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My Fiance got in a car wreck!!

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I don't know if this is the right forum to put this in, but I just need to get a few things off my chest. My fiance was in a horrible car accident last night He was the DD for a few of his buddies because I asked him not to be getting drunk when they went out to the bars. He decided to go but be the DD and not drink. It was getting late and they couldn't find the other bar they wanted to go to so he turned around to go back to the baricks. The friend that was in the passanger side wanted to go to the other bar and got mad and grabbed the wheel and turned it as hard as he could to the left and the car flipped! My fiance was the only one hurt. He got thrown from the car 40 feet. He broke all the ribs in his right side, punctured and collapsed a lung, broke his shoulder, his ankle and got a serious gash on his head. The doctors say he'll be fine, but it breaks my heart so much to know he's in so much pain and I can't be there to take care of him... hell just to be with him and tell him everything will be ok! I've been crying all day! I only got to talk to him for about 2 mint. His commanding officer was in the hospital room with him and he called me from his cell phone and put the phone up to my fiance's ear so he could tell me he was ok and that he loved me. He sounded so groggy and in pain I just wanted to give him a kiss to make it better! I don't know how I'm going to make it through this week knowing what he's going through. I want to be with him, by his side and it kills me that I can't.

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we're not married yet, so I'm not considered family. I'll be lucky if I get to talk to him while he's there... I don't have the money right now to spend on a flight down there, my only hope is to ask my parents to take some of the money out of our wedding fund to go see him and cut back on costs from the wedding... I'm just so sad this had to happen... so sad because he was doing the right thing. He was taking his buddies out and being the DD, not drinking. I'd asked him not to drink a whole lot at bars down there because I'm not comfortable iwth my fiance getting drunk in a bar with other girls around every weekend so he decided to be the DD. He stupid friend was drunk and made a very stupid mistake and everyone walked away from it accept my fiance I just wish I could be there for him right now and it tears me apart that I can't.

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I think I would forgo something in the wedding if it meant peace of mind right now. I am so sorry to hear about this and yes he did do the right thing. You should be very proud of him for that. Don't burden yourself with the negative thoughts of being mad at his friends. He doesnt need that stress nor do you. Let that go for right now and try to get a flight to see him.

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Hey Shorty,


I am so sorry to hear about your fiance getting hurt. I know how you feel, like a hamster running around in a cage, feeling helpless and trapped.


Is there any way you can borrow some money from your parents or taking something small from your wedding and getting a plane ticket to see him? Are close to his family, is there a way you can go with them, as I am sure his folks are planning to see him.

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What a terrible occurrence of unfortunate events. But please stop worrying, the doctors said that he's going to be alright, and you worrying won't ease his pain so its really useless for both of you. I would definitly grab a plane and goto see him. Bring some flowers and give him that kiss to soothe his pain.

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well there's no way I can get to him. All the plane tickets I found were $800 to $1000. I talked to his mom and she's flying out tomorrow morning so at least he'll have someone there. I'm going to be able to call the hospital and give him my love over the phone, and I might try to have some flowers sent to his hospital if I can find a flourist out there. I also learned that instead of all the ribbs on his right side, he broke 12 out of his 14 ribbs! He also fracured his skull. The doctors say it's an act of God that he's still alive. Once he's released from the city hospital, he'll get transfered to the base hospital, and once he's released from there he'll get to come home to me for recovery which will be fore at least 2 months. This has been one long day, but I can't wait to hear his voice tomorrow and try to be stronger for him. I was trying so hard to be strong today, but I had just found out and couldn't really controll myself even though I know thats what he needs. I need to get myself together and be his support now though. Thanks for all the best wishes and prayers, he's going to need them.

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no, he was scheduled to go to afghanistan but his orders got pulled months ago. From what his friend said, if he dosen't fully recover (which the doctors are predicting he will) he'll be given a desk job, and I'm sure he won't go for that cuz he's a hands on front line infantry kinda guy. They will probably give him the option to be honerably discharged, but he's too stubborn to do that. He'll work and work and work until he's strong enough to be on the front line again, because thats my boy. He's a trooper, thats all I can say.

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oh, and I also found out that two of his "friends" that were in the car bolted as soon as it crashed... left my fiance lying on the ground all beat up and broken to fend for himself... what kind of friends are those? When his officer told me that I seriously wanted these idiots numbers just so I could tell them just what I think of them...

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