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Was wondering if any of you have been physically ill from your heartbreak???

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yes, lets all have laughs about something like that


grow up


obviously some of u dont understand how telling someone u love and believe in them works i guess


some people don't understand the power of that


so many people complain about missed ops but they do nothing while the other works their butt off


women who want the man they love need to believe in them


i know because what i went thru was BECAUSE SHE DIDN'T BELIEVE IN ME


the opposite happens when u believe


my ex could have called at any time and we would have been married, living togther, drug and booze free forever - a great life


with one simple call and statement


sometimes women don't understand what a man will do for someone he loves and when they pull the wait and see crap and the tests that is the opposite of what u do to a love


i am am example of that [and i will not explain further but just say this, every single thing one would need for proof and trust is always there - the one thing that's missing is the female contribution. you don't get anywhere testing someone and doubting them]


i really don't know how to make this any clearer


if u had my cell number i would tell you - you would hear the truth from my voice


yes, i actually own a cell phone


i will tell u this, my ex never called - thereforeeee i knew she didn't love me


its as easy as that


good night all


sweet dreams




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Heart ache sucks and in my opinion emotional pain like a heart ache is 10 times worse than any physical pain. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.


aboynamedmosse, totally agree with you there, 110%.

My depression was triggered, still treating it 10 months later, there were days early on where I literally thought I was going crazy and paced around, cried, didn`t eat or see people or do anything, felt like screaming, or cut myself (man, it sounds really bad reading it now...) and thought about suicide (he made me feel like I was worthless). But I think it was this bad because my feelings for him were so deep and I had other pressures too. Other breakups I`ve had have only affected me for a month of crying, and that was it.

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I know exactly how you feel.


I have lost 21 lbs in the last 2 months. I can not finish a meal so try and eat yoghurt just to keep my energy up.


I have this dull ache in my chest all the time.


I cry all the time and wake up crying in the middle of the night. I dream about him all the time so if the dreams are good I am in agony because they are not real and if they are bad I find them disturbing.


I have no concentration and I think about him ALL the time.


I feel afraid, sick and alone...


I am actually having therapy because I was afraid I was losing my mind.


So yes I think it is normal xxx

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I'm noticing I'm frequently tired and have this floating sensation in my stomach like it's empty all the time even after a full meal. It's all normal unless it drags on into next year. Stress... arGHH.


The best thing you can do is stay healthy and keep occupied with things you love to do.

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Ahhh, the "lovesick" diet. Faster acting than Southbeach and Adkins combined. I'm 15 lbs down and going strong. At this rate, I'll pass Jarad from Subway...hmmm, that actually sounds really tasty right now.


So, turn the negatives into positives. If you've been wanting to lose weight then combine the eating "less" with exercise. Good for the mind, body and soul. You're going to look like a hotty by Christmas. Please do not refrain from eating or purging. I also experienced nausea after I ate. Then I focused on why I was feeling the way I did and I realized that my body was in shock and was attempting to shut down through depression and anxiety. I needed to start something positive and fast to begin correcting the natural defense processes.


Rediscover yourself, old hobbies, volunteer, get with friends, join a book club, yoga, play hockey or whatever...mind and body diversions. My depression/anxiety is tapering off, however, I am still searching for a wellness coach, and if necessary, I might seek professional advice. There is nothing wrong with being in therapy. In fact, it takes a strong person to accept that he/she could use it...perhaps, everyone does Have you considered this as an option? It has been 3 months... and you are still experiencing symptoms. Take care of yourself right now. You can love and miss someone and still be happy even when you are not with him/her.


Eat a little manytimes a day if you have to maintain or gain weight. I've taken up eating carrots and I can spot a bad man coming a mile away and I also can see a good one as far as a hundred...lol.


Bubbly baths, warm fuzzy cats and reading ENA.

Baking chocolate chip cookies and giving them away.

These are a few of my favorite things... music solo now


I feel for you Istilluv...the only thing I can do is give you a hug and kick you in the rear to help move you in the right direction. You are on a one-way street headed towards healing. So post. Let go of dwelling and start smelling. Breathing deeply is very relaxing and can assist in falling asleep. Relaxation and stretching exercising techniques are helpful in relieving headaches and removing tiredness. Do I do all of these?...ummm, I'll go get the carrots because they are better tasting than eating my words.


You are on the Up 'n Up now. You wait and see. You are here and you are posting. You've already accepted that you want to heal and move forward. So do it!

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I've lost about 10 pounds. Felt sick to my stomach for days, tired and didn't want to eat. Now it's hit and miss but I have butterflies and headaches and I find full meals make me fell bad. Doing lots of grazing. But I'm happy about the 10 pounds so that's motivation to get to the gym and keep it off. In my rare happy moments I can joke I lost 200lbs worth of lying ex-boyfriend

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I had my ex-fiance up and leave after 10 years with no explanation. Devastating.


It's the goldfish bowl memory I love. When I had my relationship loss I couldn't maintain a track of thought for more than a few minutes - I'd be mid-sentence and my brain would kind of de-frag and I'd have no idea what I had just been saying.


And the stomach pounding, the anxiety building in your organs like there's another heart there.


Although I needed to lose weight the weight barely dropped when I stopped eating - I think my metabolism acclimatised. When I started eating breakfast again i put on weight. Not good for the self-esteem. If good health and nutrition won't make you eat, think of the vanity factor. Also, no wonder many people never sleep and are constantly emotional if they don't eat - at least chew some jellybabies, your brain needs glucose to function.


