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believing in god

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So religions never really been an easy thing for me. I went to church as a kid from ages 3 to 10, I liked it and the overwhelming undescribable feeling. I also went to church camp, but I thought that was sort of jesus-freakish at age 11. Anyway, I'm now 16 and can judge what is right for myself. I've been agnostic for a year now and have been believing science explains all. Well, I'm considering the Christian side of things a bit. The only thing is, I don't feel God at all. Like, for example my grandma is a strong person of faith and has felt God ever since she started going to church as a little girl. And all these Christians describe stuff like "God talks to me" and farfetched stuff like that. I never had any of that happen. I also had really bad luck when I believed, ages 11-14 were really tough I went through a lot of **** I'd rather not discuss it because I have a some essays I need to finish haha, so when I was 15 I dumped my beliefs, last year actually was a good year and I discovered a lot about myself, to be honest believing in myself rather than some being that might not even exist to guide me worked a lot better. So, for you enotaloners that follow Christ, maybe you could discuss how you discovered Christ and what worked for you. Thanks.

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Sorry I don't have any answers for you MetallicAguy, I'd just like to hear these answers too. I'm a little older than you, but from the time I was like 7 until I was 18("adult")...I was forced to go to church. Never really liked it, just did it to please my parents...even though before I was 18 I knew I really didn't want to be there...I had the common sense enough to decide whether or not I wanted to follow Christian ways. Anyways...I was forced to go up until the day I turned 18, and all that time...I never really believed, sure there would be times I would try and figure out what everyone seemed to see. But then I would just see some drama within the church that totally counter-attacked what was quote*unquote 'christian-like.' Most people were just "sunday christians"(people that only go to church on sunday and then they go back to real life the next day). I had friends in church, but none of them ever seemed all that into it...even when I went to a church camp like you Met...no one was "christian," it was as bad as being in Highschool(sex, cussing, drugs, picking teasing on other kids)...and I was only in junior high at that time. I dont know, I just guess I never really saw it or felt anything...


Then I go to college...big change, now personally...it took a few classes, humanities and english classes, and a couple of movies I'd seen before I truly began to question being completely agnostic. I had believed there was a God...but, now...I'm not so sure. There's all these different religions and "gods," and people don't understand that everyone thinks they're following the "right" God(s). So how can you go up to them and say they're wrong....just because that was what you were taught in your life? More people are killed because of religion than any other thing in this world...so how can you say yours is "right" and just act like nothing's wrong. One of the pastor's sons...who I remember being very into God and acted very much like a strong believer...he was only a year or so younger than me, I ran into him a little bit ago. Since he entered a christian college, he's now changed colleges, become a democrat, drinks and parties more than I do, and no longer follows his parents christian beliefs. I dont know, maybe it's just college that puts this idea of free thinking into one's mind so they come to a realization that there's more about life than "God." This is just my story...I'm not going to try and argue a point, I want to see what others say about what's "worked" for them.

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It's really kind of hard to put into words how I describe my relationship with God. I think everyone has their own personal walk with him that is different then the next persons.


I feel he exists....I've had too many things happen to give me this reason. I played around with other 'religions' so to speak and never felt the deep connection that I do with God. One thing I'm sure your aware of is that he never promised the life of a christian to be easy...quite the opposite in fact.


When you choose this path you are sure to be put under trials and tribulations. If not for stumbling blocks, one does not grow to be a better person. You learn from example and error. He accepts me for who I am and he constantly helps me to improve the quality of person that I am.


My philosophy is....I would much rather serve him and maybe find out later that he does not exist then to think he doesn't exist and find out too late that he does. I don't believe he expects anyone to be perfect either...he made us human....and humans make mistakes. He also says that he loves us all and wishes no man to perish.....he is very forgiving.

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Continue dooing what is good for you. So if at this moment you feel better as agnostic let it be. Probably you're in a stage right now when it works the best for you. Don't force yourself to resist the changes. It's a good thing, when you're seeing things from different perspectives. After you see the options available you'll know which one works for you. So continue exploring.


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I think I might consider believing, just not right now because I have enough problems with school, girls, work, and life in general. I'd rather not have all that crap fall upon me at once. It's just too much right now.


It doesn't work that way. You can't put your beliefs on hold because you are too busy doing other stuff. You can't be peaceful or satisfied that way. If the idea of God that you were raised with doesn't appeal to you, then you can always search for other interpretations. But if you simply ignore your spirituality you wil become weaker. Having faith makes you stronger (whether it's faith in Christianity, science, Buddhism, etc. as long as you truly feel it)

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One thing I would like to add is...dont listen to the ppl who will tell you that the walk you have with your personal savior has to be a perfect one. Some think that christians are without sin or without fault...this is not true.


