrasing bits, deleting bits, adding bits... then it got to 4am and I thought I'd come back to it today. And I've been doing the same thing again. I don't have OCD but it feels like I do at times!


I am sure that today she is out in the sun having fun and going to clubs in the evening and not thinking about me one bit. She said in her email that she does still think of me, but probably when she's doing mundane things like walking to the supermarket or whatever. Where as, I think about her when I am on nights out. I was in a champagne bar a few weeks ago for a mate's birthday. It was 42 floors up and overlooked all of London at night. It was ace. I just kept thinking: "Wow, she would LOVE it here."


The hard thing is that I have so much to say to her. I have so many questions and I really want to try and convince her that things could be different. Not how they were. I know that it's impossible but if she has any feelings for me still then surely she should give me a chance right? She obviously doesn't.


I think I'm screwed because I think she has the young, free and single lifestyle now and why on earth would she give that up for me? She's no doubt getting loads of attention and is enjoying her freedom. She could have a boyfriend now for all I know. She wouldn't tell me would she? What really bugs me is that I just think that maybe she met some guy that was better in bed than me and that's why she's not come back to me. Call it insecurity or whatever but that's the thing that makes me unable to sleep at night sometimes. I just imagine her with someone else and get fidgety.


I've been having really bad nightmares about her this week too. Which I will explain more of in another thread.

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19th day afternoon

reporting contact at work, short conversation. She initiated. Informal, like with any other I meet there.

Keeping on NC.

About dreaming, I dreamed of her three times last weekend in a row. ONce we were dancing and I hugged her tightly.

It was such a good feeling.

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Its the evening of day 17 and its just terrible. I almost texted a few times and broke down and part of me just wants to see him to do some more begging and pleading This is so crap, but all of you already know that.


Its cool... it will get better I was doing the same thing...

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Its cool... it will get better I was doing the same thing...


It seems to get better for a day or 2 then it gets worse again and then better, but everytime it gets worse, its worse than the time before if that makes any sense. I just don't feel like I can deal with it all anymore but there is no way out of it. Through the day I think of everyone on here and how they are feeling the same way and it's just sad Are you feeling ok today?

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Hi everyone..I mentioned a little while back that I didnt know where honeyspur had disappeared too. Her advice was an inspitaration to us all


..I do feel that you all need support in NC as it was very difficult for me to start off with also.


So as of from now...I will reply to all posts made on this thread. I am your new mentor hehe...and any questions you may have come up about your NC. I will try my best to help you all the best I can...





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