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It seems to get better for a day or 2 then it gets worse again and then better, but everytime it gets worse, its worse than the time before if that makes any sense. I just don't feel like I can deal with it all anymore but there is no way out of it. Through the day I think of everyone on here and how they are feeling the same way and it's just sad Are you feeling ok today?


Not going to lie some days I'm crushed especially because I know she is back with her ex. And I have to see him everyday at work. I hold my head high even though it hurts me.

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You seem so stong, you should be proud of yourself. he seems like a willyhead anyway!



Ya know if someone treats me bad I usually can put up a wall and walk away without a scratch but this one cut deep. I thought she would be around a while, like a long while but she left. I keep reminding myself that the next girl will be even better. My current ex won't hold a candle to her (when I meet her).

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Ya know if someone treats me bad I usually can put up a wall and walk away without a scratch but this one cut deep. I thought she would be around a while, like a long while but she left. I keep reminding myself that the next girl will be even better. My current ex won't hold a candle to her (when I meet her).


I hope so. I kinda hope that it's like that for me though but I really don't want anyone else and not sure I ever will even if he is better ](*,)

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Day #21...Only a week till it's officially "mid-April," when I told him he could contact me again, since our staying friends was so terribly important to him.


Of course, it's not like he's been counting the days and is going to get in touch at midnight on the 15th, lol. I imagine that when I don't contact him then, he'll follow suit and not contact me either. But still...it's weird to think that he might even potentially get in touch soon. I guess I had hoped I would be closer to being healed by now, such that I would hardly even notice when it got to be mid-April. Ha!

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Day 20

Another day passed and I was in good company, joined one group (feel like part of something bigger than myself) and then went out and met one beautiful girl which is very pretty and even kissed with her (not real kiss but in the cheek) and I feel good.

Ok I still love my ex maybe more then, ever but I find it peculiAR not being sad and all that!!!!

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Thank you

Next few days will be rough though.


I can imagine, really I can. I nursed my grandmother for 9 months through cancer while my mother went to work and I missed a lot of school through it because a lot of our family members couldn't handle it, I was 14 at the time and I was really to young to have had to do or see what I did, but I'm glad that I was there for her. I know I have said this before but try to spend this time in a positive way with your mother and put your ex on hold, your mother is so much more important than her right now, and if you do decide one day that you are over your ex and realise that you wouldn't want her back like many people on here to, you may regret wasting your time on her at this time in your life. My thoughts will be with you. x

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Is there any particular reason for you starting tomorrow? Has anything happened? Or you just made the decision?


She moved out of the house today. Until she moved out, daily contact was pretty unavoidable. Actually, they are supposed to be pulling out very early AM tomorrow (I think she said 6 AM) and the truck is at the house, so there's a small chance I'll see her in the AM. I'd rather avoid that at this point, though.

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Day something or other. I cannot remember and do not feel like doing the math. Over three weeks but not yet four, I think.


Been a crappy day but not because of the ex so much. Financial stuff and family crap. I have not really been too depressed about the ex today. A few twangs of pain here and there but nothing devastating. I am starting to have a hard time remembering much about her. I guess that is a good sign. We will see what tomorrow brings.

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day 1 AGAIN!


i broke contact last night. *sigh*


i texted him saying i had something to say to him and call me/find me when he gets a chance...


he never did. i ran into him today. it was ok. i said hi, how are you doing? and he said okay and i said did you get my text and he said he was asleep. i was tempted to push the issue but i didnt... and then i said ok, ill see you around. (we live on the same dorm floor, its inevitable. as long as i dont CONSCIOUSLY look for him, im still not breaking NC)


he still hasnt called me... is he being a * * * * * * * or what???


i wish i never sent that damn text message.


best case scenario hes curious as hell as to what i had to say, i hope thats the case


it looks like he wont respond, well i say fine then

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Day 20

well last night was surprisingly good, but since morning very bad, crying again.

It is exactly one month since break up.....

it hurts, really bad!

I don't know how much longer I will manage to pretend strong, while suffering this bad.

I don't see anything ahead of me in the future to look for.

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Well I'm back on the challenge although for me its going to be an infinite amount of time... went 3.5 weeks of NC and then she called (predetermined time). Was going another 2.5 weeks and she called again and ended things for good. She wants to be friends as soon as i'm ready - i told her that wouldn't be for a long time... so here i am, back on the NC train!


Day 1

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Today is really bad for me. I didn't sleep last night. I am coming under the realization or possibility that she will move in with the new guy by the end of the summer. I need to continue the NC and heal. I don't think it will last but she may force things just so she won't be alone.

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Today is really bad for me. I didn't sleep last night. I am coming under the realization or possibility that she will move in with the new guy by the end of the summer. I need to continue the NC and heal. I don't think it will last but she may force things just so she won't be alone.


Sorry you are feeling bad. My good mood is fading slightly too. If she does move in with him there is absolutely nothing you can do. Call me crazy but it may even be a good thing and with it being a new relationship it will certainly put a strain on things and the cracks will appear much sooner. If she does force things with him because she doesn't want to be alone it is doomed to fail because the relationship isn't based on anything good x

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Sorry you are feeling bad. My good mood is fading slightly too. If she does move in with him there is absolutely nothing you can do. Call me crazy but it may even be a good thing and with it being a new relationship it will certainly put a strain on things and the cracks will appear much sooner. If she does force things with him because she doesn't want to be alone it is doomed to fail because the relationship isn't based on anything good x


Well this is her ex so it is not that new andI have not heard anything solid I just know that if she wanted to move in with me so quickly I know she is doing the same thing to him. She never really got to know me that's the thing that hurts the most. I know I am a 10 times better guy than he is.

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