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Good point Momene!!!


Yes, I like a guy who can be open about things....but it depends on the context of the relationship. I don't want a "basket case"...or someone I feel

is using me as an emotional tampon....but I do like someone who is open about how he feels towards ME, and what he wants or needs. When someone clams up that's a red flag.

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yes in theory


of course, its much nicer to be sure how someone feels, to be able to understand them and to receive compassion, consideration etc from a more open sensitive man


However - i am a little wary of men who find it too easy to talk about their feelings because i have been duped by this once....if its too easy, too forthcoming, it might not be genuine. ie if he can say it to you, perhaps he can say it to everyone


i am wary now of men who are so easy to get on with in this way - because it is these qualities that mean every girl likes them, they are the types to have lots of girls around them....and end up likely to be unfaithful becasue its just too easy and girls come to them with problems and to help them disect their own men


Hmmmm, think my personal experience is colouring me too heavily here! hehe! i just mean that harder won declarations of feelings seem more genuine to me

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It's not about *Ladies liking certain types of guys*.


Obviously, anyone with an IQ over 80 is going to appreciate someone who is warm, compassionate, honest and upfront about their feelings in a relationship. Excuse my bluntness, but surely that's just common sense?


It has nothing to do with IQ, I believe that you are expressing what you like through a generalization. There are people out there who are more emotional than others and because of this they want to hear more emotional things from people that you are close to. Wanting to hear emotions from people has no link to intelligence, it has a link to your own emotional state and thats it. If this was true then genuises such as Einstein, Newton, Hawking would be the most emotional people in history instead of being known as genuises of their time.

I dont think you are asking the right question, because you are asking what they want ideally. Instead what you should be asking is what they accept from a guy. Then you know that you should be somewhere between what she accepts and what her ideal is in order for it to work with her. In my opinion you never want to give a person you are in a relationship everything thing they want, then they begin to look at you differently when you do everything that they want you to do.

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Ladies.... do you prefer guys who are open, able to discuss their feelings and are able to initiate conversations about realtionship issues etc...or not?





I prefer men who treat women as individuals and don't make assumptions about what "ladies" as a group like. As for me, I like a man who is selective in who he opens up to - oversharing is a turn off mostly. In general I want to feel that the relationship is balanced as far as sharing and opening up. I don't pay much attention to who initiates although I expect the man to initiate the conversation about being exclusive and that has always been the case in all my serious relationships.


As far as talking about his feelings - well, sure, if he wants to he should feel comfortable telling me how he feels about whatever. I do think it is a problem when couples discuss "the relationship" too much instead of just "having" a relationship and going with the flow. A huge part of my healthy relationships is having a compatible sense of humor, being able to be silly together and having lots of private jokes. Too many serious "relationship conversations" can kill that.

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I can understand about not coming off as a basket case. I definitely agree that those things are not good.

Perhaps maybe, my issue more specifically is that if something in a relationship happened that sorta was never really delt with for proper closure, is it better to let it slide, or sit down and discuss it together so that both individuals are on the same page?

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You pick your battles if you don't want each day to have a heavy conversation. Some things are so obvious they need no discussion. In time you learn which things to spend time on, and which to let go.


A predictable and mutally tedious discussion can be more irriating that the original problem.

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I can understand about not coming off as a basket case. I definitely agree that those things are not good.

Perhaps maybe, my issue more specifically is that if something in a relationship happened that sorta was never really delt with for proper closure, is it better to let it slide, or sit down and discuss it together so that both individuals are on the same page?


well... what exactly was the issue?

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