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Depression forum?

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I was having a particularly stressful morning today, and logged on here.

Lots of people with problems, but a specific and common problem seems unaddressed.


I'm a hurting unit and trying to cope with the blues. Quite a heavy bundle has me circling the drain, and all we have here is Suicide as an area of interest. Not a palatable place for me right now.


Please disregard my personal matters, I'll cope somehow, but I often wonder if a support area for depressed people would serve to help others pull out of this darkness.


"Coping with Depression" or something like that. Any opinions?


Please notice I'm not looking for advice on my depression, but suggesting a forum idea.


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I too wondered about the suicide option - in the same way as you!! not that i am going to!


I think its a wonderful idea. A lot of people come on here for support with depression, and yes i think enotalone should have that option


I hope you come out of the blues soon xx

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I don't know what your specific issues are but sucide is the easy way out... I've lost multiple friends to suicide and it has been really hard for me to deal with and caused me alot of depression myself. Just remember when all things seem dark and * * * *ty you are never alone. There is always someone who has delt with a similar situation, and overcome it in some why shape or form. Please don't loose hope.

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I'm not suicidal.

There are people here who've helped each other cope with depression through posts or PMs.

AntiLove's posts alone have lifted me from despair on a few occasions, and I've been able to pay it forward through PMs in at least one case.


I merely mentioned Suicide because it's the name of a forum here, yet there is no Depression forum.


Depression is a common theme here, and the usual advice is to see a doctor. I've gone that route with good outcome, yet after 10 years of Prozac, I've grown weary of side effects.

It's hard, but I'm trying.


It sure would be good to swap coping methods with others trying to deal with this as a lifelong condition.


I've been coping for at least 40 years. I've read the book, got the T shirt and feel like a lifelong member of the blues club.

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I think at one point there actually used to be a "Depression" area/forum (my memory could be wrong though) I think now depression posts fall under the "Emotions and Feelings" section or "Grief....". It's a worthwhile suggestion to give it it's own forum though.



I think having a Suicide forum is important because when people are having suicidal ideation and are thinking about hurting themselves, we can find and respond to those posts in an urgent manner....


Maybe the mods/admins will have more info for you about this.


Dako, I hope you feel better soon. We're here to talk if you need to, no matter where you post it,



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I have brought the idea of a depression forum to the attention of moderators (as well as a teenage section) before when they asked for new ideas, but I got no reply and obviously it was not taken onboard for what ever reason.Who knows why, maybe the feel that "Health Mind and Spirit" covers this.


My main reason for suggesting this was because I often reply to people in the Suicide thread, whom I am concerned about, only later to find out from more posts by them, that they are just feeling down and need a bit of support, or just a good whinge..I am often frustrated by this as it takes guts and emotional energy to step in and try talk someone out of killing themselves, when in fact there is no need or serious threat, when I could be helping peole who really are in serious danger of drowning..

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I have brought the idea of a depression forum to the attention of moderators (as well as a teenage section) before when they asked for new ideas, but I got no reply and obviously it was not taken onboard for what ever reason.Who knows why,


I think some it may have to do with technical details of website design, and because you can only fit so much on the main forum page.


I don't know much about web design, but my guess would be that if a Depression forum was added as a separate place, something else would have to go for space reasons. ???


There have been some new forum additions to enotalone such as "off-topic" and "journals" which people seem to enjoy. Perhaps a Depression forum is more pressing though. Again, this technical stuff goes right over my head, but I'm sure there are reasons for why enotalone is set up the way it is. I'm sure the mods and admins will chime in to help explain.



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Hey Mr. Friend,


I'm sorry that you are sad, but what can I say, that only makes sense seeing how life can be so depressing at times, (the evil voice inside my head wants to interject an emphatic always).


When I myself find a good reaon to live, I'll come back and report. (afterall I wouldn't peddle a product I haven't tried myself)


If it's any consolation, there's always the simple pleasure of sipping hot coffee while perusing the L.A. Times editorial page.

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I would be all over a Coping with Depression forum I think . Prolly more so than OT. Because I often have difficult mornings or just want a place to be pulled out of the despair I find myself wallowing in.


Great idea Daks. Way to turn a depressing day into a positive for others.


Oh - and you've paid it forward multiple times!

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Yes! That would be wonderful.


There are other sites and folks who I turn to in some of my darkest, rawest moments. 'Been through the mill and back again' commisseration.


There are people here at enotalone who are close to my heart and I feel a kinship with, even though I rarely say a thing about it, however given the framework of the site I feel there is a boundary in sharing some things and offering a certain level of support. Specifically about coping with mental illness - depression being the Biggie. I rarely PM, I find it difficult to trust people who don't know the actual meat of what i deal with daily. It's part of my deal.


Anyways, this site is great and I think a Depression section would be a wonderful addition. So I'm throwing in my vote for this idea to be considered.


By the way Dak - my shoulder is here for you anytime you feel like leaning. You're much loved around here.

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This is the first big cloud since ending my meds a while ago. I've been holding up well, but right now, the divorce details, home buying and caring for my mother have ganged up on me. Life is too complicated.


You folks are wonderful.

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I've thought about that, too- it would be good to have a "depression" forum or something like that.


I'm not really satisfied with these categories on ENA. It seems that most of them are focused on relationships and dating. To ENA: Not everyone's problems revolve around relationships!

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if they renamed the Suicide Forum "Suicide and Depression" i would start a "group hug for Dako" thread in it and watch the crowds come running.


you got the digits, bro. a 24/7 ear for literally whenever the mood strikes. i'm not depressed these days, but you know i've been there.


a ship with your name on it is docking soon, and it's gonna be a good thing.

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