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I know what the girls want.


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Lol... I dont.


But its a great question.


What attracts a girl to a guy??


I'll tell you this. Im 5' 10" Im thin but athletic looking. I dress very casual ( I wear some brand clothing but besides that I could live in my old jeans, white shirt and flip flops. I have at the moment short brown hair with deep blue eyes. Im 21, I have a pretty good job at a bank, Im treat all women with respect, Im funny, pretty smart ( top 1 percent in my college) and I dont smell ( lol... that one was funny) Im a guy but I can sit at home and watch a good movie and cry.


Now, I see all these guys that are just horrible to women, are half retarded and just not what a girl wants, but all day long you could ask them what the want. and they would say someone to treat me good and repect me. They dont have to be great looking. And I know thats true... but either I just dont see it or Im totally not getting any looks. Now, Im shy but not so much. Im not the best looking but im alright in my eyes. I look sorta like Adam Levine from Marron 5 ( or so ive been told time and time again.)


Now, what is it that is truly attractive to a girl. Ive been single for about a year and a half. and I see all these girls that are being treated bad. The few girls Ive tried talking to didnt even give me a chance... what is up with you girls. Two of my friends and I sit around and talk about how we dont understand women. the thing is we know there are women doing the same. its just frustrating... so women; dont lie... what attracts you to a guy: all the other stuff.... and then physical.


and if I see some honest answers maybe I'll tell you what I like,... and maybe im just too picky.

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Well first off....Adam levine is HOT! So if you look anything like him....I don't know whats wrong!! Ok, well what attracts me personally is confidence and a GREAT sense of humor! someone who is real and honest. I have been with some jerks in the past instead of the nice guy, and I think it was because the nice guys were too available, too clingy/needy, tried too hard, were insecure, and the jerk guys were strong and stood up for things and took charge and had YOU come to them. I know that's not healthy but at the time it attracted me and other women too. I now look for the sweet guys.

attraction-wise it all depends on the taste of the girl, I really don't care, but if he has nice eyes and a sweet smile then THAT is attractive!

But then again......you MAY be too picky (as you stated) and that's why you are alone. I dunno.....do u have a pic by the way....

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Well, this subject is a little too extensive to answer in one thread. You could probably make a college degree out of it and save advanced techniques for grad school lol. But honestly though, this is gonna take a very complicated answer that you will not just get from one source. It's gonna take a lot of research, thinking, experimenting, and failure. So buckle up!


First of all I highly recommend anything from link removed. The vids are killer as well as the ebook. Also the stuff at link removed appears good, but not too much experience with it to be honest. For more sites go to

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Part of the problem is that you have something called approach anxiety, and that is the fear of approaching women cold. This is normal and only gets better with practice. Another problem I see is that if you're what's called a nice guy, it most likely means that you're real problem is showing your true emotions (even the bad ones like jealousy and anger). Women spot you as a fake if you're expected to react to a situation, but don't show anything.


Any of the physical characteristics mean absolutely nothing, then can only help you but can be easily overcome. Basically what this all boils down to is changing your philosophy on how to communicate with women and then learning how to do it properly.

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Hi WaitingnTexas,


Hmmmm. I know what you mean about the girls going out with loser guys - I think that is about a lot of things, maybe low self-esteem and also loser guys can be incredibly arrogant/confident, which is a turn-on. Confidence is attractive.


BUT you could well be the best of both worlds, a confident, self-assured nice guy! You'll be snapped right up by hoardes of keen and eager young women! I also agree with teddybear about actually asking out women, don't always try to be their best mate first and ease into it. But also be yourself - you sound lovely! Also, you're going to mature like a fine wine (or cheese ;-) ) - as you get older, women are going to find you more and more attractive, because we all learn that lesson in our early twenties that we actually do want to be treated well and be in an equal partnership with someone we really like and respect.


Good luck - don't get downhearted!

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I know I am not attracted to the question you asked because it presumes the all women - or even most women - have similarities in what attracts them. It also assumes that looks are a major component. To me, high intelligence, confidence and wit combined are a turn on - looks do matter but it's more "the look" - a look of confidence, reasonable openness and the way he carries himself. Physically, tattoos and long hair are a turn off - basically, a dealbreaker for me for a relationship - and I guess I prefer a little extra weight to skinny/scrawny. As I mentioned though, I would be turned off by a guy who asked a question as you did - whether about attraction or about anything "all women" do or like unless it was a joke.

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link removed and link removed...I can't control my laughter over here...


Whatever happened to talking to people and being yourself?


amen, the names of those sites reveal their credibility. So much more important to know yourself and be fine with who you are than to know some mysterious techniques of pickup artists that most of the time don't work. All right there's some good stuff out there you have to read between lines, but if you can relax, those things will come naturally and there's no need to be part of any secret society site to do it.

