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I am starting NC today. I contacted him two days ago - no surprises, felt * * * * by all the nonchalant replies he gave and then he started to blame me for everything, and that all he did was justified and completely NOT wrong. Many tears. I will stop going to his friend's blogs to see what he has posted, his friendster page, and stop adding and deleting him off MSN everyday. 30 days and beyond here I come!!!

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i feel like crap and really weak,i feel like nc is making me think about him more and im obsessing about the fact he hasnt even tried to contact me.when i started this i said i wanted to try and go a week,so at least im halfway there and hopefully after then it should get easier.i keep on worrying that hes with someone else and that he wont contact me.but then i know that he will want to know how im getting on soon.maybe in a few days he will wake up and realise how long its been since i last tried to call,hes probably just busy with work at the mo.hope he contacts me soon though,i feel like im going mad!

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I am starting NC today. I contacted him two days ago - no surprises, felt * * * * by all the nonchalant replies he gave and then he started to blame me for everything, and that all he did was justified and completely NOT wrong. Many tears. I will stop going to his friend's blogs to see what he has posted, his friendster page, and stop adding and deleting him off MSN everyday. 30 days and beyond here I come!!!

my ex did the same thing

she blame me for everything that went wrong in our relationship

sometimes they did that to justify themselves for hurting you

it's painfull to hear her reply when i say i love you,it's as if she doesn't care about me at all

hang in there,i know how hard it is

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Day #11


I had a dream about him last night, one of those where you want to talk to someone but they keep either disappearing or being too busy doing something else. He was SUPER grumpy in this dream, though, so it didn't exactly make me feel nostalgic, lol...

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this is day the beginning of day 2. as she had contacted me thursday. had a good long conversation about how each other was doing etc. then i visited her and her mom at their house because i told her mom i would. she was crying etc. im resuming NC and awaiting her to contact me again!

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Day 5


I'm feeling really hungover today and I'm spending it in bed. Naturally, I'm thinking about my ex.


I had a strange moment last night when I was out. I went to a really nice bar with my friends and I suddenly thought that my ex would love it where we were. This then made me a bit upset because I knew that I'd never get to take her there. A bit of a silly thing to get upset about but I did. That went away after hitting the tequila mind you.


I don't expect my ex is thinking about me. I have come to the conclusion that she has just been "polite" to ease her guilt as opposed to an actual friend. I am determined not to contact her this time. She'll be expecting that. It's usually me to contact her first - which kind of sums it all up really. She has no desire to speak to me but will do when I speak to her so she doesn't look rude.


I can't stop thinking about her and I miss her so much but text messages don't fill the void. I miss being with her and if I can't have that, I refuse to settle for crumbs.

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Tomorrow will be 2 weeks! Hurting...reading books has helped. Bet he is doing just fine! > Within the next two weeks he will be moving into the house we chose together without me. I believe he knew before he actually broke up with me that that is what he was going to do. OUCH!!

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Day three of no contact. And this time, it has really been NO contact. Nothing.

Trying to stay busy.

I talked to a friend today... When I truly think about if he begged me to come back to him, what would I do? I don't know the honest answer to that question. I know what I couldn't do... I couldn't sleep in that bed... I couldn't live in that apartment, and certainly not in the same city as the "other woman". If he ever decided he wanted to work out our marriage, he'd have to be willing to make some ridiculously hard changes...

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Day 13..thought about contacting him, missing him quite a lot tonight. It's probably because I read his old text messages on my phone last night. I know that I should get rid of them, but I just can't yet! Too importand or something? I dunno. But I just reminded myself that I've broken NC a few times, and nothing good has come of it yet, and probably won't ever. The only time that I should break it, is if he breaks it first, and even then I need to be wary. My mum went into his local, he wasn;t there and neither were his "friends", made me wonder where he is and who with, etc. But I need to try and stop, because it'll just prolong the pain, I know this! Still tomorrow is a new day, and fingers crossed he'll be off my mind more!

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day 23...heh insane


Had a big set back today cause her mom started talking to me online. Her lil girl still asks about me and ex is w/ another still it seems. BAH! Know it was bad to talk to her mom but couldn't resist asking about how things are even though I pretty much expected it all this time.


I know NC is first and foremost for MY well being...but most of the time I think screw that I just want her to miss me and want us back.



