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  1. Congrats on you new kid my heart goes out to your wife and your situation You will be in my prayers
  2. Hey man I have had plenty of experience with relationships and with making women happy. Here are some tips. your halloween Idea is great You are never to old to dress up expecially as a couple consider Dr. and Nurse, or Banchee and Ghost, or Matching Pirates (thats what me and My girlie are doing this year) I was actually thinking the same thing recently that I wanted to do something special so I got us tickets to go to a party on a boat that will go on a halloween cruise. Depending on where you are this may or may not be an option. I suggest that you research what is going on in your area, check myspace... HA HA. no seriously find out what interests her, Does she like nature, music, romantic dinners. Take her somewhere senic, get concert tickets or tickets to some sort of underage rave or other halloween event, go to a pricey romatic dinner at a place that won't card you when you order a bottle of wine. Don't be afraid to spend money this is part of being in a relationship eventually she will spend money on you too. and your efforts will be reciprocated. I wish you the best. Have fun
  3. I don't know what your specific issues are but sucide is the easy way out... I've lost multiple friends to suicide and it has been really hard for me to deal with and caused me alot of depression myself. Just remember when all things seem dark and * * * *ty you are never alone. There is always someone who has delt with a similar situation, and overcome it in some why shape or form. Please don't loose hope.
  4. Ok people so this is my first official post on this forum and I would greatly appreciate any advice or support that any of you could provide me. I've been in a serious comitted relationship for over two 1/2 years now and within the last year My girlfriend has been experiencing seveve pain associated with sex of any kind. She has a rare physical condition known as a vaginal septum which actuall means she has a double vagina. From the outside you would never know, and on the inside it feels fine just a little bit tighter than previous partners I have had which is not a problem for me. for some time now her severe pain has been interfearing with our relationship. I have what I believe to be an abnormaly active sex drive and I desire some form of sexual contact on a daily baisis (is this weird?) My girlfriend on the other hand seems to have lost all interest in sex which I believe is because it hurts her and is not pleasurable for her in any way shape or form. Don't get me wrong I can still make her cum but at what price? pain during and for hours after. "trust me I have tried every technique and then some" needless to say this has caused me much sexual frustration. SHe feels like a freak, always feels sexually inadaquet and has trouble discussing the issue with me. I love her very much and have always been faithful to her despite my levels of frustration. I have attempted to aliviate the situation somewhat by looking at porn but My girlfriend does not have an open mind towards pornography and has a firm believe that "It sexually exploits and degrades women" This means that she searches the house, my computer, and everywhere else in search of evidence that I look at porn and when she finds it there is hell to pay and I have to deal with an angry/Icecube for a girlfriend for what can and has proved to be extended periods of time. Due to my increasing sexual frustration regarding my relationship and lack of being able to find sexual release I take my frustrations out on my girlfriend in form of a negative attitude. This causes further problems in our relationship and it seems to be a perpetual cycle. I have been in relationships with other women where these things were never an issue however I have never loved anyone like I love my current Girl. Last night after over two weeks of prolonged non sexual encounters my frustration level was reaching near critical levels. I decided that I am a man and it was time for me to instigate sex or go completely crazy. So I attemped to start things up... I rubbed her for a while in an attempt to turn her on, then I decided to take charge and tell her what positions I wanted "If I don't she would just lay there with her eyes closed". About three minutes into it she pulls me close so that I cannot see her face I wonder what is going on and i realize she is crying out of agony. She begged me to contienue, So I urged her to get on top... The pain was was so bad that she could not continue and wound up crying in a ball for over an hour. Needless to say it really messed me up in the head. I had a realization that I don't know what to do and that I cannot deal with this frustration anymore, and that I cannot deal with this alone. I love my girlfriend very much and our relationship is wonderful otherwise. Does anyone have any advice or help they could offer me I am in desperate need.
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