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I need new clothes. I have no fashion sense.


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I want to update my wardrobe. All of the clothes that I own make me look 16-years-old.


My problem is that I don't know how to dress worth a damn. My closet consists of T-shirts, jeans, and sneakers.


Since I'm beginning a new chapter in my life I want to get rid of all my old clothes and wear new ones...


Is there anyone out there that can help me dress more trendy?

I get tired of asking my mom because she would have me dress like I was in 5th grade if she could...


GQ magazine has the most hideous clothes(inspite of being a fashion mag)...


I just need to put together some outfits. Should I get the people who work in the store to coordinate me an outfit?

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Hi FoxLocke,


Do you have any female friends whose taste you trust?


If not, I think asking advice in the store is a great way to go - and you'll probably get a date with the girl who sorts you out! What else? Mmmmm:


Spend a couple of hours people watching, in a cafe or somewhere, which has people whose look you admire. Really LOOK at what they are wearing. The colours, the styles, and their body shapes. What would suit you? What sort of lifestyle do you lead? Are you looking for smart/casual? Smart/smart? How much are you willing to spend? All that kind of stuff - do your homework and think about what you're looking for. And ask advice from people you admire.


Sorry, this is a bit woolly, isn't it? I HATE buying clothes, so I'm really no help whatsoever....lol. Let us know how you get on, it's a nice dilemma to have, I think.


Good luck!

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Don't think "trendy," just go with the basics. Don't get anything outrageous -- crazy prints, colors, whatnot (while they serve their purpose, Hawaiian print shirts are generally quite useless in putting together several quality outfits). And the problem with coordinating outfits in a store is that you may end up with several outfit-specific items. When you're buying something, make sure you can wear it with several items that you already own. Here are some basics that I think every guy should own:


- Casual-dressy jeans. Not baggy, not tight. Casual-dressy.

- Khaki pants (and black pants can't hurt either).

- Button-down shirts. Can never have too many. Can be dressed up, can be dressed down...worn unbuttoned over a t-shirt or buttoned up with a tie...Perfect!

- A nice sweater. Or two. Or three.Simple, not too chunky...Go for a neutral color: black, brown, gray.

- Nice shoes (more casual than dress shoes, but fancier than sneakers)


Of course, I'm excluding items such as t-shirts, casual jeans, athletic wear, etc., as well as occasion wear. And only buy things that you're comfortable with! If you love cargo pants, go for it...if you like the preppy style, throw in a few polo shirts...Have fun!

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Hey There~~~


What look are you going after?


My guy wears lots of polo type shirts and jeans and looks great. He also looks great with a tshirt, jeans, or shorts, a belt and tennis shoes... I also like the button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up a couple rolls. This looks comfy and hot (white tshirt underneath) with a pair of jeans or khakis.


Be careful not to go too trendy. I'm 28 and a mother. I refuse to do trendy because chances are, the style isn't going to last. For males though, this shouldn't be as much of a problem.


What I do - Find a story that sells the style I like. Look at their manequins. You can seriously buy that exact outfit or substitute different colors and get the same look. If the stores that have the outfits you like are too expensive, go look at the manequins and then go to the more affordable stores and put the outfit together there.

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I agree with Honey Pumpkin. I would suggest doing a little people-watching. Look for men your age that have your same kind of build and see what they are wearing. Clearly some will have it pulled together more than others and you'll be able to see what looks best on your body-type based on how it looks on others. It's ok to be a copy-cat.


Figure out which colors work for your eyes, hair, and skin tone.


Your wardrobe also has to be functional, and you have to feel good wearing it.


There are a lot of makeover shows that come on TV that might be an inspiration too.


As a sidenote:

you'll probably get a date with the girl who sorts you out!


I hope she will be content with a platonic fashion-advisor type of date.


Here's some stuff from the net:


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I think it depends what kind of area you live in.


I live in South Florida, but I don't dress like the others here. They wear all that fancy stuff. Basically like your GQ mag. I dress like I did back home. Jeans, T-shirt, old pair of sneakers. Some like it some don't.


I don't think it is so much how you dress as it is on how you present yourself. Where I live now, everyone is superficial...so it doesn't matter how you present yourself. Like I said above try to dress how you area does. If some of the these Florida guys went to my home, they wouldn't be appreciated the same as if they were still down here. So just be you.


