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Thank you for the complement, I think From the advice I received from you guys today, it looks like I will have to sit down w/ her and once again explain my situation - I’m fearful of doing this. However realize that it is necessary.


She is a nice woman and hurting her would kill me. Not really sure what ill say yet, I guess Ill wing it.


I guess letting her know that im not just thinking with my "tiny" head will be a good start


Ill have an update tomorrow. That is unless I chicken out. /ugh.



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Ya Lone: My ex that was coming for Xmas may not now, bc I didn't feel like his company the other night and he is annoyed with me, so may be alone for xmas, which is ok.... doesn't matter to me, another day.......


I do go to the bar, maybe once a week, and once again on the weekend, I read, have a couple of friends who drop in, watch the occasional movie, nothing exciting thats for sure .... lol

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Hey lone, I've been here all along...just reading your posts. I think I caught a cold from sleeping in the garage tho...~sniff....sniff~


John, she will be very impressed to hear your not in it for the sex. Perhaps you could tell her that you would like to back up and start over, things went to fast and that the two of you rushed things a bit. You would like to take things slow.....and form a friendship, which is really what you need most right now anyway. I bet she will understand....I'm sure she has had a heartbreak or two and knows where your coming from.

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DTY since you are giving very good advise today I will forgive you for

spying and not checking in..lol

(and for Goodness sake woman, I told you a week ago to sleep in the garage, who knew you would stay in there for a week!) lol


For real John, she makes a great point. The woman will more than

likely find it very refreshing.

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Lone: My friends who drop in, all have family basically, boyfriends etc..... everyone's doing the family stuff mostly, I'm not worried about it..... whatever.... will be, on the other thread lotsa people said they will be checking into this site to chat because they are in the same position as I'll likely be...


And Hi DYT!!!!

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Oh boy...maybe you were right the other day Desert, we are all going to end up in AA before this is over! Maybe they need to move this thread to the

"healing from premeditated self medication while getting over break up or divorce!" forum. lol (errr not funny maybe...oh what the heck LOL)

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