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John, no wet lashes at all...and I actually think you are doing very well.

All one would need to do is read back on your posts. I just wanted to point out to you where are minds keep us sometimes, thats all. Everything you are going through, everything you are feeling, it's all so very normal. We are all

hurting and "paying the price" for not letting go, but letting go is a process,

it won't happen overnight. (oh how we wish) I know you don't want to let go~but evenually you will make the decision to act on what you already know,that you must in order to heal. Some of us do so because we cannot stand the pain any longer. So of us do so because we know we want more.

Some people find another relationship ( although I do not think that is the answer until we are healed) and some, simply let go after the passing of time.

In some cases, a very long time I think.

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Morning lovers.


John, you're having a bad day today I see - I had a few myself recently. However I'm feeling great today - emotionally and physically as strong as an ox. Lean on me and the others buddy.


You know you've come along way since your split, you just have to see this as a very natural bump in this very bumpy road you're on right now but the road ahead for you is getting smoother.


Mince pie anyone?

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Z, Camber? You guys doing okay?



Doing just great thanks lone, although my soul aches a little after the ridiculous amounts of alcohol I got through last night. Plus I got hit on by a young lady too which is always a nice boost - it's like all the self esteem my ex took away from me in dumping me I've regained through working out... and my magic leather jacket!


How you doing out there young lady?

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I am doing well thanks (although not quite as well as you Mr. Stud Muffin! lol)

But I am very glad to hear your self confidence is on the rise!! Working out is great for everything isn't it?It's good for the body and the mind (since it boosts the sertonin level) and it does to wonders for the self esteem!

(not to meantion getting out anger in apostive way!) I'm so glad things are well for you today Z!


(gotta get me a magic somethin...maybe a magic hat...!)

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Ingrediants -


1¼ lb (560 g) mincemeat


12 oz (350 g) plain flour


3 oz (75 g) lard


3 oz (75 g) butter


pinch of salt




Mix the mincemeat, plain flour, lard and butter together, add a pinch of salt.... throw in the bin and then drink the rum.

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I was in stitcheS reading this...LMAO


Christmas Cake recipe




You'll need the following:

1 cup of water

1 cup of sugar

4 large brown eggs

2 cups of dried fruit

1 teaspoon of salt

1 cup of brown sugar

Lemon juice


1 bottle of rum


Sample the rum to check for quality.


Take a large bowl.

Sample the rum again.

To be sure it's the highest quality,

pour one level of rum cup and drink.


Turn on the electric mixer, beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl.

Add one teaspoon of sugar and beat again.

Make sure the rum is still OK,sample it again.

Cry another tup.

Tune up the mixer.

Beat two leggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried


Mix on the turner.

If the fired druit gets stuck in the beaterers, pry it goose with a drewscriver.

Sample the rum to check for tonsisticity.

Next, sift two cups of salt. Or something. Who cares?

Sample the rum.

Now sift the lemon juice and strain your nuts.

Add one table. Spoon the sugar or something. Whatever you can find. Grease the oven.Turn the cake tin to 350 degrees.

Don't forget to beat off the turner.

Throw the bowl out of the window.

Sample the rum again and go to bed. ...

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All this talk of rum would have had my stomach turning a couple of hours ago but the hangover has all but gone... just in time to go out drinking again.


The trouble with working for the world's largest booze company is that you tend to get quite sloshed at Xmas... repeatedly!



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World largest Booze company.....???? (lifts an eyebrow)


Yeah they can clean it up AFTER we're all gone!!


Yeah, a company called Diageo... that nobody's ever heard of - one of those giant corporate conglomerates that owns half the world but behind a veil!


Smirnoff, Captain Morgan, Guinness, Jose Cuervo, Johnie Walker, Baileys, Moet... etc etc etc.


Having a bar in your place of work is both a blessing and a curse!

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