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My secound round of NC! Made it through my first one which honestly did help. Now I am on my second round with a different mission, to let go. Although I do love him very much, I have actually come to understand that one can love someone, but not be with them. I never actually believed anyone who told me this and thought it was a crock.


But I have come to see that I am so much better off without him. The negative feelings I felt when I was with him are no longer around when we do not talk. In the long run, I would not have been happy. He called on my Day 1 and my Day 3, but I did not call him back. He claimed he wanted to know how I was feeling, but honestly he was more hurt by the fact I did not call him back.


I was actually talking to and still talk to his good friend and I think it hurt my ex's ego that our mutual friend was hearing from me before him. It does not matter though. Whether he calls again or not is not the issue, I am finally doing something for me for once. All during my relationship, I did everything with his feelings and needs in my head. So to actually do something for me and gain a benefit is an accomplishment.


Day 7 and onward. No need to look back.

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Days 16-19:


I try to make plans with friends and they just cancel and hang out with him. I see pictures of his new gf and she looks beautiful in all of them and I feel like a troll. And I can tell myself it's just because she was wearing TONS of make-up and posing for a really good photographer, but that doesn't change the fact that she's in a bunch of pictures looking beautiful and I'm just some loser whose friends ditch her for a tree rally.


I can't talk to my friends about it because I've talked them to death and I feel like such a fool. It doesn't even feel worth it. I just want to move away or something and never have to deal with any of this stupidity relating to him again.

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Day 13..thought about contacting him, missing him quite a lot tonight. It's probably because I read his old text messages on my phone last night. I know that I should get rid of them, but I just can't yet! Too importand or something? I dunno. But I just reminded myself that I've broken NC a few times, and nothing good has come of it yet, and probably won't ever. The only time that I should break it, is if he breaks it first, and even then I need to be wary. My mum went into his local, he wasn;t there and neither were his "friends", made me wonder where he is and who with, etc. But I need to try and stop, because it'll just prolong the pain, I know this! Still tomorrow is a new day, and fingers crossed he'll be off my mind more!


I've kept some of my ex's texts on my phone as well. Just can't delete them all just yet. They've all been from since we broke up and she's started doing whatever with a guy too, their all reaching out type texts. Have all our old yahoo chat archives still intact too. If you really just want to move on I would say deleting them is the best to do. If you can keep them around and NOT contact him though then I think your alright lol.

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I've kept some of my ex's texts on my phone as well. Just can't delete them all just yet.



I deleted all our texts and emails about a week ago. I used to save them and see if there was some hidden meaning...the hidden meaning in them all was I still want you in my life. Too bad, not going to happen under her terms.


Saying I would NOT be just her friend and that I was moving on was the best thing I did..for me. I still spend a lot of time thinking about her, but more and more I think..why the hell am I still thinking about her? Time will take care of that.


Day 10, round 2 of NC.

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Day 70


At this point, I realize I don't really want him back (though I can still feel the hurt and the pain)


This is because I realize that we'll just go through the same kind of problems because he never wanted to work things out, and keeps avoiding them. What are the odds that it will change. I don't need anymore heartache in the future.

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Day 14


Two weeks ago today she told me she found someone else. Her dream guy. Friday was hard because EA was down. I have had the strong urge to check her myspace page the past couple of days but I come here and post instead. Friday I slipped a bit and checked one of her friends myspace page and looked at her picture. I was saying "oh * * * * oh * * * * " the whole time I was doing it thinking I was going to see a picture of him and her together. Fortunately, she has not changed her picture yet so I was spared. NOT going to do that again.

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I'm in Day 9 still (10 starts at 11:30pm)


I haven't called him/talked to him. It's spring break so it should be easier not to think about him right? WRONG! It seems like that is what I do all the time, even when I am with my friends! I found out he is going to take the biggest "easy girl" to prom. The same girl his best friend lost his virginity to. Lovely eh? I feel like he has drained every ounce of everything from me. It is to the point that I don't want to go to UF simply because I know I'll have to hear about him there. We have mutual friends and the last thing I want is to hear how he is dating somebody or something.


I want him back so much guys. I would give anything to have my old boyfriend back but it feels like he is dead. Like my ex isn't even that guy anymore. I miss him so much.

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