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Help please - feeling real bad

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Yesterday evening I smoked 2 bongs of weed. Suddenly I felt very illl and felt like I was dieing (heart beat racing, dizzyness, felt like I was dreaming etc).

It seems I probably had something like an attack of Acute Anxiety Disorder, which I read can happen from smoking weed.

I woke up today though and I felt kind of spaced, like I wasn't fully 'with-it', although I could function normally etc, just felt a little weird in my head.

I told my friends and they said it's probably because I havn't eaten or drunk enough. I just tried to eat now, and drank plenty of water. i felt very sick though, and more dizzy than before.

I'm guessing I may be feeling this way because of a combination of weed+not enough sleep+not enough food and drink.

Either way its been 20 hours andi still feel very bad. What shall I do?

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Yeah I will stop now hopefully.

Before its always been good, but now, scared the hell out of me. Aparantly its quite common and is known as 'Whiteying'. It aparantly happens when you get too stoned too fast.

As I type this im feeling kind of better, like a lot more stable, but it just feels so weird after feeling dizzy to feeling not. I'm probably going to have to aclimatize back to normal :S

But yeah, generally though, you guys think the best thing to do is to ride it out? Like sleep on it?

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Ive never heard of a whitey lasting that long! Eeeeew man they're nasty!


When you have one of those best thing to do is sleep it off, i havent smoked weed for ages, but when i was younger and had a whitey, i used to go to sleep and have one finger on the floor. Sounds crazy, i know but it used to help me haha! Used to stop the room spinning!


Were you drinking alcohol too? Thats a surefire way to trigger one off.

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No I wasn't drinking any beer etc, just had a few tokes on a spliff, and then did the 2 bongs.

At the time I had intense anxiety/paranoia/shakes etc, but now I feel kind of normal, but I keep having panic attacks, like my heart will suddenly beat fast, and i'll be like "omg whats going on?".

Also when I eat food I feel sick and dizzy.

I smoked the weed on Monday evening, it is now wednesday lunchtime.

Has this ever happened to anyone else?

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