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How can girls do this?


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While i was searching in the internet for social educational purposes i stumbled upon this porn wesite, it was called like " frat link removed"or something like that, and what struck me with intense curiosity was how girls are able to expose them self, for example:


There were 3 girls performing felatio (or Giving head) to only one guy, at the same time. I was amazed at how these girls could of done that! The in another page there were like 5 guys having sex with one girl, and some girls just lhaving sex infront of everyone. My following questions are:


1. How can girls do that,, dont they have any self respect?


link removed it cause it is college?


link removed it the alchohol,drugs,camera money that make them do that?


4.How can you get someone to do something like that to you?


5. I know its not all girls that, but about what percentage of girl will go as far as that on sex?


Please i have no idea what to say, i more interseted in reading your opinions on that, it just sickens me, more curious how the men get the girls to do that (Not that i want to do it) its insane!

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I know what you mean. I was talking about it earlier. It's just gross.


I stumble upon nasty sites once in a blue moon. I seem to ask those questions to myself alot. I really can't answer your questions but I can sure go with you on that. I'm female and I'd NEVER do that. I couldn't pose my body out in the open like that or anything, my girlfriend sure in hell wouldn't either.

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This is an issue of control. Humans want to be in control of any environment their in; some by domination and the rest by submission. These girls have to feel in control and sex gives tham that control. As for the genisis of that control it has to do with some childhood psycological trauma: depression, promiscuity, abuse, rape, etc..... Frankly, as a business man, I bet that for an internet business too promote such a site their is a business plan behind the money spent on marketing such a product. thereforeeee, the "girls" on this site are what you can call proffesionals that are in it for the money regardless of any unresolved mental issues. This is why your disgust should be more with the economic machine that drives all adult site than with the girls in the site. One hopefull future ramification of these girls actions is that once they have enough money they will wisely invested into their self to become a better person in society.

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First of all, most of those sites are fake. They take porn stars, escorts, or girls who want to get into porn, take them to college campuses, shoot the scenes on location.


Both the guy(s) and the girl(s) on these sites are in the sex business. They do it for money, plain and simple (perhaps they have other reasons) but it's just like any other porn movie.

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For the most part I think they do it simply for the money. Consider prostitution; do you think they do it for pleasure, or to feel they're in control? They just need the money, and are willing to do anything it takes to get it.


For others, not as blatant as to have sex on video, it may just be the rush. For example, girls who flash the camera get nothing of it, but a good laugh and some fun.

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Yeah, go ahead and put the blame on the girls.


How about this, most of these girls were probably molested or raped as children by their fathers, their brothers, their uncles, or some other male perpetrator.


Sorry, that wasn't my intent (if your post was directed at me).


It's true that many porn stars have a history of abuse (typically sexual) during their upbrining. But not all of them.

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Consider prostitution; do you think they do it for pleasure, or to feel they're in control? They just need the money, and are willing to do anything it takes to get it.


For others, not as blatant as to have sex on video, it may just be the rush. For example, girls who flash the camera get nothing of it, but a good laugh and some fun.



In both scenarios above they are in control since these women use their sexuality to get a desired affect: Attenetion, money, false love, a laugh, etc.


Yet, consider the other person involved, men. These men that promote this action are in control of a getting some type of satifaction from it: self gratification, power, false love, etc.


You see in order to feel in control some people resort to degrading actions to justify their existence and avoid more important self worth issues.

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Yeah, go ahead and put the blame on the girls.


How about this, most of these girls were probably molested or raped as children by their fathers, their brothers, their uncles, or some other male perpetrator.



You are sooooooo correct in this. The blame is not on women, or men , it's on the mental health environment that these people grew up in. This is why emotionally healthy people don't spoil themselves with unhealthy pursuits.

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a good analogy to this would be why the school bully bullies the weaker student....simply because he can.





In both scenarios above they are in control since these women use their sexuality to get a desired affect: Attenetion, money, false love, a laugh, etc.