And...there are chruches out there that will make you feel like the entire congregation are hypocrites. Say one thing and practice another. I've seen ppl attend their chuch faithfully every time the doors are open....claim to be better then oh Betty Johnson over there and then as soon as they're out of chruch they are gabbing about the whole town. Everyone sins...everyone falls short. I fall off my path daily....lol, but I never claim to be more righteous then the next person.


And...some of the most judgmental ppl out there are your fellow christians. My ex used to tell me constantly that I would burn in hell for this for for that. We aren't in the position to tell anyone else that they will burn in hell. We aren't the judge of that. So, if you encounter that righteous believer that wants to pick you apart....tell him God isn't finished with you yet and to mind his own business and let God be your judge.

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I have "signs" on the order of basically getting things thrown at my head, so I not only believe, I believe the whole thing is true -- healing, speaking in tongues, prophecy, raising people from the dead (haven't seen that one -- yet). What I don't believe is that people are always correctly interpreting the Bible, so I try to do that for myself.


Jesus said God is a spirit, and we have to worship him in spirit and in truth. I interpret that to mean that it's not a primarily physical obedience that we're supposed to do (i.e. wearing certain clothes, going to church, not smoking or drinking), but that we're supposed to be spiritually attentive or tuned into what we think God is and what we understand that He wants. To worship in truth is, I think, to try to be honest with ourselves, with other people and with God about who we are and where we are in our lives. Christianity is a religion of spiritual devotion, and outer matters, like what we wear, eat, or who we associate with is not an indication of how profound our faith is.


Jesus also said not to judge, and that we need only concern ourselves with our own relationship with God. Everyone is different. If someone thinks something is a sin, then spiritually, if they decide to do that thing, in their hearts they are defying God -- whereas I could do it and be perfectly fine, because I never thought of it as a sin. Drinking is a good example; some people believe it's sinful, some don't. Jesus actually drank, so I don't know where that comes from, but as I said, it's not for me to judge their actions.


I think that we have to start with honesty, with our real feelings, when we come to God. In Revelations, Jesus said, I wish you were either hot or cold, but since you are lukewarm, I will spit you out. I interpret that to mean that it's better to be someone who honestly does not believe, for whatever reason, than someone who pretends to believe just to fit in with others. If we are lying to ourselves about our feelings, we are not just cut off from ourselves, we are cut off from God, and it's only when in an excess of emotion, like fear, despair, guilt or joy, that our true heart speaks out, that God can reply.

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I was baptised a Catholic and my family on both sides is compleetly Catholic. Now my father does not hold to religion but my mother does. I gave up totally on god and religion for a long time and decided that science and reason held all the anwsers. Well as I learned more I began to notice things about different religions. The God of the christians is the same God as Allah, Buddah and the Jewish God. Not only this, nearly all religions worship some sort of supreme God.


This made my mind up for me, I don't hold to any religion but I do believe in a God. However, I don't believe that he is the creator of the universe but I would hold him as more of a concept of good. I like to believe that there is a force at work in the universe that makes good things happen. That is what I believe.

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Some brill advice. I have been struggling with the whole Christianity thing, I came to believe in it a few years ago as I trully felt that God spoke to me and I felt so good and strong for it. However, the path for Christians is definitely not an easy one and with my boyfriend and friends not believing my life has felt very conflicted since. Last year was quite tough for me and I tried to reach out to God many many times but really felt that it didnt help me in any way. In fact, it made me feel worse as Id wonder why he would ignore me yet 'speak' to the other guys at church. For the last few months I have given up and to be honest feel better for it. However, I cant ignore the fact that deep down i do believe there is a God and that he did speak to me once, it is just frustrating that since i have felt nothing and have had none of the guidance that i crave. I guess that it is just part of my spiritual journey and you are moving along yours too. The fact that you acknowledge your sprituality and even think about it is a positive thing, just keep exploring it and good luck!

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The Christian walk will not be easy. The Bible says that a righteous man falls 7 times and gets back up again. There will be days when you will miss the mark, but that just gives you more power to start over again to make things right. If you have given your life to Jesus Christ you were bought at a price. That price was Jesus' death on the cross. He paid for your sins so you would not have to suffer.


