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Poll for the Guys (maybe some gals ;))


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I actually like smaller boobs. They defy gravity better after the clothes come off, while still having some bounce. But they still have to be discernable under her shirt!


I've never been a big fan of stockings, fishnet or otherwise, and I don't like high heels at all (especially those ridiculous shoes that strippers usually wear? Maybe I'm weird and everybody else finds that sexy...), but I do like to look at her feet. And play with them, rub them or tickle them or have her touch me with them. But I won't lick them.


Curly or frizzy hair looks great, especially if it's red. Freckles on her face will definitely get my attention. Bonus points if they go down her arms and legs.


Actually, I guess I'd have to say that the only part of an attractive girl that won't hold my interest at all is her butt.

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There are so many different types of breasts. Love 'em medium to large and rounded. Don't like the yam-shaped ones like they've never worn a bra. Ladies, do us guys a favor and wear a bra most of the time. Gravity has a terrible effect.


Breasts that don't hold their own against gravity are usually cause by genetics, or by fast weight-loss. In order for breasts to maintain their elasticity, they need to hang free often. If a woman wears a brea 24/7 her breasts will not have a chance to keep their elasticity. The only exception is when a woman has gained alot of weight (ie: in pregnancy) and obvious if she is running or jumping on a trampoline.

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I've noticed that guys never answer 'breasts" when faced with this question.


Is it because they just aren't that exciting? And if so, what is all the hype about? Why is there this commonly accepted notion that they are one of the most sexualised parts of the body?


Or is it just that guys are afraid to admit it and sound like neandrathols? (Ok i don't know how to spell that!)


Because its all about the breasts and people get bored about them, always flaunted on TV in papers and magazines after a while its just a breast. Ask me the same question 5 years aggo when I had not been subjected to such material or only on vary rare occasions, and I would have said breasts. But as you mature guess you also appretiate someone for what they are and there other qualities aswell.


Besides in the write way you can do sexy things with breasts, and im sure with hands and feet too as many people have quoted, but I would like to see someone move there breasts independently without moving there body!

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Breasts win in the breasts contest hands-down (or cupped, tracing...) for me. Sticking purely to the 2 options, bc my favorite is the elusive female mouth.


Men and women just don't kiss the same. It's just not the same. Female mouths are a whole other species and I love watching a woman talk.


I do like Male legs A LOT though. Muscular, thick man legs with hair. Sexy man feet in sandals with a little bit of hobbit hair going on. Grr!

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