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Desert: Actually I was kinda seeing a ex-friend of my ex's, he got mad at me on Friday night, saying I never called him, I'm stuck on my ex and I'm too sad .... but this guy is pathetic.... he doesn't work, doesn't do much of anything.... I kicked his butt out on Friday night, I just can't get into much of the guys that are interested in me.... they are mostly idiots...... just my luck.....




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having a hard time tonight, so I thought I would log on and vent but know dont even feel like typing.. Anyway, its almost midnight here in NY. I should really try and get some sleep.


The nights are so hard. ahh. Ill talk to you all in the AM im sure.


Hope all is well with you. Im thinking about all of you.



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Morning my peeps...lol

By the looks of things (steps over empty bottles of lucky lagers~looks at cat who is asleep upside down on the sofa snoring loudly...guessing that mean DYT is in the garage) I missed yet another bash.

I had a fun night (considering I am just way to stupid to take the advice not only of my good friends on this, but my flippin OWN...lol)

I spent the evening exchanging a few texts with the ex. bahhhhhhh


Morning Z~you at work fixin yourself a little hair of the dog? lol


John, how are you this morning?

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Good Morning,'How is everyone today?


I was sick yesterday


I had to go to CVS to get some medication,guess who I ran into?

My ex gf and her new friend (a woman).

I just said "Hi" gotta go,bye.

Although I am no longer with her an nor do I want to be it still hurt/bothered me a little to see her with someone else.

Believe me that was the last thing I wanted to happen to me last night.

I guess it will sill hurt for awhile,it takes time to heal although I am pretty much over the biggest hurddles and the healing,something like this happeneds and I feel it all over again.

Why does she have to live in the same area as me?

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Anyhow I don't know why it bothered me it cause was a verbal and physically abusive relationship... I guess I loved her..maybe in some way I always will a little.

Maybe it bothered me so much cause 1)I am alone,2)the holiday 3) I have been depress anyhow(just added more fuel to the fire) but I am working on the depression part..or just maybe it was a combination of everything),


hmmmm guess I can only say on thing more... good luck to her new gf,she will need it.

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Good Morning Kelo~

Well I am sure that was lot's of fun! Hope you are feeling better.

Sounds like you handled it well.

I'm actaully kind of glad my ex did move to the beach, 2 1/2 hours away is much better then 30 minutes, too bad she still comes back allot because she left her kid here. (hummm, can anyone guess what stage I might be experencing again some today?)

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Good Morning Lone,


Yeah I did the best I could for unexpected,unwanted surprise such as that.

She was smiling the whole time (she looked like she really enjoyed the pain she saw in my eyes) I was never good at hiding my feelings.

It looked like she got pleasure out of my pain.

I tell ya in all honesty,I went home and I had a couple of glasses of wine and I did cry.

I cried cause I still can't believe how cruel she is to me,I don't think she ever did love me cause you don't treat people you love the way she treated me.But I did love her silly as it sounds now..all she put me through all the tears I cried over her I still loved her.

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Okay friends so heres the text conversation with the ex:


I started it,(I know I know) sent her a picture of Mary Jane (just a pic, nothing else)


DJ miss you both so much

Me: Mary Jane is queen here. The runs the palce, has taken over.

DJ: I miss you___(Insert our special nickname for one another)

I do not respond


2 hours later

DJ are you?

Me by

DJ miss you

DJ am strugglin (a term she uses for any struggle, financial, emotion..hard to pin down"over what")

Me should be happy

DJ: ok ___. (insert my real name)

Me tone was not ugly it is hard to tell from a text

DJ have been so lost since June. Go ahead and say I told you so!

I am so so sorry____(nickname again)

Me you got what it was you wanted, you should not be upset.

DJ: I'm so sorry for anything and everything!


I did not respond.



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Sandy~hurts like hell, but I do not want her to know.

Z~yes, that is part of what is so difficult. It was always part of our problem.

Actions speak louder than words. Her words mean little.


She has allot of nerve yes, the cheek of it! (how cute)


I know. No texting, no texting, no texting.


MJ has little toy mouse she is loving for the last two days, she's walking

around with it like a proud hunter hanging from her mouth..(how hard is it to catch a TOY mouse?) She brings it to me in the bed, it is a present for me!

Oh goodie! (pat pat, pet pet THANK YOU)

The darn this has been chewed so much it now has bald spots!

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