Faith can be tricky. My advice to you would be to pray and ask God to come into your heart. Science is not the entire answer. I believe that science is only a tool used to prove God's existence. Science argues toward a form of intelligent design rather than just a copulation of random occurrences. Our bodies alone contain so many intricate forms of mini machines, that even today man could not duplicate some of the functions that the human body performs. The Bible says that Jesus is the great physician and God is the creator of all things.


I have gone through rough times as a kid too (mother’s death etc.) but it has only made my faith stronger! Prayer and reading the word of God is just like working out! Your grandmother has such a close relationship with God because she has put many years and practice in her faith. I am an example of a person that has spoken with the almighty God. Look at it like this. If you were a body builder, the only way you could lift 500 pounds is if you dedicated your life to building your muscles. Having an intimate relationship with God is the same way; we must build our muscles of faith! In order for you to understand God the way others do, you must build your faith by prayer and reading the Word of God. Great knowledge of God comes from the practice of great faith.


You can not put off your salvation tomorrow. You are never promised tomorrow. The Bible says "Today is the day of salvation!" In my hometown, about a month and a half ago four girls were killed in a school bus accident. Their bus fell 30 feet off the interstate. I use to work at the high school the girls attended, so I knew those girls! It was a shock to know that such young lives were lost they were all young teens about your age. I remember talking with one of the girls that died in the crash about six months before the accident. I admired her strength. She had been through a lot at such a young age. She had been shot in the face by her ex-boyfriend and lived to tell her testimony. Despite all of her hardships she still had a humble spirit and a warm personality. What I will remember most about the girls is, that all four of the girls had given their lives to Christ. They are all in the kingdom of God.


At your age you can not say what will happen to you tomorrow, thereforeeee you should seek the Lord today. Do not let the troubles of this world keep you from eternal life. No one or no thing should make you lose your soul. Jesus said "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world but forfeit his soul?" You are forfeiting your soul if you let petty things get in the way of coming to know God.


I came to know God through prayer. God pursued me as if I were his only love. I tried to run away from him but I could not, his love was too overwhelming. I felt content with him. As I began to learn more about God, the more excited I became about him. The prophetic dreams and visions began to manifest themselves into my life. This was a true indicator of building my faith. What I enjoyed most were the prophecies about the coming of Jesus Christ. They captivated me and keep my passion for God burning. I just could not believe how true the Bible is and how God can show us the beginning from the end. It was nice to see the outline and vision of Jesus Christ’s life written all through the Old Testament even when others rejected him, he was so forgiving. Well I will stop here. I can talk about God all day long! I hope that you will come to find the Lord. Remember you are not promised tomorrow and when you step out of time into eternity it is too late. So, make the right decisions today.


God Bless

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As a philosophical Taoist I find books like the Bible, Quran and Tora odd, they seem so what dated,

some how artifacts of bygone age where our forbear looked to fill there ignarance of why the world was as it was with

things supernaitral now there powers of explanation see to have been striped of meaning.

Man kind moved on and Darwin with many other scientist made new "truths" that where are used to explain and contral

and the old words seem redundant.


One feel can not read genisis now and think it was how the world was made,

at best you must amend your thinking and see the words throw the new knowledge that science has given us.


Dos this mean science is the new "truth" no not at all it its self open to evaltion and so must change and

science knows this trys to empraces it in its own way.


Once we had sun gods, Odin, Apollo and 1000s of other gods and belifes all have come

and gone in the human races 200,000 + year of history.


The truth is gods do die as there believers move on to now faiths.


So I would say yes keep the gods of your life by all means and let others have there gods to

but relise your grate grand children my have gods you know nothing about and as the past has shown probably will.


good luck

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I have gone through a time where I didnt believe in God as well, and I was baptised Catholic. I eventually came back. The thing I see wrong with society is that parents/family/friends sometimes will FORCE a child into a religion they follow, mine never did, but they also didnt like when i strayed away from believeing in god. (i went from catholic, aethiest, to pagan, and finally christian again).nothing angers me more than the crazy stereotypical Crazy Church people. To me, thats completely over the top & rediculous.


But I strongly believe that Finding God is a journey you must make on your own. It's a good idea that they put you through school, i did it as well. it gives you an idea of whats out there. But God is something you find on a personal level. It doesnt matter what others think, you dont need to flaunt it, and you dont need to hide it. But if you feel like soul searching, join a youth group. Perhaps if some of your friends go, go with them. To me, Christianity is something to celebrate. You shouldn't be pressurized to do it, but remember, it should be something that sticks with you. And if your not sure on which christian religion to choose, the best advice i heard on that is there is no perfectly correct religion, just see them as stepping stones towards the right idea.


