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believing in god

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I was born and raised Catholic, but I cannot say it was always easy. When I was little I believed and trusted entirely in him, but I believe that was because of the influence of my parents... As time progressed I started to distance myself from him, and what I noticed was that the further I walked away from him, the more disastrous my life became.


Yet when I came back to him, things would return to normal, and be even better than before. It took me a long time to notice this. When I first met my ex, I was trusting in God. About 2 years and some months later though, I had pretty much completely walked away from him. I don't exactly know why I had, but I did.


That's when things started to collapse. I honestly believe my breakup was God's way of waking me up again, because after I started coming back to God after my loss I felt incredibly renewed and at peace again. Things started to improve, and to this day things are still getting better.


Fact is that everything good in my life has always been when I have trusted it to God, so I continue to believe, even through the hard times, because He has always provided for me. Sometimes I find it hard to believe when bad things happen to me, but when I look back in retrospect I realize that God did it for my better good.


Note that this is coming from a guy who loves pure logic and science. Although I am sure others will feel inclined to disagree, I believe it is logical to believe He exists and He is helping us. Just look around -- What are the chances that the universe and everything around us was created by an accident? What are the chances of there being life on a planet?


It just seems to make sense to me.

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