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confidence, honesty, sincerity and receptivity. If a guy has four of these characteristics I'm sold! In fact if a guy has even two of these characteristics I'm usually hooked. Oh wait, I'll add integrity to the list so I can say that I am looking for a man named C.H.R.I.S. Yeah I'm cheesy get over it.

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I look for a guy that seems to hide something. Someone who isn't completely open. I want to have to work to find stuff out and i need some sort of mystery. I love a sweet guy but hate corny ones. I don't really care what guys look like but i guess dark hair and blue eyes has always got me looking. But i love a guy who can have a joke make me smile and just be myself around. But also a guy serious enough to have a conversation with. And not a total jerk... But in reality i believe you can't control who you love so i duno.

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link removed and link removed...I can't control my laughter over here...


Whatever happened to talking to people and being yourself?


Well it's not always that simple. It is all about being yourself, but these sites really have insights on ways to show your bestself. If you show just how genuine your are they should be all over you.


Girls are attracted to looks yes but to a point. I've seen very attractive smart guys that get no action whatsoever. Girls like, intelligence, confidence, Humor/wit, and social leaders. Think of it like the leader of a pack. A social leader speaks his mind and can be a bit selfish at times. You don't want to be a jerk but at least let them know what you want.


Body language is also very important. The way that you present yourself is everything. Make yourself look good at all times, you'll feel good about yourself and it will show through to the people around you.


Just believe that you can get any girl that you want. If you believe you can then, well, you can.


I look for a guy that seems to hide something. Someone who isn't completely open. I want to have to work to find stuff out and i need some sort of mystery. I love a sweet guy but hate corny ones. I don't really care what guys look like but i guess dark hair and blue eyes has always got me looking. But i love a guy who can have a joke make me smile and just be myself around. But also a guy serious enough to have a conversation with. And not a total jerk... But in reality i believe you can't control who you love so i duno.


This is also very good advice. Mystery is very good. Reveal yourself a little at a time.

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Shroomz, some of us prefer guys who are a little bit more retiring and laid back. Leader of the pack types are ok for friends, but personally, it's not the type of guy that I am usually attracted to.


Who says a Alpha male is not laid back. What I mean by that is he is one who can take charge and gives off a feel of safety when others are around him. The kinda guy who lets little things roll off his back, but will step up when something is important. It is not someone high strung who wants everything their way. I should have just said a man who can be a leader.

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Who says a Alpha male is not laid back. What I mean by that is he is one who can take charge and gives off a feel of safety when others are around him. The kinda guy who lets little things roll off his back, but will step up when something is important. It is not someone high strung who wants everything their way. I should have just said a man who can be a leader.


Yeah, I guess that's true. A guy who's way too passive is probably not what most girls want either. I just tend to shy away from guys who have 50 friends around all the time, or guys who always seem to be entertaining people or putting on a show. But I guess that's the other extreme.

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I know personally that girls dont go for the "nice guy" "ladies gentleman" type. Guys like that usually get stuck in the friend zone. Speaking Personally I was told "Your way too good a friend to mess things up with a relationship" honest answer or clever excuse, the jury is still out but if I'm single and I approach a female, I'm looking for more than a friendship.

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a woman once told me she wants a man who will dominate and control her.

then she told me i'm a typical greek - doesn't see a woman as anything its all about guys. She then said she'd never had a greek boy treat her bad.


This woman was more sane than any I have ever met. She said some crazzzzyy stuff but atleast she told me what she wanted rather than leaving me to guess. This use of logic apparently forgotten by all other women in the world leads me to believe that in all probability what she said about attraction might have a tonne of merit.

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In my opinion, the day that the nice guys get the girls are over, the moment a female realizes you are a nice guy, its one of two things she's gotten take advanage of you or you are stuck as one of her best friends in the world either of which really sucks. But this is my own experience so its validity is far from constant.

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This post is for guys who have the problem of being labeled a nice guy, there are other problems out there which this doesn't address. This nice guy vs. jerk theory doesn't exactly describe the qualities girls look for in guys. It's not that girls aren't attracted to nice guys, honestly being a jerk is usually what gets those "jerks" dumped even if they are successful at getting the girl. A more accurate statement would be that girls are looking for ginuwine guys, guys that aren't afriad to show their emotions when warrented. It just so happens that nice guys surpress their emotions, and thereforeeee don't usually get girls, and jerks wear their hearts on their sleeves but their personality flaws such as overprotectivness and overly jealousy get in the way. It's necessary to show your emotions (an emotional reaction to situations) but not go to the extreme. If you're able to do that, then you can still be a nice guy, but still get girls.

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