But if you really want to change...find some chick to help you out. Skip the sales lady, they don't care what you will look like as long as you buy something.



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I think I need to print this thread out...


I do love Jeans, T-shirts, and Casual wear...I just want to do something with my clothes that will look more mature and becoming.


I need to find some more fashion savy female friends...I'm probably the only gay guy in history that can't put together a decent outfit. haha.

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I think I need to print this thread out...


I do love Jeans, T-shirts, and Casual wear...I just want to do something with my clothes that will look more mature and becoming.


I need to find some more fashion savy female friends...I'm probably the only gay guy in history that can't put together a decent outfit. haha.


People magazine just put out their Best/Worst dressed issue. I know that they have men in that issue. Perhaps take those ideas and mold them into your own style. Once you figure what that is you will catch the bug of shopping

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A month or so ago, I asked a female I had gone out with before to help me pick out some clothes. When I mentioned the word, "mall" a light went on in her brain which automatically made her say, "let's go."


If you have any female friends, I recommend asking them for some help.


Good luck.

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Ok Foxe, so you need som help from the fashion police..well i am not really here to help you directly, but i can suggest this. If you bring a female friend with you, listen to what they are saying. But do not buy what they suggest. I think the main idea is to learn for yourself on how to mix and match and to put together an ensemlble of a wardrobe.


A womans opinion is one of what she likes to see a guy wearing, not so much what you would look good wearing.


Also try slacks, Kahkis, a sport coat, button down shirts etc...


keep the jeans and sneakers... classics never die.


Try the Gap, BAnana Reublic , Even Kennneth Cole, if your not even buying it is good to go to these stores for looking at the latest fashions. If your in Manhattan then all you need to do is hit Fifth Avenue. If not the local mall or outlet mall may have these sort of stores. Again not to sho but to see what styles are out their.


Best of luck.


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Hmm usually I look for outfit ideas from magazines. You can also try to get ideas from free catalogs such as Kenneth Cole, J. Crew and etc. If you have some female friends you can also take them shopping with ya! My bf likes it when I go shopping with him cuz I can tell him what looks good and what doesn't.

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Ohhh, I'll go with you Fox!


For sure, if you can find a woman with good fashion sense and honesty: take her. Someone who will tell you the truth and not pressure you.


At 25, you can get away with a lot. You can be trendy without buying a bunch of trendy clothes: just a little dash here and there. You can play around a lot.


Get clothes that fit. That's the most important thing. Butt must look good in every pair of pants.

Maybe I am old fashioned, but I think a few bucks put into a tailor can make a cheap-and-efficient wardrobe go far. It gives such a look of being 'put together' when the shape is just right for you.


Have fun! Do share later.

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OH god was I ever made for this type of thread. Let me see, first off you need to go over to GQ forums to get some real style tips. Let me help you out though.


I have actually been payed to help people pick clothes out so you could say I'm a freelance stylist.


Your age 25 right, there is a very popular clothing line out that is in sold out in Los Angeles boutiques called Morphine Generation, mostly popularized by Paris Hilton, Usher etc...But it is a very cool line of clothes out. Aimed at the age range of 25-30. There hoodies are really unique, price range from $180-$193...Also try to look into some Adidas track jackets, and then there is always Y3 which is basically designer Adidas.


Check them out at link removed


As for jeans you want to be in highly fashionable jeans here is a list:


It is up to you to pick which label is your style.


-7 for all man kind(Highly popular)


-Rock& Republic(Personal favority)


-True Religeon


-Citizen for Humanity


-Zbrand (high end abercrombie)


-Paper Denim


That's good to start off..But really you need to go to GQ forums. So you can understand the Do's and Don'ts of fashion.


You'll learn about designers like Prada, Dior Homme, Gucci, and Louis Vuitton.


Check out sites like Revolve clothing and link removed


I know this will help you if you have money to burn.

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okay..here are some tips for you to be more trendy..


if you have dark skin tone, pink, white, gray suits you..and avoid black dark brown, turquoise, magenta.


if you have medium skin tone, beige, navy, black suits you..avoid dark brown, red, olive..try matching your shirt to your eye color.


for pale skin tone, light blue, brown beige...avoid red, yellow, purple..


hope this helps..

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