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I don't know how to touch a penis! Help


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Okay, this is embarrassing, but I'm in desperate need of help.


I'm 19, and got my first boyfriend a month ago. I didn't date before then because of some issues throughout my teenage years (mostly anorexia, which killed my sex drive and social life at the time.)


I have no problem with kissing and stuff. But I am COMPLETELY clueless what to do below the waist.


Scenario: we're making out, things are getty hot. Shirts come off. The guy starts rubbing me between my legs. Or fingering me. He has an erection.


What do I do next?


How do I touch a penis? Do I rub it? Do I jerk him off? Give a blow job? I am so, so afraid of doing something stupid and possibly hurting him. OR just looking like an idiot. I really have NO idea what I'm doing down there!!


Anyone who can help me with this, will earn a special place in my heart. Seriously. This is causing me so much anxiety right now. Thanks in advance for any advice.

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Just do an internet search for how to give a good blow job or how to give a good hand job (depending on what it is you want to start doing). I find though it just takes practice to build up your confidence. I think it is important to talk to your boyfriend though and maybe communicate to him that you are feeling insecure about your inexperience - besides he will know better than anyone what he likes and could give the best tips and maybe help you feel more comfortable and at ease.

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Pretty much what Ailec said. If he's a verbal kinda guy he'll tell you to go faster or slower, or he might guide your hand at first, or maybe he'll get you to figure it out yourself. If you just explore you'll get used to it and.. well.. practice makes perfect. And in this case the practice is fun


And oohh do I ever know what you mean by losing your sex drive because of an eating disorder

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Be gentle!!!!

Don't be in a hurry, just get to know him.

No honking or yanking, because he has feelings, you know.

Treat him like a pet mouse for a while. Talk to him and stroke him like a puppy. Watch his owner for clues, and if his eyes are shut or dreamy, you're doing fine. Your bf can guide you.

Just don't get too rough with your nails.


Lucky him!

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That's the last thing on earth a Penis will feel like. Actually no, it never feels like Jello lol


A friend suggested "Sponge"





I'm a virgin that hasn't touch a man's body or seen a naked man body with her own eyes (video only) so jello,sponge,silcone,rubber.Whatever

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Ok Ok can we stop the jello thing now!?!?


A mans penis should be treated with the same respect we expect for our vaginas!


They are not toys or playthings and are crammed with nerves. You give a bad hand job and i've been told there is nothing worse!!


i think they do take a while to get used to and each penis is different. But for gods sake (and his penis's) don't just 'pull it up and down!!"


when you 1st touch it, it will feel weird as its a new experience...but it is soooo smooth!


gentle move your hand, i would start at getting your hand used to the feel of it first and just play with it.


I was given a good tip once (women never know how soft or hard to hold on) "hold it like you are holding a glass" not to hard and not to soft.


Enjoy the experience! i love willies!!


Sparkle aka - willy lover...!!

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Two things:


-Lubricate your hand somehow. It's not too terribly comfortable if there is too much friction. Licking the palm of your hand works well...and + bonus sexy points if you do it making eye contact with him with a seductive look in your eye. Otherwise, it chafes.


-Be gentle, but don't pretend like its made of glass. The worst hand jobs in the world are from girls who are afraid they are going to break my * * * *. Be firm with the penis shaft all you want, its hard to hurt here unless its due to friction burns --- be more gentle with the testicles. That's where you can really cause some pain. Make all your movements in this area slow and deliberate and look at him to gauge his reaction.

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