I hope you find what it is you are looking for!

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So I would say yes keep the gods of your life by all means and let others have there gods to

but relise your grate grand children my have gods you know nothing about and as the past has shown probably will.


good luck


Most of the religions out today have been around for thousands of years. SO, I doubt that their will be new gods to worship.


I do not think that the Bible is outdated. I think all of its lessons apply in any time frame or setting. The same problems that they faced a long time ago are the same problems that we deal with today. Such as greed, love, war, adultary, lust, pride, hard-heartedness, unbelief, idoltary, and much more.


The parables and lessons that Jesus taught still apply today. Such as the parable of the four soils.

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lonestar_80 humm


wow this sounded harsh lets try again


yes some of it is relivent but do you really think every part of a holly book thats 2k old is true, no mow one dos so ya have to ask your self I'm i cherry picking with hind site thows parts that seem to fit.


I have for some time been talking to some Muslims about the contenstion that the Quran as all the truths of life in it including thows of science they like to point at virces and state that they show, evaluation, quotem micanics, biological eliminats and so on. I asked them if that is true then could thay point me at the verce that shows the "grand unification thirum" between the weak and strong forces of electromagnetisem. To which they said



"once science has found it we will know which part of our holly book refers to it"


Well how about that is that not just to darn convention, they need science to show them where, come on give me a brake.


As for new gods we could look at


Scientoligy (O them thetons)

Hevens gate (yep i know there all dead)

new pagans (I dont know much about this one)

The Church of Elvis


and on and on

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"As a philosophical Taoist I find books like the Bible, Quran and Tora odd, they seem so what dated,

some how artifacts of bygone age where our forbear looked to fill there ignarance of why the world was as it was with

things supernaitral now there powers of explanation see to have been striped of meaning."



And how old is the philosophy/religion of Taoism, Spug?

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I am agnostic:


Agnosticism (from the Greek a, meaning "without" and gnosis, "knowledge", translating to unknowable) is the philosophical view that the truth value of certain claims — particularly theological claims regarding metaphysics, afterlife or the existence of God, god(s), or deities — is unknown or (possibly) inherently unknowable. Some agnostics take a stronger view that the concept of a deity is incoherent, thus meaningless and irrelevant to life[citation needed]. "Agnostic" was introduced by Thomas Henry Huxley in 1869 to describe his philosophy. The term agnostic is also used to describe those who are unconvinced or noncommittal about the existence of deities as well as about other matters of religion.


You, as you have said, are agnostic also. There are many different religions in this world and each of them worship a God or Gods or Allah or whatever else. I believe that the Good Book is just that. It is an excellent compilation of stories and morals which many people live by and are completely justified in doing so. There is nothing wrong with them living their life by the Word of their God and His followers. I totally respect everyone who lives their life by the way of their God. I do believe that the Good Book is a story book, but who is to say that it is all true?


I think that a "sin" is an action of less than moral values. We all have sinned, we do it every day. And if sinning is questioning the creation of this world then I know I am not the only sinner in this world. All Christians have doubt in their God at some point. I believe that when they "hear" God speaking to them it is actually their conscience, yes we all have one of those.....Now some people don't listen to their conscience, some people can't even bring themselves to cry when they know that they should and then there are violent criminals in this world who should be punished for their crimes. You should know what is right from wrong, but whether you decide to do what is right is up to you and only you.


I think that growing up Christianity is glorified, which I am not saying it shouldn't be, but I don't think that a child can grasp what it is all about. I went to church every Sunday, because my mother made me but she wasn't at church with me. When you reach adolescent age, you begin questioning everything around you (just as you did when you were 2-4 asking WHY ALL THE TIME). You have the right to figure out who you are and form your own beliefs. Only you can decide what is right for you. No one here can condemn you because you don't believe in their God and I would never say that God doesn't exist.


I recently had someone tell me this about me:


"When you were little and you were figuring things out, you would never ever tell or show what you had learned until you were absolutely certain that you were right."


I believe that is how I have always been and most likely will always be. I want to know. So if I die and there really is an after life, surely the Great and Almighty God, who is ever so forgiving, will forgive me for being so inquisitive and look at all the great things I have done in my life.


I don't often share my opinion on religion because I don't want to be questioned, I have no answers. I hope that my opinion helps you to know there are so many people out there just like you, and while those not like you might not accept that you aren't religious, WHO ARE THEY TO JUDGE?


To all the Christian readers, notice I have not at all disrespected your religion in this post.

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