My nightmares went for well over a year, to start with every night was a whole story of why he left, what really happened. All the most paranoid and disturbing cheating dreams I've ever had. Over time it metamorphosed into him coming back to me, and me saying 'err, you just up and left with no excuse, I got happy, I don't want you'.


Now it's pretty much 5 years to the date since it ended and my life has changed in 1000 different ways, and all for the better. Hang in there guys.

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Not bragging, but I think I got you all beat. I have lost close to 40 lbs since the end of October... eat something small every couple of days and most times I can't keep that down... I needed to lose some weight, but this * * * * is rediculous! I'm smoking Black & Milds like they going out of style, and I wish the money that I have been saving at the grocery store was piling up in my checking account, but it hasn't. Thank God for alcohol to keep me sane at this troubling moment in my life but the corner liquor store is making a killing off me right now.


The bright side of all this is I should be dead within a month due to malnutrition, lung cancer, and cirrhosis of the liver... ha ha, just kidding... or am I?... I don't know, just want this pain to end!!!!

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  • 2 months later...

I lost 20lbs in the last several months. I didn't even notice until recently. I have always had bad anxiety, but the break up pushed me over the edge. I have been on Zoloft for 1 week now. It's helped a lot. I can think through my emotions and not let them take over my life. Anxiety is way down, and manageable now.

I feel for everyone. Heartbreak is the hardest thing I have ever gone through.

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Hi Ill


Yes this happens to just about everyone, depression also has physcial signs which you note, headaches...got to hate them I get them sooooo much and the lack of sleep is exhausting....the list goes on and on...

Most people feel reactive depression when they break up, and yes its damn horrible but the best news is it DOES get better with time as much as we hate to hear it.


OMG I remember thinking my first boyfriend was my soul mate...eww *puke* where was my head at.....feels good to know Ill be thinking this about my ex one day *smiles*..


Hugs to you XOX

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Wow, it's amazing (and a little sick) that reading this thread makes me feel a little better. Not in a laughing-at-your-misery way, but in an I'm-really-not-alone way.

I've been crying for weeks. Non-stop. And that makes you physically ill- nausea, headaches, dehydration. Can't eat, smoke instead. Incredibly irritated with everyone, which makes the 'talking about it' option go out the window. Bad cough that won't go away. Tried hitting the gym (endorphins and all that) but too physically weak and scared I'll faint right there in the middle of an excercise class. Piles of work on desk that I can't bring myself to care about. Cat has permanent wet fur from being sobbed into.

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Hi Ill


Yes this happens to just about everyone, depression also has physcial signs which you note, headaches...got to hate them I get them sooooo much and the lack of sleep is exhausting....


I get headaches - make sure you eat enough and drink enough water.

Simple things like low blood sugar - eat beans and rice and stuff to give you slow release. You may have a fast metabolism.

Eyes - watch that computer work and telly.


I get them too but usually a combination of hunger, dehydration and too much computer work.


Perhaps someone ought to do a thread on headaches - is there one already?

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Wow, it's amazing (and a little sick) that reading this thread makes me feel a little better. Not in a laughing-at-your-misery way, but in an I'm-really-not-alone way.

I've been crying for weeks. Non-stop. And that makes you physically ill- nausea, headaches, dehydration. Can't eat, smoke instead. Incredibly irritated with everyone, which makes the 'talking about it' option go out the window. Bad cough that won't go away. Tried hitting the gym (endorphins and all that) but too physically weak and scared I'll faint right there in the middle of an excercise class. Piles of work on desk that I can't bring myself to care about. Cat has permanent wet fur from being sobbed into.


Wow, hon, I thought I had it bad. You really need to take care of yourself a little. Try eating small amounts at regular intervals and cutting down on the smokes a little to help that cough.


I know it's hard, but I know from experience that it GETS BETTER! That feeling of loss and pain does go away with time. Getting out and getting your mind off of it (even for a little while) is immensely helpful. I'm going through it now too (though maybe a little less, being that I've come to the conclusion that it was the right move) but you can't let this destroy your health.


Believe it or not right now, you can get through this.

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I know it's hard, but I know from experience that it GETS BETTER! That feeling of loss and pain does go away with time. Getting out and getting your mind off of it (even for a little while) is immensely helpful. I'm going through it now too (though maybe a little less, being that I've come to the conclusion that it was the right move) but you can't let this destroy your health.


Believe it or not right now, you can get through this.


Wow, does it really sound that bad? I'm having trouble caring about anything at the moment, so I guess I've just gotten blase about these symptoms. Thanks for the concern, though. Except... it's going to get worse before it gets better. I live with my ex, and will do for the next week or so until the apartment I'm going to rent opens up. When I actually have to walk out the door, I think it will get worse again. And no, before people start asking, there isn't anywhere I can go and 'crash' before then, or at least not with anyone who is better for me than my ex currently is. see my posts on needy friends if you don't believe me.

Anyway... this thread isn't about me, and I haven't posted about it because I don't feel ready to explain the whole thing yet. But thanks for the encouraging words.

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i never got physically ill from the break-up blues per se... but i did sort of arrange it for myself down the road. i guess its already been covered, but i think its worth mentioning again.


i didn't experience the headaches or difficulty eating or that stuff, but i did force myself to go out even when i was exhausted to avoid sitting at home and allowing my mind to wander, and when out i'd make sure i drank enough to prevent any reasonable thought processes.. despite eating properly during the day and working out daily.


rest and taking a break every once in a while (even at the expense of a few tears) has been the greatest possible medicine for me. being the "yes" guy that any of your friends can call to go out with at any time may have its perks, but in the long run its a killer.

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