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What do YOU find to be attractive????

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1) Tall is a must. But I'm short so that's easy.

2) Thicker legs than mine are also a must.

3) Makes me laugh AND understands my jokes.


5) Loud and goofy

6) Suprizes me once in awhile

7) Cooks and cleans

8) Is able to hold an intelligent or obscure conversation

9) Doesn't watch TV shows about cars

10) Practices personal hygiene

11) Likes sharing activities with me (games, walks, cooking, eating, biking, camping, etc...)

12) Understands me

13) Strong enough to carry me (in case I need to be rescued!)

14) Doesn't do drugs/smoke/drink to excess

15) Honest/trustworthy/andallthoseotherthingspeoplealwayssay


Haha, #8 wasn't supposed to be a smiley!

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Hate to break it to yah, honey, we're all a little bit nuts.

No, no, no, please don't get it twisted, I definitely know that everyone's a little bit off kilter, but in regards to your statement about girls asking you what you're thinking, I always do that, and the guys I'm with treat me like I'm crazy for asking, so I thought perhaps I was, but it's comforting to find out that it is a common feminine trait.

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The things that are attractive to me in a man are:




good sense of humor


Similar goals and interests


Someone that likes the outdoors. yep I love nature, the only thing I can't handle is,,,, well y'all know... its those darn spiders.


Someone that can be my "Spider Terminator"


Someone that is NOT domineering or controlling


Someone that will respect me


Not being a bum or a moocher


Mature men ( no whiny baby acts ) Exception >> (Maybe just a little if you are sick )


Tall - at least 5'10" and up.


Beards , goatee's and mustaches are sexy


A manly man, kind of the rugged type on the outside ,but with a tender heart on the inside.

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better idea, let's each get a harem of men.


Sign me up.


Though having a bunch of dudes probably wouldn't be all that fun either...


Never having a chance to watch TV because we're always hogging the TV to watch sports.

A bunch of Armchair QB's

A bunch of guys always leaving the seat up.

Oh the list goes on...

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Attracted to thinkers huh???


That is a part I try to shut off from myself. I feel like it's unattractive because a lot of girls my age(18) are so dumb that all they think about in life is what outfit is going to match their shoes and what lip gloss would look best. That's cool though, I think that is rare.


I find thinking about life and things in it can kind of be depressing, but it strengthens the mind. Kinda like working it out, gotta feel some pain to get anywhere. Gotta go through something to get to something.

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lostinmy thoughts has me laughing again. He's so cool.


I never watched sports when I owned a teevee, and watch even less now. Having never in my life watched a football game, there's little risk of making someone a football widow.


I do leave the seat up, though.

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Red Queen and Doyathink, I know guys who fulfil all of the criteria you originally listed, and waddayaknow they're alive too


Ailec, a man who doesn't like jokes, are you serious?


I've not really been one for having checklists or criteria, my list is more of a bare minumum, only the things without which a relationship wouldn't work, but there would still have to be some sort of chemistry with a girl who checked all the boxes.


1) Looks Good (but I couldn't really say what makes me find a girl attractive, it's just there or it isn't)


2) Laid back, easy to talk to and get along with

3) A sense of humour similar to my own, embraces spontaneity


4) Tolerant of my own ways and interests, e.g. not a girl who would include on her list things like 'must not be a football fan'


5) Able to have an intelligent, philosophical conversation... without this compromising 2) or 3)


6) Shares enough interests with me, mainly taste in music for conversation


7) Down to earth


Having said this I've never had a girlfriend, let alone one who fulfils all these criteria so I may not know what I am talking about... so final criteria,


8 ) Must have low standards.

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1. Unintentionally funny.

2. Good kisser

3. Spontaneous- I like someone who doesn't have to think hard about things before doing them.

4. One woman man- has to be me and me only.

5. I have to like his friends and vice versa

6. Mysterious- keeps me guessing.

7. Loves animals and nature

8. Can't live with his parents- I put up with enough of that with my ex.

9. Has to like his job

10. Needs to have nice teeth (otherwise I won't want to kiss him).

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Honestly? lol

*Open minded, thoughtful, emotionally honest

*Affectionate, loving

*Sexy and sensual

*Creative, spontaneous, finds amusement in many things

*Strong sense of family and community

*Dedication (even when the cause is ill-founded)

*Intelligent enough that I feel we are peers mentally


I also like a little spice and mischief-making in men. I like a man that can get me howling with laughter, melting to a puddle, and also furious bc his opinion is so far-fetched from mine.


#1 attraction: a heart that reaches past appearances.

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other things I find attractive...


I love guys with facial hair, and if they are clean-shaven, I love the feel of their hair stubble, caressing it with my finger tips, the way it tickles me when we kiss...


I love a guy with a great sense of humor, especially when it's quirky and/or witty in nature


I find passionate guys with intense eyes disarming, and that's a huge plus considering that I usually carry some pretty heavy artillery


I love the way a guy gets when he is intently focused on a task. I admire that kind of zeal, that ability to zone in on one thing and zone out of everything else. When his attention is focused on me it sets my heart a fluttering...


I love guys who get under my skin in a good way, who are both stimulating and nerve-wracking


I love guys who make me feel feminine, who like the smell of my hair as well as the soft touch of my skin


When I really like a guy, I love the way he smells, this may sound sick, but especially the smell of his body odor when he sweats. Also, randomly enough I love the smell of Old Spice deodorant on men.

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I love guys that are humble.


I love it when you have no idea what's underneath their clothing. Let's say, they're removing a sweater and part of their shirt lifts up and you get that glimpse of just a nice definition to them. They don't have to be muscular but I love a nice, lean body. Although, I love muscular forearms. First thing I notice in a guy for some reason. Oh and curly eyelashes. Don't ask but seeing a guy with long, curly lashes just makes me melt.


They have to able to hold an intelligent conversation with me as well as challenge me.


Romantic dinners are ok but if he surprised me and took me to a heavy metal/hard rock concert to see one of my favorite bands, I'd much prefer that.


And as The Red Queen mentioned, guys who are focused on a task, whether to me it's cleaning their car, fixing the toilet, etc...I just find it adorable.




Adventurous and being open-minded


As far as looks, I prefer dark haired guys and redheads.

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You know it's funny that you mention redheads, because I've always had a soft spot for them too.


Yeah and a guys forearms can be sooooooo sexy, especially when you can see their veins kind of bulging.


When I was a teenager I used to be attracted to surfers, and they always had nice shoulders and arms I thought...


But regardless of age, I have always been attracted to "dork" type of guys, though not entirely socially inept but far from Casanova types. I was never interested in alpha-male-popular-social-butterfly types.


This is definitely one characteristic that I have always gone gaga for, that being... argumentative guys who are willing to challenge my ideas and/or beliefs via a healthy verbal sparring. So yeah, men who value and understand the intricacies of debate are at least in my books, definitely H-O-T!!!!

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