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Thats okay Brit, not an issue.


***us?****whats happening to us?

am I included in that? h*ll I never know.


I'm calling this a day...DYT has me thinking about Linda Blair, thanks allot for that...

Take Care.


John if you are out there, please check in, the thread has gone insane, and we miss you.

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Breaking up is hard… Divorce is harder. I also have those same feelings, although I was the one that did the leaving. Eventually, the pain subsides for some time, then you fall right back into that pit. The deal is that there’s going to be good moments and bad. Eventually, the good begin to last longer than the bad. That takes some time tho, lots of time. Hang in there…


Get yourself busy doing something where you are around other people. Take a class, go to church, join a support group, a book club, volunteer, ANYTHING! I found that as long as I was around other people I wouldn’t cry… I would be a little in tuned to what’s going on around me and even laugh on occasion, but the entire time all I’d want to do was run home so I can cry my eyes out. And I did, many, many times! Try to stay away from “couples” scenes for a little while. For me, it was too strong a reminder that I didn’t have what I thought I was going to have—and it hurt.


Volunteering is an excellent opportunity to offer those less fortunate than you help. I once heard a minister say that when you feel needy and hopeless, find someone else you can help. In essense you are sowing a seed of love that will come back to you in many forms, but the grandest will be that satisfaction that you helped someone else. It’s an amazing feeling when you visibly SEE the impact you can make. It may sound weird, but you can easily turn your terrible experience into support for other people. Why? Because you now know EXACTLY what they are going thru and can relate. There is no better teacher than experience.


By doing something for others, you are actually helping yourself heal. You will see that you are more than you ever thought. And you will also gain the support you desperately seek. You will hear people say wonderful things to you. You will begin to rebuild your confidence and emotional status.


Be wary of those anti-depressants… My friend took Paxil and it is a hard core narcotic with serious and addictive side effects. She became a bit of an alcoholic and was forever seeking the next thrill. She says that she felt numb most the time and did some crazy things just to feel something. She was an emotional wreck and IMO, the drug did more harm than good. As she weaned herself off the drug, she was unable to eat and heaved at every meal.


Consider those that increase the serotonin instead. They seem less invasive…


Hang in there, you will get thru it. We all will…

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