Yet, consider the other person involved, men. These men that promote this action are in control of a getting some type of satifaction from it: self gratification, power, false love, etc.


You see in order to feel in control some people resort to degrading actions to justify their existence and avoid more important self worth issues.

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You are sooooooo correct in this. The blame is not on women, or men , it's on the mental health environment that these people grew up in. This is why emotionally healthy people don't spoil themselves with unhealthy pursuits.


I agree with this.


It's really sad and frustrating when this becomes a battle of the sexes...Finding one gender to blame all this pain and insanity on.


Both men and women alike are hurt by the cycle that makes such sites possible. And both partake.


I also have a theory that many people who are *addicted* or overindulge in this stuff are feeding old hurts. It basically feeds the sick parts inside.

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So do you think the Statue of David is disrespectful?


How about the statue of The Venus DiMilo.



Depends on the cultural reference, this could've been their version of porn back before photos and video. Some day 2000 years from now Playboy may be considered art and not porn. It's in how the culture controls it members.

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Depends on the cultural reference, this could've been their version of porn back before photos and video.


Thats my problem with US society, how our attitudes toward sex are so puritanical.


The Statue of David is a beautiful work of art, yet so many people view it as vulgar. That may be thier opinion, but they then force the rest of the country to believe the same way.


Just look at waht that idiot John Ashcroft did with the Lady Justice Statue. Wasted all that money on trying to have that one breast covered up.


The human body, and sex are beautiful, wonderful things. Things that should be celebrated, not locked away and held as dirty and shameful.


While not all porn is tasteful, I can't stand people using their moral highground to trash it. Both participants are willing to perform on camera. How is that disrespectful? Even if the girls were abused, no one put a gun to their head and made them do it. My dad physically abused the hell out of me, but that's no excuse for how I conduct myself. I'm a grown man and am capable of making my own decisions.


By that same logic, you shouldn't watch MTV, or buy any music that contains suggest lyrics, or buy cd's from musicians whose videos have scantaly clad women. Or by any product that uses women to sell their product because it's all disrespectful objectification of women.

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Its meant to be fantastical/odd. Otherwise it would be boring.


My real question is, how many guys have had their * * * *s sucked by 3 women? and what guys have participated in a 5 guys on 1 girl situations? I don't find it discusting, I just find it silly... I'd be bored real fast is all i know.



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1. How can girls do that,, dont they have any self respect? CLEARLY NOT.


2.Is it cause it is college? NOPE...THEY'RE JUST ATTENTION WH*RES.


3.Is it the alchohol,drugs,camera money that make them do that? I'M SURE ALCOHOL PLAYS A PART IN IT BUT THATS NEVER A GOOD EXCUSE FOR DOING ANYTHING STUPID.




5. I know its not all girls that, but about what percentage of girl will go as far as that on sex? COULDN'T TELL YA...

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Let's not forget that there is a MARKET for this, and men are participating in porn videos as much as women do. But because the people who watch it are mostly not women, the focus of the 'movies' mostly lies on the boobs or behind of the female (except if it's man-to-man obviously). In my ideal world, women would be too proud to participate in things like this, and they wouldn't be exploited to do so. Do you know how many women are shipped from Eastern European countries, the Philippines, Africa, etc, with the promise of a real job to support their families, and end up in porn or prostitution? I think only a few would actually choose for this, and they are mostly well-paid.

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I know you're looking for other people's opinions, but I hope you'll take a moment to think about your own questions:


Regardless of what performing in porn says about a person's self-respect, why are you only bothered with how the GIRLS can do that? The guys are equally involved and are parading themselves engaging in a sexual act for the world see to an equal degree. How do the men get the girls to do that? You could equally ask how the girls get the men to do that.


The underlying assumption of your questions seems to be that a man can do this and have self-respect, but a woman can not, and a man would do this voluntarily but a woman would somehow have to be coerced/convinced.

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